Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

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mercredi 9 octobre 2024

2024-10-07 KOREAN NEWS 36/24




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No 36/24                                                                                                                         Oct 07, 2024



1.  Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Regional-industry Factories under Construction in North Phyongan Province

2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Live Artillery Firing Drill of Graduates of O Jin U Artillery Academy

3. Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry

4. Spokesperson for Foreign Ministry of DPRK Gives Answers

5. Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK

Is It "Boast of Strength" by Group of Curs or Funeral Procession of Colonial Mercenary Army


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Regional-industry Factories under Construction in North Phyongan Province

Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the regional-industry factories under construction in North Phyongan Province and guided the construction project. 

Accompanying him were Ri Yong Gil, chief of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army, Jong Kyong Thaek, director of the KPA General Political Bureau, Jong Myong Do, first deputy chief of the KPA General Staff, Kim Yong Bok and Ri Chang Ho, deputy chiefs of the KPA General Staff, other KPA commanding officers and cadres of the WPK Central Committee. 

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was greeted on the spot by the commanding officers of the KPA units engaged in the construction project. 

The officers and men, involved in the construction of regional-industry factories in the province, are pushing ahead with the construction project at the final stage after setting it as a primary requirement to ensure quality in construction, true to the important task Kim Jong Un advanced while giving field guidance at regional-industry factories under construction in different areas. 

Going round the construction sites, Kim Jong Un learned in detail about the construction work. 

Expressing great satisfaction over the fact that soldier-builders have ensured high quality in construction as required by modernization and standardization, he noted with high appreciation that they did construction well. Fully reflected in each building are our army’s spirit and stand of devotedly implementing the Party’s policies, and this is an expression of patriotism, loyalty to the Party and the revolution and love for hometown, he added. 

To establish a correct ideological viewpoint is important in construction, too, and there is nothing impossible to do when people are stimulated ideologically, he said, noting that the service personnel have grown up, through the construction process, to be pioneers of the times and masters of creation who know the true meaning of patriotism and uphold the country and people with pure conscience and practice. This is a precious success that is incomparable to anything, he added. 

It is hard to find here such defects as those revealed in the construction of regional-industry factories in some cities and counties, he said, stating that they have made fresh progress in improving quality by actively applying the excellent Korean-style building methods created in practice. He called on the construction regiments dispatched to cities and counties to learn from the experience gained in the construction of regional-industry factories in the province. 

He said it is worthy of praise that the KPA has built up the force of commanding officers of construction units at all levels, promptly solved the problems arising in the construction and powerfully pushed ahead with the construction project, mindful of the noble intention of the Party Central Committee which set forth the construction of regional-industry factories as an important task for hastening the regional development. 

A new change is now being made in the view of officials and builders on construction and the traits of giving priority to quality are prevailing over the whole area of construction, he noted, saying it is an affirmative trend guaranteeing the development of our architecture. 

As is always emphasized, architectural structures reflect our ideology, policy and aesthetic view and the indications of the times and, accordingly, architecture is an extension and epitome of politics, he said, adding that even if we erect a single structure, we should build it wonderfully and perfectly as a symbol of the era that we can show to our younger generations with a clear conscience, on the honour of our times and our generation. 

He instructed in detail such important and principled orientations and ways for expanding the regional construction as the issue of designing advanced public health facilities, facilities for science, education, life and cultural activities and grain management facilities in a rational and practical way suited to the use of relevant buildings, the issue of thoroughly ensuring the practical utility and modernity in design of industrial buildings and the issue of building up the force of skilled workers. 

He expressed belief that the soldier-builders dispatched to the province would as ever uphold the implementation of the Party’s Regional Development 20×10 Policy with signal successes in construction and play the role of pacesetters in the vanguard of the 10-year revolution for the regional rejuvenation. 

