Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

jeudi 30 novembre 2023

2023-11-30 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe zur Unterstützung der Erklärung von Kim Yo Jong, Vizedepartementsdirektorin des Zentralkomitees der PdAK, zur Verurteilung der offenen Sitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrats zum Aufklärungssatelliten Malligyong-1 der DVR Korea


30. November Juche 112 (2023)

Kim Yo Jong, Vizedepartementsdirektorin des Zentralkomitees der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK), gab am 29. November eine Erklärung ab, in der sie die offene Sitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrats zum Aufklärungssatelliten Malligyong-1 der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) verurteilte.

Die Sitzung sei auf Druck der USA einberufen worden.

Die UNO-Botschafterin der USA, Greenfield, habe die USA als "Opfer" dargestellt und das legitime Recht der DVRK auf die Erschliessung des Weltraums als "illegal" beschimpft.

Die Botschafterin habe dabei von einem "bedeutungsvollen Dialog" und einer "friedlichen Lösung" dahergeredet.

Die UNO-Botschafterin solle doch zuerst einmal klarstellen, dass die Häfen Südkoreas nur etwa 500-600 km von Pyongyang entfernt sind, bevor sie behauptet, dass die Waffen der USA nicht auf die DVRK gerichtet seien, betonte Kim Yo Jong.

Und das Pentagon hätte die UNO-Botschafterin über die militärischen Aktionen der USA mit atomaren Flugzeugträgern und Atom-U-Booten vor der koreanischen Halbinsel aufklären sollen.

Wie Kim Yo Jong weiter bekräftigte, sei die DVRK sowohl zum Dialog als auch zur Konfrontation bereit - aber nun eher zur Konfrontation, falls Washington die aggressive Strategie von "Frieden durch Stärke" fortsetze.

Die DVRK werde nicht über ihre Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit mit den USA verhandeln.

Die Gefährdung des Friedens und der Sicherheit komme nicht vom souveränen Recht der DVRK, sondern von den USA.

Die DVRK werde auch in Zukunft alles für die Verteidigung ihrer Sicherheit Notwendige unternehmen, stellte Kim Yo Jong abschliessend klar.

Wir unterstützen leidenschaftlich die Erklärung der Genossin Kim Yo Jong und fordern:

Schluss mit dem Angriff der USA auf die Unabhängigkeit und Verteidigungsmacht der DVR Korea!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2023-11-30 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe: Marschall KIM JONG UN sah Satellitenfotos von Südkorea, den USA, Japan, Europa und dem Suez-Kanal!


30. November Juche 112 (2023)

Der Oberste Führer KIM JONG UN, Generalsekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) und Vorsitzender für Staatsangelegenheiten der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), erhielt in den letzten Tagen viele Berichte mit Satellitenfotos vom Pyongyanger Kontrollzentrum der Staatlichen Hauptverwaltung für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik.

Die Fotos wurden vom Aufklärungssatelliten Malligyong-1 aufgenommen.

Marschall KIM JONG UN sah Satellitenfotos von Südkorea - darunter Aufnahmen von Seoul, Jinhae, Pusan, Ulsan, Phohang, Taegu und Kangrung.

In den über dem Territorium der USA aufgenommenen Fotos sah er u. a. das Weisse Haus und das Pentagon in Washington - die Machtzentralen des USA-Imperialismus - und den Hafen von Pearl Harbour bei Honolulu (Hawaii).

Von Europa sah er Fotos von Rom (Italien).

Ausserdem sah er Fotos von der Kadena Air Force Base der USA auf der Insel Okinawa (Japan) und vom Suez-Kanal in Aegypten.

Marschall KIM JONG UN war sehr erfreut über die gewissenhafte Arbeit des Kontrollzentrums.

Es lebe der hochverehrte Marschall KIM JONG UN, der genialste Heerführer der Welt!

Es lebe der Aufklärungssatellit Malligyong-1!

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2023-11-30 Enemies in View: Kim Jong Un sees Satellite Photos of South Korea and U.S.


2023-11-06 DPRK News on Palestine-Israel Conflict


mercredi 29 novembre 2023

2023-11-29 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees: Die KFA-Jahrestagung 2023 fand erfolgreich statt!


28. November Juche 112 (2023)

Die Jahrestagung 2023 der Korean Friendship Association (KFA) fand am 25. November in Barcelona (Spanien) statt.

Der Präsident der KFA, Alejandro Cao de Benos, und Dr. Dermot Hudson, Präsident der KFA UK, leiteten die Jahrestagung.

An der Tagung nahmen Delegierte aus Spanien - darunter aus den Regionen Andalusien, Katalonien, aus Madrid und Valencia - sowie aus Grossbritannien und Deutschland teil.

Reden und Grussbotschaften wurden von den nationalen KFA-Organisationen Oesterreichs, Boliviens, Brasiliens, Kambodschas, Chiles, Kubas, Italiens, Polens, Singapurs und der Schweiz eingesandt.

Das Thema der Jahrestagung lautete: 2023, ein Jahr grosser Feiertage.

Die Tagung erhielt auch Grussbotschaften des Koreanischen Komitees für die Kulturellen Beziehungen zum Ausland und der (südkoreanischen) Antiimperialistischen Nationalen Demokratischen Front (AINDF).

Der KFA-Präsident Alejandro Cao de Benos betonte in seiner Rede, dass das sich bald zu Ende neigende Jahr 2023 ein besonders wichtiges gewesen sei, in dem grosse Jubiläen Koreas gefeiert wurden - der 70. Jahrestag des Sieges des koreanischen Volkes im Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg (Korea-Krieg, 1950-1953) und der 75. Jahrestag der Gründung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK).

Er erwähnte in seiner Rede, dass in der abgeänderten und ergänzten Verfassung die Stellung der DVRK als permanenter Atomwaffenstaat festgeschrieben und verankert worden sei.

KFA-Mitglieder und -Aktivisten würden eine wichtige Rolle dabei spielen, offizielle Informationen aus der DVRK den Völkern zugänglich zu machen und so zum Verständnis der Realität im sozialistischen Korea beizutragen.

Dr. Dermot Hudson stellte in seiner Rede fest, dass ausser der DVRK kein anderer sozialistischer Staat sein 75-Jahr-Jubiläum erlebt habe. Im Gegenteil sei der Sozialismus in einigen Ländern zusammengebrochen.

Wie er dazu weiter ausführte, hätten viele imperialistische Mainstream- und Konzernmedien, bürgerliche Politiker und Historiker und sogar einige Pseudo-"Kommunisten" den "Kollaps Nordkoreas" prophezeit. Allen diesen reaktionären Untergangspropheten zum Trotz habe die DVRK den 50., 55., 60., 65., 70. und nun 75. Jahrestag ihrer Gründung feiern können.

Der Vizevorsitzende der KFA Deutschland hielt fest, dass die DVRK der am längsten existierende sozialistische Staat der Welt sei. Die DVRK sei nun schon älter als es die Sowjetunion geworden sei!

Wie er weiter sagte, geniessen die Menschen in der DVRK den höchsten Lebensstandard, denn die medizinische Versorgung, die Erziehung und das Wohnen seien kostenlos und die Lebensmittel und der öffentliche Verkehr sehr billig. Und die Steuern seien abgeschafft.

Unter der persönlichen Anleitung und Fürsorge des hochverehrten Obersten Führers Genossen KIM JONG UN seien in Pyongyang 50 000 neue Wohnungen gebaut worden.

In der von der KFA Kuba eingesandten Rede hiess es, dass ihre Webseite in diesem Jahr 380 Leser gewonnen habe. Etwa 80% davon seien Kubaner.

Die von unserem Schweizerischen Korea-Komitee (KFA Schweiz) eingesandte Rede hielt fest, dass unter der weisen und energischen Führung des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG, des Vorsitzenden KIM JONG IL und des Generalsekretärs KIM JONG UN die DVRK eine militärische, politisch-ideologische und ökonomische sozialistische Macht geworden sei.

Die KFA-Jahrestagung nahm eine Grussbotschaft an den hochverehrten Marschall KIM JONG UN an.

In der anschliessenden Diskussion wurde festgehalten, dass mit Russlands und Chinas Ablehnung der Anti-DVRK-Sanktionsresolutionen des UNO-Sicherheitsrats weitere Sanktionen nicht mehr verhängt werden könnten.

Die erfolgreich zu Ende gehende KFA-Jahrestagung 2023 stärkte die Reihen der internationalen Bewegung der Freundschaft und Solidarität mit der DVRK und dem koreanischen Volk.

