Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

vendredi 12 juillet 2024

2024-07-12 TV - Report


Leader KIM JONG UN’s Visit to Pyongyang Synthetic Leather Factory

Leader KIM JONG UN visited the Pyongyang Synthetic Leather Factory on July 11, 2016, to provide guidance on improving the factory’s production processes and product quality. During his visit, he stressed the importance of producing high-quality synthetic leather that meets national standards and contributes to the nation’s economic progress. Leader KIM JONG UN emphasized that such achievements reflect the revolutionary spirit of the country’s leaders and improve the living standards of the people.

Factory’s Achievements and Goals

The Pyongyang Synthetic Leather Factory has seen significant advancements in its production capabilities and product quality. It has become a central facility for synthetic leather production in the country. Leader KIM JONG UN’s visit focused on setting new goals for increasing production efficiency, enhancing product quality, and achieving high standards to support the national economy. The factory aims to become a model for other industries in terms of innovation and productivity.

Workers’ Commitment and Factory Performance

The factory workers are highly committed to realizing Leader KIM JONG UN’s vision of a prosperous and efficient synthetic leather industry. They have been actively improving their skills, modernizing production equipment, and striving to meet stringent quality standards. Their dedication is seen as crucial for achieving the factory’s production targets and contributing to the overall economic development of the country.

Progress in Major Industrial Sectors

The report highlights progress across several major industrial sectors including the iron and steel industry, chemical industry, and energy production. It details how these sectors have achieved notable advancements in production efficiency and technological innovation. Emphasis is placed on how improvements in these areas are driving economic growth and supporting the country’s industrial development.

Technological Innovations and Production Goals

Technological innovation is a major focus, with efforts directed at advancing steel production processes and expanding production capacities. The report discusses the latest technological advancements aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing production costs, and meeting ambitious production goals. These innovations are critical for maintaining competitiveness and achieving high production standards.

National Economic Development Efforts

Efforts to advance the national economy are centered around enhancing industrial production and implementing innovative technologies. The report covers various initiatives aimed at maintaining and modernizing equipment, boosting productivity, and ensuring a stable energy supply. These measures are designed to foster long-term economic growth and stability.

Land Management and Disaster Prevention

The report addresses initiatives related to land management, including flood prevention measures and land reclamation projects. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to manage natural resources effectively, protect the environment, and reduce the risks of natural disasters. The focus is on implementing sustainable practices to ensure environmental conservation and disaster resilience.

Environmental Issues and Global Climate Change

The global climate is experiencing extreme conditions such as severe heatwaves, droughts, and floods. The report details how these extreme weather events are affecting human health, economies, and natural environments worldwide. It emphasizes the need for global awareness and action to address the challenges posed by climate change.

Historical Legacy of War Heroes

The report recounts the life and legacy of Pak Tae Kyu, a celebrated war hero known for his bravery and sacrifice. It highlights his contributions during the Korean War and the importance of remembering and honoring such figures for their roles in preserving the country’s freedom and sovereignty. The story serves as a reminder of the values of patriotism and sacrifice.

Global and Local Impacts of Extreme Weather

Extreme weather events, including intense heatwaves and heavy rainfall, are causing significant damage worldwide. The report explores how these weather phenomena are impacting communities, economies, and infrastructure on both a global and local scale. It underscores the urgency of addressing these issues to mitigate their effects and adapt to changing climate conditions.