Die KFA vermittelt den Völkern der Welt die Wahrheit über das sozialistische Korea und widerlegt die Lügen und Verleumdungen der Imperialisten und Reaktionäre. Und sie unterstützt den gerechten patriotischen Kampf des koreanischen Volkes für die unabhängige und friedliche Wiedervereinigung seiner Heimat und entfaltet dafür vielerlei Aktivitäten und Initiativen.

Es lebe die Korean Friendship Association, das Siegesbanner der Freunde und Verteidiger Koreas!

KFA für Freundschaft und Solidarität zwischen der DVRK und dem koreanischen Volk und den Völkern der Welt!

KFA für unabhängige und friedliche Wiedervereinigung Koreas!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

mardi 28 novembre 2023

2023-11-28 KOREAN NEWS 92/23




Pourtalésstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621

3074 Muri/Bern Switzerland Fax: +41-31 951 5704


No 92/23 November 27, 2023


1. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits NATA Pyongyang General Control Center to Learn about Operational Preparation of Reconnaissance Satellite

2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Votes in Election of Deputies

3. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance to Ryongsong Machine Complex

4. Press Statement of Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry

5. American-style Gangster-like Doctrine Does Not Work on Korean Peninsula: KCNA Commentary

6. Wherein Lies the Root Causes of Social Instability?

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits NATA Pyongyang General Control Center to Learn about Operational Preparation of Reconnaissance Satellite

Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), visited the Pyongyang General Control Center of the National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) on November 24 to review the operational preparation of the reconnaissance satellite and watched the aerospace photos taken on Friday.

He was accompanied by Kim Jong Sik, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee.

The NATA of the DPRK reported in detail to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on the fine-tuning process of 62 hours after the advance of the reconnaissance satellite into its orbit and the fulfillment of its present mission.

Kim Jong Un learned in detail about the photos of major target areas in the enemy region, including Mokpho, Kunsan, Phyongthaek, Osan and Seoul, and of various regions in the country, taken by the reconnaissance satellite while passing through the Korean Peninsula from 10:15 to 10:27 a.m. on Friday.

The NATA reported to him on the plan for photographing the enemy region and the additional fine-tuning process of the reconnaissance satellite on Saturday morning.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Votes in Election of Deputies

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the election of deputies to the provincial, city and county people's assemblies at the polling booth for the sub-constituency No. 26 of the constituency No. 55 in South Hamgyong Province on November 26.

When the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the polling booth at the Ryongsong Machine Complex, the workers of the complex were excited to see him at their workplace on the significant day of election, raising stormy cheers of "Hurrah!".

Acknowledging their enthusiastic cheers, Kim Jong Un headed for the polling booth.

He was accompanied by Kim Tok Hun, Ri Il Hwan, O Su Yong, Kim Yo Jong and Hyon Song Wol.

He received voting cards from the chairperson of the sub-constituency committee and voted for Kim Chung Hyok, manager of the Songun Cast Iron Factory of the complex who is a candidate for deputy to the South Hamgyong Provincial People's Assembly, Ri Chol Hak, head of the Machine Workshop No. 3 of the complex who is a candidate for deputy to the Hamhung City People's Assembly, and Rim Chol, vice director of the Statistics Department of the Haean District who is a candidate for deputy to the Haean District People's Assembly of Hamhung City.

He met with the candidates for deputies and encouraged them to make positive contributions to building a thriving nation with high patriotic enthusiasm and creative efforts, always being aware of the trust of the workers of the complex and the people in Hamhung City and to become genuine representatives and true servants for the people who strive to defend and realize their rights, interests and requirements.

The workers of the complex and the people of Hamhung City were filled with ardent enthusiasm to fulfill their civic duty in the struggle to firmly consolidate our revolutionary power and make our socialist state centered on the popular masses more prosperous, cherishing the highest glory of participating in the election in the presence of Kim Jong Un.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance to Ryongsong Machine Complex

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance to the Ryongsong Machine Complex on Sunday.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was accompanied by Kim Tok Hun, Ri Il Hwan, O Su Yong, Kim Yo Jong and Hyon Song Wol.

He was guided by Ri Kyong Il, manager of the Ryongsong Machine Complex, and Jon In Chol, chief secretary of the complex Party committee.

With a single mind to repay with loyalty the great trust and expectations of the Party Central Committee which entrusted the production of custom-built equipment which is of great significance in the national economic development, the workers of complex are pushing ahead with the production of high-performance large compressors at the final stage by striving to implement the resolutions of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee.

Kim Jong Un looked round large compressors, the products of the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude displayed by the workers of Ryongsong and their mass technological innovation, true to the idea of self-support set forth by the Party.

He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the workers, scientists and technicians of the complex further doubled their confidence in their own strength and sci-tech abilities and dealt a heavy blow to defeatism and mysticism about technology through the production of the major custom-built equipment which would contribute to making our economy Juche-oriented.

Highly appreciating the spirit of the complex, a powerful enterprise, and its heroic tradition of devotedly implementing the Party's policies, he said that the whole country should learn from the spirit of advance and fighting mettle mounting in Ryongsong.

He indicated the orientation and ways for bringing the machine-building industry, which should lead and pull the overall economic sector in successfully fulfilling the five-year plan for national economic development, to the world level as early as possible, and set forth in detail important tasks facing the complex which would play a pivotal role in implementing them.

He expressed great expectation that the workers of Ryongsong, who have upheld our Party, our state and our system with great revolutionary upsurge in the grim annals of the revolution, would lead the overall development of socialist construction by creating the spirit of the new era, the Chollima spirit of the new era.

Upon receiving the warm love and trust shown by him, the officials and workers of the complex made a firm pledge to successfully finish the production of major custom-built equipment planned for this year by conducting a dynamic drive for creation and technology full of loyalty and patriotism and to make a report of victory to the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK.

Press Statement of Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), issued the following press statement on Monday:

The reason why the UN Security Council fails to fulfill its important duty to ensure global peace and security and get rid of its malfunction can be clearly seen in the "joint statement of 10 countries" issued by the U.S. and its followers.

The "joint statement," signed by some permanent member states of the UNSC gripped by extreme prejudice and double-standards and some UN member states accustomed to blindly follow the U.S. instruction instead of considering whether it is right or wrong, is nothing but a conspiratorial document without any effect in the light of international law and political influence.

The DPRK's reconnaissance satellite launch is a legitimate and just exercise of the right to self-defense aimed at correctly seeing through and thoroughly coping with the grave military moves of the U.S. and its followers, which are becoming more undisguised in their aggressive nature.

If the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" brought to space is a "threat" to the signatories of the "joint statement", are the nuclear carriers, nuclear strategic submarines and nuclear strategic bombers deployed on the doorstep of the DPRK by the U.S. 30-odd times this year "apostles of friendship and peace"?

Do the "ten countries", which accused the DPRK of using ballistic missile technology in launching the satellite, launch their satellites by rubber balloon or null gravity, not by a carrier rocket using the same technology as ballistic missile?

Such brigandish idea of the U.S. and its vassal forces that the DPRK is not allowed to exercise its due right to space exploration, a right belonging to all UN member states, is a typical expression of the most hideous and brazen-faced violation of sovereignty that denies the justification of the existence of the DPRK, before being the mere issue of partiality and double-standards.

Our stand is clear.

The U.S. finds its main interest and hobby in encroaching upon the sovereign rights of independent countries through high-handed practice and threat, but what the DPRK is interested in is its full exercise of the universal sovereign rights common to all countries like satellite launch.

No matter what critical statements and harshest-ever sanctions the U.S. and its vassal forces may issue or impose, they can neither check the DPRK's exercise of its sovereign rights nor get what they want.

To make it crystal-clear that the U.S. and the West's outrageous and illegal interference in the internal affairs of independent sovereign countries and employment of double-standards against them can never work, the DPRK will squarely, unhesitatingly and perfectly exercise its sovereign rights including satellite launch, and this will contribute to the establishment of a just and equal new international order.

If the U.S. and its vassal forces again seek to violate the sovereignty of the DPRK under the pretext of the utterly unlawful "resolution" of the UNSC, they will be held wholly accountable for any consequences to be entailed by it.

American-style Gangster-like Doctrine Does Not Work on Korean Peninsula: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is getting more frantic in its moves to sell ultra-modern weapons to the south Korean puppets than ever before.

Recently it decided to deliver to the puppet forces various kinds of ultra-modern lethal hardware of astronomical value, including 25 F-35 stealth fighters, 36 SM-6 ship-to-air interceptors and 42 AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

Not content with this, the U.S. concluded a "security of supply arrangement" with the puppet military, aimed at rapidly providing war supplies, and thus seized the legal chain of holding the puppet forces more tightly under its military control and making them sacrifice for its unlimited greed.

It is well known to the world that the U.S. created disputes and hotspots in different parts of the world and massively introduced various kinds of lethal hardware to stack up blood-stained money.

However, the U.S. export of weapons to the puppet forces is not just for greedy and monetary purposes.

It is the sinister intention of the U.S. to arm the puppet forces with modern lethal weapons and use them as a shock brigade for carrying out its strategy against the DPRK and, furthermore, the U.S.-led "Indo-Pacific strategy" and thus hold military hegemony in the region and the rest of the world.

The fact that the weapons to be given to the puppet forces are offensive military hardware with a range far beyond the scope of the Korean peninsula in terms of operational and tactical characteristics highlights the aim sought by the U.S.

The U.S. has shown its card of selling ultra-modern weapons to the puppet forces, although it is in weak position due to the enormous assistance to the proxy wars in Europe and the Middle East. The aim sought by the U.S. is to ignite a new worldwide arms race with the Korean peninsula as a base and make the "rivals" including neighboring countries exhausted and thus maintain the collapsing "Unipolar World" at any cost.

After all, the U.S. sold its lethal equipment to gain a handsome profit and, at the same time, got a "running dog" to protect its "security", killing two birds with one stone.

In retrospect, the U.S. has "boasted" that even a bomb has not dropped on its land, although it made a big fortune in return for its crimes of destroying peace and security in different parts of the world.

But the U.S.-style gangster-like doctrine that the blood of others is its own money and doing harm to others leads to its "security" can never work on the Korean peninsula.

The U.S. and the puppet forces' farce of dealing in ultra-modern military hardware to turn the puppet region into the largest arsenal will only accelerate the DPRK's modernization of its strong army thousand times faster.

It is a fait accompli that a small spark on the Korean peninsula would lead to global thermonuclear war.

No one can vouch that the consequences will end up only by giving shame to the U.S. "pride".

The U.S. had better ponder over the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by the arms offer to the puppet forces.

Wherein Lies the Root Causes of Social Instability?

Since the outbreak of the Middle East crisis, anti-Israel protests are spreading in European countries. Against this backdrop, anti-Semitism and hate crimes against Muslims have become rampant, resulting in causing antagonism, hostility and disorder across the society.

The British newspaper “Independent” reported on November 18 that more than 100 rounds of protests were staged in all parts of Britain including the Prime Minister’s residence, calling for ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and that the major streets and places of Britain and Ireland are jammed with pro-Palestine protesters at every weekend.

The major press in Europe are carrying articles one after another that the flames of anti-Israel protests lit in Berlin with the Middle East crisis as an occasion are now spreading all across Europe.

BFM TV of France, BBC and Reuters of Britain and other media reported in succession that 400 more cases of crimes against Semitism have been committed as against the same period of last year in Britain where they have the second largest Jewish community after France and that the British authorities have allocated € 3.5 million to strengthen security in the places where Jews get together often. They also reported that Germany has recorded more than 1 800 cases of crimes against Semitism.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of the Interior of France released a report to the effect that the number of crimes against Semitism has increased twice as many as last year since the October 7 crisis in the Middle East. According to the report, more than 1 150 crimes against Semitism have been recorded and about 500 have been arrested. The President of France also expressed concern that the Middle East crisis could lead to domestic violence in France.

In London alone, more than 100 hate crimes against Muslims have been recorded during the last 18 days after the outbreak of the Middle East crisis.

The Middle East crisis not only stirs up social panic and anxiety in the European countries but also has a great impact on political situation at home.

The BBC and other major media of the UK reported that dispute between the leader of the Labor Party and several MPs over the issue of implementing ceasefire in the Gaza Strip has become more and more acrimonious, creating great distress to the former which was confident of victory in the parliamentary election next year.

With the parliamentary election just ahead, the coalition parties in the Netherlands, i.e. Labor Party and Green Left were engaged in the heated debate over the attitude towards the Middle East crisis.

This resulted in the leader of Green Left giving up his candidacy.

The major Western media and analysts argued that the armed conflict between Palestine’s Hamas and Israel is stirring up extreme anxiety and fear within the European countries and posing threats to stability and security in Europe.

They are unanimously commenting that the root causes lie in the erroneous Middle East policy of the West.


samedi 25 novembre 2023



2021-11-24 KOREAN NEWS 91/23




Pourtalésstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621

3074 Muri/Bern Switzerland Fax: +41-31 951 5704


No 91/23 November 23, 2023


1. DPRK NATA's Report on Successful Launch of Reconnaissance Satellite

2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Pyongyang General Control Center of NATA

3. Statement by DPRK Ministry of National Defence

4. Election System in the DPRK

5. November is kimchi-making season in the DPRK.

DPRK NATA's Report on Successful Launch of Reconnaissance Satellite

Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- The National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea successfully launched the new-type carrier rocket "Chollima-1" loaded with the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground in Cholsan County, North Phyongan Province, at 22:42:28 on November 21, Juche 112 (2023).

The carrier rocket "Chollima-1" flew normally along the preset flight track and accurately put the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" on its orbit at 22:54:13, 705s after the launch.

The launch of reconnaissance satellite is a legitimate right of the DPRK for strengthening its self-defensive capabilities and it will make a significant contribution to definitely ramping up the war preparedness of the armed forces of the Republic in conformity with the security environment created in and around the country owing to the enemies' dangerous military moves.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, oversaw the launch on the spot.

He was accompanied by Kim Jong Sik, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, and Jang Chang Ha, general director of the DPRK General Missile Bureau.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un oversaw the launch and warmly congratulated all the cadres, scientists and technicians of the NATA and relevant institutions on having made a great contribution to enhancing the Republic's war deterrent and most correctly and excellently implementing the resolution of the Eighth Congress of the WPK.

The NATA is to present to the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee a plan for continuing to secure the capability to reconnoiter the south Korean region and the region of operational interest of the DPRK armed forces by additionally launching several reconnaissance satellites in a short span of time.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Pyongyang General Control Center of NATA

Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the Pyongyang General Control Center of the National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) at 10:00 a.m. on Nov. 22 to learn about the operation of the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" on orbit, its fine-tuning process and the state of aerospace photographing of a specific area under the ground command.

He was accompanied by Kim Jong Sik, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

The NATA of the DPRK reported to Kim Jong Un that the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" would formally start its reconnaissance mission from December 1 after finishing 7 to 10 days' fine-tuning process.

Noting that the DPRK has finally developed and possessed aerospace reconnaissance capability by its own efforts and technologies, Kim Jong Un said that it is a great event in developing the armed forces of the Republic and coping with a new military situation in the region. And he highly praised once again the scientists and technicians in the field of aerospace science research for making tangible contributions to the Party's cause of building a powerful and modern army.

Then he watched the aerospace photos of Anderson Air Force Base, Apra Harbor and other major military bases of the U.S. forces taken in the sky above Guam in the Pacific, which were received at 9:21 a.m. on Nov. 22.

Noting that the armed forces of the DPRK have taken in their hands both "eyes" overlooking a very long distance and a strong "fist" beating a very long distance, he stressed once again that it is necessary to operate many more reconnaissance satellites in the aspect of increasing the effectiveness of the powerful military strike means of the DPRK as well as for self-defence.

Underlining the need to take note of the fact that the U.S. imperialists brought the nuclear carrier Carl Vinson and the nuclear-powered submarine Santa Fe to the south Korean region yesterday and today to turn the region into an advanced base of their aggressor forces and nuclear arsenal, he said that to closely monitor and grasp the nature of such maneuvers of the U.S. imperialists and their vassal armies endangering the regional military situation is a serious issue directly related to the security of the DPRK. He then stressed the need to launch more various reconnaissance satellites, put them on different orbits and operate them in a combined and practical manner, as already clarified, in order to provide the DPRK armed forces with abundant valuable real-time information about the enemy and further promote their responsive posture.

Approving the suggestion made by the NATA to submit to the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee the immediate plan for securing the aerospace reconnaissance capability for monitoring south Korea and the Pacific and their vicinity, he said that the above-said plenary meeting would discuss and decide the plan for the launch of reconnaissance satellite for 2024.

Statement by DPRK Ministry of National Defence

Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The following is the full text of "Those of the 'Republic of Korea' can never evade the responsibility for scrapping the north-south military agreement and must pay dearly for it", a statement made public by the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK on November 23:

The DPRK's launch of a reconnaissance satellite is a step pertaining to the right to self-defence and the legitimate and just exercise of sovereignty to closely monitor and thoroughly cope with the enemies' various military moves around the Korean peninsula that provoke graver concern as days go by.

Nonetheless, the political and military gangsters of the "Republic of Korea" (ROK) have gone extremely hysterical with confrontation, labeling the legal right of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as a violation of UN "resolutions" and "illegal action".

At an emergency meeting of the standing committee of the "national security council" and a "state council meeting", the south Korean traitors termed the DPRK's launch of a reconnaissance satellite a "violation" of the north-south military agreement, citing unreasonable and illogical reasons, and didn't hesitate to announce the nullification of some articles of the agreement as if they have earnestly waited for that moment.

It is just the "ROK" that has scaled up in an all-round, 3-D and phased way various sorts of military provocations in frontal challenge to the spirit of the agreement adopted to defuse the danger of an armed conflict along the Military Demarcation Line.

The September 19 North-South Military Agreement has long been reduced to a mere scrap of paper owing to the intentional and provocative moves of those of the "ROK".

The enemy’s reckless act of abruptly nullifying some articles of the military agreement over the recent reconnaissance satellite launch of the DPRK is a vivid expression of their hostility toward the DPRK and a reflection of their uneasiness at the impending threat.

Those of the "ROK" must pay dearly for their irresponsible and grave political and military provocations that have pushed the present situation to an uncontrollable phase.

Upon authorization of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK clarifies the following principled stand under the current situation:

1. From now on, our army will never be bound by the September 19 North-South Military Agreement.

It is the conclusion made once again that we can not recognize any agreement with those of the "ROK" who have broken the elementary faith with the partner and definite promise already made without hesitation and we must refuse to deal with them.

2. We will immediately restore all military measures that have been halted according to the north-south military agreement.

We will withdraw the military steps, taken to prevent military tension and conflict in all spheres including ground, sea and air, and deploy more powerful armed forces and new-type military hardware in the region along the Military Demarcation Line.

3. Those of the "ROK" will be held wholly accountable in case an irretrievable clash breaks out between the north and the south.

The most dangerous situation in the area of the military demarcation line, where the world's most acute military confrontation lingers and any slight accidental factor may aggravate an armed conflict to an all-out war, has become irreversibly uncontrollable, due to the serious mistake made by the political and military gangsters of the "ROK".

The prevailing military tensions, created by the enemy's anti-DPRK confrontation hysteria that has gone beyond the red line, more clearly proves the justice of the work for strengthening the nuclear war deterrent and modernizing the armed forces being pushed forward with by us above all.

The DPRK armed forces will always maintain overwhelming and offensive posture and closely watch the enemy's confrontation hysteria.

Election System in the DPRK

The election system in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the most people-oriented and democratic one which enables the masses of the people to fully exercise their rights as genuine masters of state power.

The power organs at all levels in the country consist of deputies elected directly by the people, and the masses participate in the political affairs of the state and exercise their independent rights through these deputies.

Through the elections, the Korean people elect their genuine representatives, who can fully represent their independent demands and interests as deputies to power organs at all levels, thus steadily consolidating their position and successfully accelerating socialist construction under institutional and legal guarantee.

All the citizens have the right to elect and to be elected, and can participate in exercising state power on an equal footing.

They have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of gender, nationality, occupation, duration of residence, property status, education, party affiliation, political view and religious belief. All those who are able and are faithful to the Party, the leader, the country and the people can be elected as representatives of the people to power organs at all levels.

The organs of state power at all levels, from the county people’s assembly to the Supreme People’s Assembly, are elected on the principle of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

The masses of the people are fully guaranteed to express their free will in the elections and allowed to exercise their power as masters of the state and society.

As their will is fully displayed in the elections, they greet election day as a significant day, an auspicious holiday. It is a tradition of the Korean people to consolidate the people’s power rock-solid by taking part in the elections with high political enthusiasm and labour achievements.

The coming November 26 is the day of election of deputies to the provincial (municipal), city (district) and county people’s assemblies in the DPRK.

November is kimchi-making season in the DPRK.

It is a tradition for all families in the country to make whole cabbage kimchi, an indispensable part of the Korean people's diet. The cabbage is first salted before being washed. Mixture of condiment made of pepper, onion, garlic, ginger and others and pickled fish is put to the cabbage which is left to ferment.

The ingredient of condiment varies from region to region. Croakers are mainly used in the west coastal area, Alaska pollack in the east coastal area and various kinds of pickled fish in North and South Phyongan provinces and North and South Hwanghae provinces.

There are also kaktugi(diced radish pickles), kimchi wrapped in large cabbage leaves, watery radish kimchi and other kinds of kimchi.

Kimchi is a unique national food of the DPRK which cannot be found in other parts of the world in terms of its nutritional composition and processing method.

The traditional method of making kimchi is still maintained.

Kimchi is famous as one of the five world health foodstuffs for its fresh taste, peculiar aroma, and nutritional and medicinal value.

In Juche 104 (2015), UNESCO registered the Korean custom of making kimchi as a world intangible cultural heritage.





vendredi 24 novembre 2023

2023-11-24 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe: Marschall KIM JONG UN sah Fotos von Luftwaffenbasen in den USA, aufgenommen vom Aufklärungsatelliten Malligyong-1 der DVR Korea!


24. November Juche 112 (2023)

Als der Oberste Führer KIM JONG UN, Generalsekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) und Vorsitzender für Staatsangelegenheiten der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), am 22. November das Kontrollzentrum der Staatlichen Hauptverwaltung für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik der DVRK besuchte, konnte er Fotos von der Anderson Air Force Base, von Apra Harbour und der Guam US Air Force Base anschauen, die vom Aufklärungssatelliten Malligyong-1 der DVRK, der am Vortag gestartet und in die Erdumlaufbahn gebracht worden war, aufgenommen wurden.

Dass der Aufklärungssatellit der DVRK aus dem Weltall das Territorium der USA fotografieren kann, ist ein welthistorisches Ereignis! Es ist ein grandioser Triumph der Militär-zuerst-Politik (Songun) des sozialistischen Korea!

Endgültig vorbei sind die Tage, als Spionagesatelliten der USA die ganze Erdoberfläche auskundschaften konnten.

Der Aufklärungssatellit Malligyong-1 kann nun ebenfalls jeden Punkt der Erde beobachten und fotografieren.

Doch der politische Unterschied ist entscheidend: Während die USA-Imperialisten zwecks Kriegsvorbereitung und Aggression Luftaufnahmen von anderen Ländern machen, tut dies die DVRK, um ihre Souveränität zu schützen, feindliche Aggressionspläne rechtzeitig aufzudecken, deren Ausführung zu verhindern und damit den Frieden zu verteidigen.

Die Spiesse sind nun gleich lang, und die DVRK vergilt Gleiches mit Gleichem. Und trotzdem ist es nicht das Gleiche, wenn zwei das Gleiche tun.

Die vom Aufklärungssatelliten Malligyong-1 gemachten Fotos von Luftwaffenbasen in den USA, die der hochverehrte Marschall KIM JONG UN anschauen konnte, erfüllen das ganze koreanische Volk und alle Freunde Koreas und Anhänger der Juche-Ideologie, auch unsere Organisationen, mit Freude und Begeisterung!

Marschall KIM JONG UN ist heute der stärkste und mächtigste Heerführer der Welt!

Nun ist die DVRK endgültig ein vollwertiger Atomwaffen-, Raketen- und Aufklärungssatellitenstaat, der mit den USA militärisch gleichziehen kann!

Vorbei sind damit auch endgültig die Tage, als das "kleine Korea" der "Weltmacht" USA militärisch unterlegen war.

Weitere Aufklärungssatelliten der DVRK werden in nächster Zukunft in dicht aufeinanderfolgender Weise folgen.

Es lebe der hochverehrte Marschall KIM JONG UN, der stärkste und mächtigste Heerführer der Welt!

Es lebe der Aufklärungssatellit Malligyong-1!

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2023-11-24 Kim Jong Un sees first Satellite Reconnaissance Photos of Guam US Air Base


mercredi 22 novembre 2023

2023-11-22 DPRK Satellite Successfully Launched


2023-11-21 KOREAN NEWS 90/23




Pourtalésstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621

3074 Muri/Bern Switzerland Fax: +41-31 951 5704


No 90/23 November 21, 2023


1. DPRK Slams U.S. Risky Weapon Sale

2. Space Militarization Can Never Be Justified: DPRK Researcher

3. Children Reflect the Future

4. Guarantee of Bright Future

5. Two Contrasting Realities Seen Through Housing

DPRK Slams U.S. Risky Weapon Sale

Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- A vice general director of the General Armaments Bureau of the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA on Monday over the fact that the U.S. decided to sell the latest weapons to Japan and the south Korean puppets in a more undisguised way:

Recently, the U.S. decided to sell 400 Tomahawk cruise missiles and associated equipment to Japan.

Besides, it decided to offer the south Korean puppets the astronomical worth of cutting-edge lethal weapons, including 25 F-35 stealth fighters, 36 SM-6 ship-to-air interceptors and 42 AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, and stroke the "security of supply arrangement" with the south Korean puppet military with the aim of quickening the supply of munitions.

The weapons, which the U.S. planned to offer its military allied forces in the region, are offensive ones as their range exceeds the sphere of the Korean peninsula in view of their operational and tactical features. Therefore, it is obvious who will be targeted and attacked.

The U.S. planned sale of weapons is a risky attempt to fuel the military tensions of the Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asian region and cause another arms race.

While creating constant instability in the region of the Korean peninsula through the visible increase of nuclear strategic assets and aggressive large-scale joint military drills, the U.S. pushes ahead with rearming Japan and the south Korean puppets. The present situation shows that threat to the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula has come from the U.S. and its followers.

The U.S. irresponsible offer of murderous weapons is a crime of exporting confrontation and war in a bid to sustain its unchallenged position at the cost of destroying world peace and stability.

The U.S. administration argues that its weapon sale will not change the military balance of the region, but bloody unrest has been witnessed wherever the U.S.-made weapons came, including the European continent and the Middle East region. This foretells a grave military and political situation to come to the Korean peninsula before long.

The unilateral arms buildup beyond self-defense is sure to incite others to beef up their military forces to respond to such military move.

We warn the U.S. that the bigger profit it makes through the reckless weapon sale, the worse security crisis it will suffer.

The DPRK will further step up the building up of war deterrent for enhancing its national strategic safety and powerfully controlling and managing the regional situation to cope with the instability of the Korean peninsula caused by the military conspiracy and collusion of the U.S. and its followers and their transaction of lethal war equipment.

Space Militarization Can Never Be Justified: DPRK Researcher

Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Ri Song Jin, a researcher of the National Aerospace Technology Administration of the DPRK, on Tuesday released the following commentary titled "Any space militarization move aimed at preemptive strike can be justified with nothing":

The U.S. and its followers are further pushing ahead with their scheme to round off a satellite monitoring system on the strategic objects of the DPRK and its neighboring countries.

The puppet south Korean Defense Ministry recently announced that its first military spy satellite would be launched at the Vandenberg space force base in California on Nov. 30.

As officially recognized by the south Korean puppets, the above-said satellite launch is a part of the extremely dangerous military provocations to increase the capability for monitoring the strategic objects of the DPRK in depth and make a preemptive attack in case of emergency.

The puppet forces are now advertising that the U.S. Space X has planned to launch their five military spy satellites by 2025, boasting that such launch would help drastically bolster the capability of Kill Chain for preemptive strike.

This made it clearer that the spy satellite network to be developed and run by the puppet forces is not the defensive one for coping with "missile threats" from someone but the offensive one for their realization of aggression war.

The Japanese reactionaries, too, announced a plan to additionally secure four spy satellites by 2029 with the launch of a satellite for information gathering on January 11 next year as the start.

What is graver is the fact that such space militarization moves of the south Korean puppet forces and the Japanese reactionaries are being staged under the active patronage of the U.S.

During his recent junket to the region of south Korean puppets, the U.S. secretary of Defense summoned his stooges to scheme out the operation of the tripartite real-time missile warning data sharing system within the year and decided to involve the puppet forces in the U.S. early warning satellite system.

This has made the existing two-way system of sharing missile warning data between the U.S. and Japan, between the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces and between Japan and the south Korean puppet forces develop into an isosceles triangle-style system with the U.S. as its angular point.

Clear is the intention of the U.S. hastening on a full scale the completion of satellite monitoring system in the region in collusion with its stooges. It is to increase the effectiveness and reliability of missile defense system by boosting the capability of intelligence gathering from regional countries, and thus take a strategic superiority over the DPRK, China and Russia.

In view of the fact that in a modern war the information warfare by reconnaissance is both a primary process for war preparations and a prerequisite on which depends the victory of war, it is full of suggestions from the U.S.-led moves for space militarization being intensified in the Korean peninsula.

The U.S. and its vassal forces' serious moves for space militarization are extremely unstable provocations escalating the arms race in the region and intensely damaging the global strategic equilibrium and security structure.

Nothing can justify the dangerous scheme of the U.S. and its allied forces to use the entire outer space as an aggressive war means for carrying out their strategy for world domination while openly calling for possible preemptive strike on someone.

The reality goes to prove that the possession of practical and effective capabilities of space-based reconnaissance and surveillance to cope with the hostile forces' moves for space militarization is an important way for exercising the war deterrent more clearly and promoting the strategic security balance in the region.

The U.S. and its vassal forces' reckless space militarization compels the DPRK to put more spurs to the space development for self-defense including the development of military reconnaissance satellite.

It is the DPRK's sovereign right no one can deny to bolster up its defense capabilities for protecting the national strategic security and interests and ensuring the regional peace and security so as to cope with the U.S.-led expansion of space monitoring system and missile defense system which are being integrated into dangerous offensive forces with the passage of time.

Children Reflect the Future

Today is World Children’s Day.

The UN General Assembly at its 9th Session in December 1954 designated November 20 as World Children’s Day with the purpose of exerting greater efforts for children’s rights and wellbeing.

Rise and fall of a country and nation depend on the destiny of their younger generation. So all the countries regard it as legal and moral duty of the state and society to protect children and ensure their rights. And social measures taken for children have become one of important criteria for evaluating the level of civilization of a given country and its human rights situation.

Now in the DPRK, under the warm care of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is the supreme incarnation of the love for the future, new stories about love for the bright smile and happiness of younger generation are told every day.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that if the new generation born on this land are well fed and raised healthy in a good environment from childhood, our society will be brimming over with as much vim and vigor in 20 or 30 years’ time and the national power of our Republic will gain in strength. He considers it to be the policy of greatest importance and cherished desire of the Party and state to bring up children to be strong and sound.

The guidance of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gave rise to many palaces for children like the Okryu Children’s Hospital, baby homes, children’s homes, primary and secondary boarding schools. Also, the Mangyongdae School Children's Palace and the Songdowon International Children’s Camp have been refurbished in a modern style.

Many emotional events took place even amid the scarcity of many things: the universal 12-year compulsory education system was introduced and the grand meeting of children was held with splendor as an important state event.

As such, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un spares nothing for posterity and constantly gives them warm affection and love that cannot be compared to that of parents. As we hold respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem, our children are growing up strong with all blessings.

When we look around the globe, however, we witness the heart-breaking reality where many children wither away even before reaching their prime, being subjected to violence and maltreatment and falling victim to all sorts of social evils, immorality and depravity.

In Japan, the number of child abuses and suicides committed by schoolchildren of all ages is at an all-time high, and an unending series of inhuman acts are being committed like a mother killing her own baby with her own hands, which can be hardly imagined by a mother.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where they clamor for human rights and advocate modern civilization, minors fall into bottomless pit of fraud, deception, depravity and dissoluteness before they grow up. And it is a daily occurrence that the minors commit all kinds of crimes including murder and incendiary.

Worse still, child trafficking and child forced labor have become a commonplace in this country.

The happy children of the DPRK enjoy all blessings in the world without any gloomy look on their faces. However, children in the capitalist societies fade away even before coming into bud. The sharp contrast between these images of children makes us realize the true meaning that flowers come into full bloom only under the bright sun.

Guarantee of Bright Future

November 20 is the day when the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted.

How we love children and how we protect their rights: This is not a matter restricted to individual families but a matter of vital importance that has a direct bearing on the development and future of respective countries and nations, and those of humankind in the long run.

Today, our country has set it as the most important national policy to give priority to affairs related to children and to ensure their rights and interests on a preferential basis.

The DPRK Law on the Protection and Promotion of Children’s Rights legally guarantees that the best things are allocated first and foremost to the promotion of health, and intellectual and moral education of children as well as their life necessities with the noble concept and ideal of “Children deserve the best”. With the legal guarantee in place, the system of nursing and upbringing of preschool children at the state and social expenses has been established, and thanks to the universal compulsory 12-year education system, all children are learning to their hearts’ content, giving full play to their potential.

Furthermore, supply of dairy products and other nutrients to all children across the country has been formulated as a major policy of the government of the Republic and its implementation is guaranteed by the state law. National investment to the education sector is also on the systematic increase.

At the same time, under the universal free medical care system, the state covers all costs related to prevention and treatment of diseases among children.

The happy faces of our children growing up happy enjoying all the benefits of considerate care and protection of the Party and the state are evoking envy and admiration of the world people.

At the 11th Global Festival of Journalism NOIDA 2023 held in India in February this year, the documentary “Children’s dreams and mothers’ happiness” won the award of distinction as it depicted the bright and delightful look of our children.

The Director of the International Chamber of Media and Literature and Art Industry of India, the host of the festival, expressed his excitement saying that he felt the noble spirit and patriotism in the Korean people; he could tell that the Korean people set a great store by posterity and also aspire after brighter future through the naive and innocent demeanor of the Korean children and the love and devotion of their mothers for them.

In May, the International Creation Festival “Children to children - 2023” was held in Krasnoyarsk City, Russia. At this festival, many people spared no praise for the paintings presented by our children, saying that they were indescribably charmed by Korean children’s paintings as they reflect their love for fatherland, and that they got to have a better understanding of Korea where teachers train children into versatile talents.

All things come to life under the warmth of the sun. Likewise, our children are growing up healthy into the pillars and future masters of the country, exercising their rights to their hearts’ content under the warm care and love of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who spares nothing for the happy laughter of our children.

Two Contrasting Realities Seen Through Housing

A European organization released a report on the dire housing situation in Europe in September.

The report shows that as many as 895,000 homeless people are living on the streets or in emergency shelters in Paris, Barcelona, Dublin and other cities in Europe.

It added that the number of those wandering the streets of Europe every night equals that of the population of Marseilles of France or Torino of Italy.

Saying that housing is one of the biggest challenges in Europe, a senior official of the organization lamented that the world’s richest countries fail to effectively solve the housing issue.

This is no more than an example showing the reality of European countries facing a serious challenge of insufficient houses for the people, an essential part of their life.

In striking contrast to this, new streets which provide our people with homes of happiness are mushrooming in the DPRK, thanks to the lofty intention of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) which regards it as its most important task and long-cherished desire to improve people’s well-being.

By the noble love of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is committed to providing citizens with more stable and civilized living conditions, ten thousand houses are newly built every year in Pyongyang, bringing an unbelievable reality where ordinary people are given excellent homes free of charge.

Happy faces of our agricultural workers moving into model rural villages of the new century are seen every day on TV, radio and in newspapers, adding to the happiness of all people.

The country where housing issue is completely solved – this is the ideal and goal pursued by our motherly Party whose love for the people is being materialized. This miraculous reality of the DPRK cannot be even imitated in capitalist countries, where money decides everything.


dimanche 19 novembre 2023

2023-11-19 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees: Unterstützung des Gerichtsurteils des Internationalen Tribunals gegen die Kuba-Blockade der USA


19. November Juche 112 (2023)

Das Schweizerische Korea-Komitee nimmt mit Freude Kenntnis vom Gerichtsurteil des Internationalen Tribunals gegen die von den USA verhängte Blockade gegen Kuba, das am 17. November 2023 in Brüssel verkündet worden ist.

263 Delegierte aus 21 europäischen Ländern, darunter von der mit uns befreundeten Vereinigung Schweiz-Cuba, haben sich am 16./17. November im Europaparlaments-Gebäude in Brüssel versammelt, um die Aufhebung der illegalen, kriminellen, völkerrechtswidrigen und menschenverachtenden Blockade und der Sanktionen des USA-Imperialismus gegen die Republik Kuba zu verlangen.

Die Richterinnen und Richter des Tribunals verurteilten die USA wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, die einem Genozid am kubanischen Volk gleichkommen. Denn eine Blockade, die die Zerstörung der Wirtschaft eines anderen Landes zum Ziel hat und eine Hungersnot herbeiführen will, ist Völkermord.

Das Tribunal verlangte von den USA auch die Streichung Kubas von der Liste der "Länder, die den Terrorismus unterstützen" - einer Liste, auf der auch die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) aufgeführt ist.

Unser Komitee ist solidarisch mit der internationalen Solidaritätsbewegung für Kuba und schliesst sich deren Forderung an die USA, die verbrecherische Blockade und alle Embargos und Sanktionen gegen Kuba zu beenden, an.

Wir unterstützen die Forderung der Kuba-Solidaritätsbewegung an die Adresse Washingtons, die Wirtschafts-, Handels- und Finanzblockade aufzuheben und Kuba von der "Terrorismus-Unterstützer"-Liste zu streichen.

Unser Komitee ruft seine Mitglieder auf, an Aktionen gegen die illegale und kriminelle Blockade der USA gegen Kuba teilzunehmen und ihre Solidarität mit dem sozialistischen Kuba, dem engsten Freund und Genossen des sozialistischen Korea, zu bekunden.

Die DVR Korea und Kuba kämpfen gemeinsam gegen die weltweite Aggression und Einmischung des USA-Imperialismus.

Die gemeinsamen Ideale beider Länder sind der Frieden, die Unabhängigkeit, die Freundschaft zwischen den Völkern und der Sozialismus.

Schluss mit der illegalen und kriminellen Blockade der USA gegen Kuba!

Solidarität mit Kuba - Unblock Cuba!

Es lebe die koreanisch-kubanische Freundschaft und Solidarität!

Cuba si - Yankee no!

Venceremos - Wir werden siegen!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

samedi 18 novembre 2023

2023-11-18 KOREAN NEWS 89/23




Pourtalésstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621

3074 Muri/Bern Switzerland Fax: +41-31 951 5704


No 89/23 November 13, 2023


1. Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Press Statement

2. Press Release of IDP of DPRK Foreign Ministry

3. Japan Can Never Evade State Responsibility for Hideous Crimes against Humanity

4. Hysteria of "Aristocrat" Group Can Not Block Progress of Human Society

5. Press Statement of Director-General of African, Arab and Latin American Affairs Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry

6. Future of Country Seen in Children’s Laughter

Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Press Statement

Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK released the following press statement on Saturday:

During the recent Asian tour, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken expressed ungrounded "concern" over the equal and normal development of the relations between the DPRK and the Russian Federation, talking about "additional actions" against the two countries and the "theory of Chinese role".

The DPRK reconfirmed that the present U.S. administration is steeped in morbid repugnancy toward the development of relations between independent sovereign states which are forged on the basis of recognized principles of international law including the sovereignty equality, mutual respect, non-interference and mutual benefits.

The irresponsible and provocative remarks of Blinken only escalate the dangerous political and military tension in the Korean peninsula and the region and, moreover, do not help relieve the U.S. of its "concern".

If he is truly concerned about the security of the "Republic of Korea" and the Ukrainian crisis, he should also attach importance to the security concerns of the DPRK and the Russian Federation and, if he is truly concerned about the "violation of resolutions" of the international non-proliferation system and the UNSC, he should sincerely pay attention to the international community's concern over the U.S. illegal policy of "sharing nuclear weapons" with its allies and the extreme double standards of the UNSC.

The only way for relieving the U.S. of its "concern" about the DPRK's exercise of its rights as a sovereign state and the DPRK-Russia relations is to abandon the hostile policy toward the two countries and the Cold War mentality and withdraw the political provocations, military threats and strategic pressure on the DPRK and Russia.

The equal and reciprocal cooperation among the DPRK, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China and other independent sovereign states is playing a pivotal role in defending peace and stability not only in the Korean peninsula and the region but also in the world.

The U.S. underestimation of the righteous international community's solidarity and unity is the main cause of the failure of its present miserable foreign policy.

The U.S. secretary of State assured that the U.S. can take an effective part in the Indo-Pacific region, but the only solution for defusing the military tensions and restoring peace in the region is the U.S. absence which is essential in the practice of international relations.

The U.S. should be accustomed to the new reality of the DPRK-Russia relations.

No matter what others may say, the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK and Russia aspiring after independence, peace and friendship will steadily grow stronger, and any attempt of the U.S. and its vassal forces to wreck peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region will be faced with strong and coordinated counteraction of independent sovereign states.

Press Release of IDP of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- The Institute for Disarmament and Peace (IDP) of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on Monday issued the following press release "The dissolution of 'UN Command' is an essential requirement for preventing the outbreak of a new war and defending peace and security in the Korean peninsula":

The U.S. and the puppet south Korean military gangsters are going to hold the first meeting of defense authorities of puppet south Korea and member states of the "UN Command" in the region of south Korean puppets on November 14.

This confab, to be held under the manipulation of the U.S. secretary of Defense, will reportedly adopt a "joint declaration" showing the will of "UN Command" member states to cope with contingency in the Korean peninsula.

The "UN Command", which should have been dissolved decades ago, is now revealing its aggressive nature again, seeking to cook up a declaration of confrontation simulating the second Korean war. This shows that the security terrain of the Korean peninsula is being more definitely turned into a war-oriented structure by the U.S. and its followers.

The Institute for Disarmament and Peace of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) clarifies the following stand, considering it necessary to arouse the attention of the international community to the ghostly entity "UN Command" aggravating the situation of the Korean peninsula and the illegality of its activities:

First, the "UN Command" is an illegal war organization fabricated by the U.S. to send more aggression troops to the Korean front during the Korean War in the 1950s.

The U.S. instigated the Syngman Rhee puppet regime to launch an all-out armed invasion of the DPRK on June 25, 1950. And it cooked up "resolution" No. 82 of the UN Security Council, which branded the DPRK as an "aggressor", availing itself of the former Soviet Union's absence at the UNSC meetings taken in protest against the Taiwanese authorities' exercise of China's representative right at the UN.

Then, it cooked up in succession the UNSC "resolution" No. 83 "recommending the UN member states to offer necessary aid to the 'Republic of Korea'" and the UNSC "resolution" No. 84 calling for "attaching the armed forces of satellite states to the U.S.-led combined forces command and using the UN flag".

In this regard, on June 29 and July 6, 1950, the government of the Soviet Union sent to the UNSC its messages stressing that any resolutions adopted without approval of the Soviet Union and China, permanent member states of the UNSC, contrary to the UN Charter, would not be effective.

All the facts show that the U.S. introduced its followers into the Korean front by abusing the name of the UN, pursuant to its ulterior intention to "legalize" its war of aggression on the DPRK.

Second, the "UN Command" is no more than a U.S. tool for confrontation as it has nothing to do with the UN.

In fact, the "UN Command" came to appear since the U.S. arbitrarily changed the name of the "Combined Forces Command" led by it into the "UN Command" in its report on the activities of the "Combined Forces Command" submitted to the UNSC on July 25, 1950.

The UNSC meeting on January 31, 1951, after the Soviet Union's re-participation in the UNSC activities, adopted its resolution No. 90 on deleting the agenda "complaint against aggression on the 'Republic of Korea'" put by the U.S. on June 25, 1950. This is self-acknowledgement of the UN that the mobilization of multinational forces in the Korean War was wrong.

On June 24, 1994, UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali admitted that the Combined Forces Command was not established as an appendage under the UNSC control and it is under the control of the U.S.

On December 21, 1998, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, too, stated that none of his predecessors had allowed any country to connect the name of the UN with the armed forces dispatched to the Korean War by the U.S. or its command. After that several UN officials repeatedly stressed that the UN Command is not an organization of the United Nations and it is not under the direction or control of the UN.

This being a hard fact, the U.S. has abused the signboard of the "UN Command" for its aggression forces. It is a wanton violation of international law including the UN Charter and a shameless insult to all the UN member states.

Third, the "UN Command" is an illegal organization which should have been dissolved decades ago in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly.

The plenary meeting of the 30th session of the UN General Assembly on November 18, 1975 simultaneously adopted two resolutions on disbanding the "UN Command" and withdrawing the U.S. forces, in reflection of the just demand of the DPRK and the broad international community for the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. occupation forces from the region of south Korean puppets.

Resolution No. 3390(xxx)B, initiated by progressive member states of the UN, calls for unconditional and immediate dissolution of the "UN Command" and withdrawal of all foreign troops from the puppet region. Resolution No. 3390(xxx)A, proposed by the U.S., states that the "UN Command" should be disbanded from January 1, 1976 and the U.S. forces should be withdrawn from the puppet region if another mechanism is established to maintain the Armistice Agreement.

At that time the U.S. clarified the conditioned disorganization of the "UN Command" and its willingness for the pullout of the U.S. forces, as a last resort to avoid the immediate dissolution of the "UN Command". Anyhow, this evidently shows that they themselves recognized the "UN Command" as an entity to be disbanded.

Nevertheless, the "UN Command" has persisted for several decades and is now reviving as a U.S.-led multinational war tool. This is serious developments that endanger the security in the Asia-Pacific region including the Korean peninsula.

Moreover, the U.S. and the puppet south Korean forces are staging large-scale joint military drills of aggressive nature while deploying nuclear strategic assets in the Korean peninsula one after another. Timed to coincide with this, the defense authorities of member states of the "UN Command", a war tool for aggression, seek to discuss a joint counter-action plan which made the contingency on the Korean peninsula a fait accompli. This is a dangerous scheme to ignite a new war of aggression on the DPRK.

The confab of defense authorities of the "UN Command" member states, to be held by the U.S. and its vassal forces, goes to clearly prove that the U.S. has never changed in its aggressive nature to occupy the whole Korean peninsula by force of arms but already started to provide actual conditions for igniting the second Korean war.

The international community should heighten vigilance against the U.S. and its vassal forces' military moves for bringing a new war cloud to the Korean peninsula and the region and resolutely denounce and reject them to save the world from the holocaust of a thermonuclear war.

As in the past, the DPRK will fulfill its responsible mission in the future, too, to drive out the foreign forces and ensure lasting peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region.

The illegal and aggressive "UN Command" should be dissolved without delay, and this is an essential prerequisite for restoring the authority and impartiality of the UN and promoting peace and stability of the Korean peninsula.

Japan Can Never Evade State Responsibility for Hideous Crimes against Humanity

Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Sol Hwa, a researcher of the Institute for Japan Studies under the DPRK Foreign Ministry, issued the following article "Japan can never evade the state responsibility for the hideous crimes against humanity":

The Japanese authorities' recent shameless act of denying the history is further touching off the anti-Japanese sentiments of the Korean people.

The chief Cabinet secretary of Japan, who said on August 30 that a "record can not be found in the government to grasp the true relations" with the massacre of Koreans in Kanto, made reckless remarks once again on November 9 that "the government's view is that it is difficult to grasp the fact at present as there is not court record."

It is a stark historical truth recognized by the public at home and abroad that the massacre of Koreans in Kanto was a thrice-cursed national chauvinist massacre committed by Japan in an organized and planned way with the mobilization of its state power.

As regards the centenary of the great Kanto quake this year, data proving the involvement of the authorities have been disclosed at a time when various events took place one after another to honor the memory of the Korean victims and witnesses and material evidence disclosing the massacre were unearthed. So the Japanese public is becoming increasingly vocal demanding that the government admit the state responsibility for the massacre and make an apology.

Under such situation, the chief Cabinet secretary speaking for the government's stand has persistently denied the massacre, talking about "record". This is an intolerable insult to the victims and their bereaved families and a shameless act to evade the state responsibility for the hideous crimes against humanity.

The atmosphere of hostility toward the DPRK is rampant in the whole society of Japan and the DPRK-Japan relations are getting worse day by day. This is attributable to the principal statesmen of Japan who have no sense of guilty about the past crimes and are ignorant of elementary human ethics and morality.

Japan is making desperate efforts to erase its blood-stained past history. This is a clear proof of its will to repeat the history of aggression.

The persistent denial of the criminal acts can never cover up the truth of history, and Japan can never evade the responsibility for the crimes.

Hysteria of "Aristocrat" Group Can Not Block Progress of Human Society

Pyongyang, November 12 (KCNA) -- Following is the full text of "Hysteria of 'aristocrat' group can not block progress of human society", an article written by KCNA commentator Kim Yun Mi:

An old-age group of "aristocrats", who lost their power and peerage, met again to grumble at world affairs.

It is just the recent meeting of foreign ministers of the seven countries (G7) held in Tokyo.

Nonsense, let out by them who lavish huge money collected as taxes on going sightseeing across the world to idle time away with grumbling and backbiting, is not worth paying heed to it, but we can not help commenting on their rubbish that hurt the sovereignty and interests of the DPRK.

The meeting made public a "joint statement" that "incriminates" the entirely normal bilateral relations between the DPRK and the Russian Federation, independent and dignified sovereign states, and contains such utterly groundless rhetoric as "complete denuclearization".

Such poor group, which runs helter-skelter to preserve its anachronistic "existing order" on the verge of collapse by putting tens of thousands of entities and individuals across the world on the sanctions target list at its will, disturbing the development of sovereign states and committing aggression and war, has repeated such vicious behavior as taking issue with others, like a guilty party filing the suit first, talking about "economic threat", "pursuit of changing situation by dint of power", "damage to democracy" and "violation of human right".

The group is nothing but an armed puppet of the U.S. on the battlefield and a tool exclusive to the U.S. in the political arena. The result it has finally produced at the recent meeting is just the "model" of double standards, divisiveness and insult.

The group talked about "complete denuclearization" of the DPRK, something to be found in archaism dictionary, touted "Israel's right to self-defense" to encourage its brutal massacre in defiance of the essence of the Middle East situation. Worse still, it adds fuel to the flames of the current war in Europe, calling for "slapping heavy sanctions upon Russia and rendering stronger support to Ukraine." Not content with this, it showed such eccentric behavior as unhesitatingly shielding Japan's discharge of nuclear-polluted water, "welcoming the efforts based on scientific grounds" and talking about "proved safety".

It is the present state of the group of "aristocrats" that as a result of serving the U.S. like a tool, its international position and influence are being weakened with each passing day and it is facing the worst crisis due to the serious political and economic unrest and social division at home and abroad.

It is, indeed, an impudent act of the group to interfere in other sovereign states' internal affairs while discussing the world affairs at any time despite its poor condition unable to settle its own affairs.

Frankly, if the G7 led by the U.S. had respected other countries' sovereignty and prioritized the world peace and development, the situations in the Korean peninsula, Europe and the Middle East region would not have worsened as today and thorny problems would not have been spawned in different parts of the world.

The conclusion is that such a source of trouble as G7 only harmful to the normal development of mankind is best advised to disappear as soon as possible.

It is said that a dog's bark will never make a camel go astray.

No matter how the old-age group of "aristocrats" may raise its voice, the human society will advance forward along its own orbit.

Press Statement of Director-General of African, Arab and Latin American Affairs Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry

The Resolution “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba” was adopted with the approval of the overwhelming majority of the UN member states at the recent plenary meeting of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

This is another brilliant victory achieved by the Cuban people in the course of 60-odd-year-long struggle for territorial integrity, sovereignty and socialist construction.

187 countries which account for the absolute majority of the UN member states have voted in favor of this UNGA resolution. This is a manifestation of the sentiment of the international community, opposing strongly the unilateral economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the U.S. against Cuba and supporting the Cuban people in their sacred cause of justice.

Only the U.S. and Israel vetoed the resolution.

Since the first day of the victory of the Cuban revolution, the U.S. has been imposing an all-out economic embargo on the former, in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and international laws, for the sole reason that the Cuban people are adhering to the ideals of anti-imperialism, independence and socialism.

Resolutions calling for an end to the U.S. blockade against Cuba have been adopted at the UN General Assembly with support of a majority of the UN member states every year since 1992. However, the U.S. has persisted in voting against those resolutions and pursuing sanctions and pressure to stifle socialist Cuba.

The cruel and inhumane blockade by the U.S. caused indescribable misfortunes and pains for the Cuban people for as long as more than half a century, leading to the economic loss of an astronomical figure.

According to the recent announcement of the Cuba’s foreign ministry, the economic loss incurred by the harsh U.S. sanctions and blockade comes to 405 million USD every month.

This single fact is good enough to vividly show the inhumane and heinous nature of the U.S. which seriously violates and threatens the fundamental rights to existence and development of Cuban people.

This year alone, the current U.S. administration continued listing Cuba as “state sponsor of terrorism” and decided to extend the sanctions against Cuba by another year, wielding the exclusive "Trading With The Enemy Act".

The coercive measures of the U.S. against Cuba are an outrageous violation of the UN Charter and international laws that stipulate the principles of respect for sovereignty, equality and non-interference in internal affairs. They are an intolerable criminal act.

The U.S. should look clearly at the ever-raging public sentiment of the international community, lift without further delay the unilateral and extraterritorial embargo on the economy, trade and finance of Cuba and remove it from the list of “state sponsors of terrorism”.

We will as ever continue to express full support for and solidarity with the Party, government and people of Cuba in their righteous struggle to safeguard the national dignity and sovereignty and gains of revolution, develop the economy and improve the people’s livelihood. We always stand ready to be with the Cuban people in the course of common struggle for anti-imperialism, independence and socialism. Pyongyang, November 13, Juche 112(2023)

Future of Country Seen in Children’s Laughter

It was 8 years ago, November 13, 2015 when Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited fully modernized Pyongyang Children’s Foodstuff Factory.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un looked around different places of the factory and acquainted himself in detail with its modernization, production, variety and quality of the products. He said in sincerity that it’s all for our children, the future generation of fatherland, to wage revolution braving harsh trials, and he is optimistic about the bright future even in today’s difficulties when he hears cheerful laughter of children.

He also earnestly instructed that the officials and workers of the factory should provide our children with a variety of delicious and nutritious foodstuffs, bearing in mind at all times that the normalization of production means laughter of children.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un saw the panoramic view of the factory and asked with a bright smile if it is the factory that he had visited one year before, and was pleased that the factory was finely built and completely transformed befitting the workplace visited by the great leaders. He said that the factory clearly proves the principle that nothing is impossible for determined hearts. Our people looked back with deep emotion upon the day when respected Comrade Kim Jong Un had visited the factory a year ago, revering his benevolent image.

As soon as he was reported by the officials concerned on the fact that raw materials were in short supply, he immediately visited the factory with a heavy heart in December, 2014.

On the spot he sternly said to the officials that we should not stop even a moment the production of children’s foodstuff and that the normalization of production is not merely an economic and technical matter but the one related to the moral obligations to the great leaders. He earnestly said that the factory should normalize the production for uninterrupted supply of nutrients to our children as the factory is permeated with immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il who devoted their all during the whole life regarding our children as the kings and queens of the country.

On that day, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un took necessary measures to provide raw materials for normalizing production, set ambitious modernization goals and took benevolent measures for completing automated, robotized, dust-free and germ-free production processes.

The laughter of children can never be cooked up.

As their laughter shows the happiness of every family and the future of the country, all parents in the world devote their affection to their children for their innocent laughter.

Indeed, as we hold in high esteem the benevolent father who protects the laughter of our children to bring altogether the affection of all parents in the country, the merrily happy laughter of our children will resound forever, adding to our conviction that the future of our country will get brighter in coming years.


2023-11-18 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Gedenkkomitees zum 12. Todestag des Generalissimus KIM JONG IL, des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees, der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe und des Juche-Ideologie-Studienzentrums der italienischen Schweiz: Generalissimus KIM JONG IL stärkte die Verteidigungsindustrie und -kapazität der DVR Korea


18. November Juche 112 (2023)

Das Präsidium der Obersten Volksversammlung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) erklärte kürzlich den 18. November zum Tag der Raketenindustrie. Damit soll von nun an der Jahrestag des erfolgreichen Tests der ballistischen Interkontinentalrakete (ICBM) Hwasongpho-17 unter der Anleitung von Marschall KIM JONG UN gefeiert werden.

Unsere Organisationen nehmen diesen Tag zum Anlass, die Gedenkperiode zum 12. Todestag des Generalissimus KIM JONG IL zu eröffnen, denn er hat in den 2000er-Jahren mit seiner Politik der Priorität der militärischen Angelegenheiten (Songun) den Weg zum Aufbau und zur Entwicklung der nationalen Raketenindustrie geebnet.

Der grosse Generalissimus KIM JONG IL setzte sich mit ganzer Kraft und Energie für die Stärkung der Verteidigungsindustrie und -kapazität ein.

Die immer aggressiveren Anti-DVRK-Kriegsprovokationen der USA-Imperialisten machten es dringend erforderlich, die militärischen Muskeln des sozialistischen Korea weiter zu festigen.

Mit der Einleitung des Aufbaus der atomaren Abschreckungsmacht im Jahre 2006 erreichte Generalissimus KIM JONG IL einen entscheidenden Durchbruch auf dem Weg zur Erlangung der Unbesiegbarkeit der DVRK.

Unter seiner Führung wurde die DVRK eine starke politisch-ideologische, militärische und ökonomische Grossmacht.

Die Kräftigung der militärischen Macht der DVRK flösste auch vielen einst feindlich gesinnten Staaten Respekt ein. So kam es, dass in den 2000er-Jahren ein EU- und NATO-Land nach dem anderen diplomatische Beziehungen zur DVRK aufnahm. Dies war ein gigantischer diplomatischer Sieg der DVRK von historischer Bedeutung und Tragweite.

Generalissimus KIM JONG IL ist wahrlich ein unsterblicher unbezwingbarer Heerführer vom Päktu-Gebirge mit eisernem Willen wie vor ihm der grosse Generalissimus KIM IL SUNG.

Generalissimus KIM JONG IL machte das sozialistische Korea zum Bollwerk des Weltsozialismus.

Seit dem Ableben des Generalissimus KIM JONG IL (17. Dezember 2011) treibt der hochverehrte Marschall KIM JONG UN den Aufbau und die Entwicklung der Atom- und Raketenstreitmacht der DVRK und ihre Rüstungs- und Verteidigungsindustrie energisch und massiv voran. Damit erweist er dem Generalissimus KIM JONG IL die grösste Ehre.

Ehrendes Andenken dem grossen Generalissimus KIM JONG IL, dem unsterblichen unbezwingbaren Heerführer vom Päktu-Gebirge mit eisernem Willen!

Schweizerisches Gedenkkomitee zum 12. Todestag des Generalissimus KIM JONG IL

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

Juche-Ideologie-Studienzentrum der italienischen Schweiz