The officers and men of the KPA units were filled with the strong determination to contribute to the prosperity of the great state and the promotion of the people’s well-being by pushing on with the gigantic creation campaign for bringing about an epochal change of regions, cherishing the great trust and expectations of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un as their lifeblood.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Live Artillery Firing Drill of Graduates of O Jin U Artillery Academy

Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, oversaw a live artillery firing drill of the 75th-term graduates of O Jin U Artillery Academy on the eve of their appointment as active commanding officers of the core arm of the Korean People’s Army. 

Accompanying him were Ri Yong Gil, chief of the KPA General Staff, Jong Kyong Thaek, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, Jong Myong Do, first deputy chief of the KPA General Staff, and Kim Yong Bok and Ri Chang Ho, deputy chiefs of the KPA General Staff. 

Kim Jong Un was greeted at the firing range by commanding officers of the academy. 

Inspecting the academy, a “pedigree” establishment for training core artillery forces of the DPRK, early in September, he had clearly indicated the important guidelines for training all its undergraduates, who will shoulder the future of the Juche-based artillery forces, into all-round, a-match-for-a-hundred artillerymen and artillery talents possessed of full combat command capability. Then he had made a promise to make time to oversee a live firing by its graduates. 

The firing range was filled with militant enthusiasm of the teachers and cadets of the academy, who were to show him the marksmanship they had refined single-mindedly with the day’s highest honour and deep gratitude of meeting the great iron-willed brilliant commander on their campus and learning the truth of the Party’s philosophy of the artillery. 

At the observation post, Kim Jong Un was briefed of the plan for artillery firing and the decision of the rector of the academy according to the simulated battle conditions. 

The cadets of the academy quickly judged the firing data and launched the firing all together. 

Shells, charged with the high spirit of the cadets to annihilate the enemy and safeguard the territory of the country with merciless and fierce shellfire, hit the targets one after another. 

The cadets fully displayed the actual war capabilities, which they had stoutly cultivated, mindful of the ideas of the Party Central Committee of getting well versed in the Juche-based artillery tactics and artillery pieces of different missions and making full preparations for promptly responding to any situation and overwhelmingly containing and destroying the enemy. 

Watching their skilled handling of artillery pieces and good marksmanship with satisfaction, Kim Jong Un said that he could see that the academy had attached importance to the military theoretical education and the training for real war, and expressed great satisfaction over the live firing results. 

He stressed the need to make the cadets continue to strive to attain new goals by further raising the standards of judgement in accuracy and concentration in the future live firing. 

The live firing results shown by cadets of the academy today are a demonstration of the validity and vitality of the Party’s policy on military education and on bringing about a radical turn in training and a proud level reached by the field of artillery education, he said, calling on the academy to fully meet the requirements of the Party’s policy on hitting the targets without test firing and improve the quality of artillery education with the main stress put on constantly teaching the guerrilla war tactics to wipe out the enemies through rapid mobile and surprise operations in conformity with the actual conditions in the operational areas. 

Saying that to raise the standards of overall sci-tech knowledge and practical qualifications of the artillery officers and men is a more urgent and pressing task, he set forth the goals to be attained by the artillery education sector in the future. 

He said that the graduates’ records are a voucher to their ability of military studies and a guarantee for the security of the country and the people. He stressed that the graduates from the academy should ensure the steady progress of the artillery forces with their high political consciousness of being commanding officers in charge of core arm of our army, operational and tactical insight and excellent marksmanship. 

After watching the live artillery firing drill, he went to the firing position and warmly congratulated the reliable reserve commanding officers who demonstrated the honour of the academy with marksmanship of never missing targets. 

Expressing belief and confidence that the graduates of the academy would become an engine for making the artillery positions of the entire army the solid support points for hastening the war victory and always remain faithful to the honourable duty of the KPA commanding officers with absolute loyalty to the Party and revolution, the country and the people and the spirit of devoted service, he had a photo session with them. 

Looking up with great excitement to Kim Jong Un who personally guided the live firing of the graduates who are to take the first step as the commanding officers of the first arm of our revolutionary armed forces and instilled high confidence and matchless courage into them, the cadets raised stormy cheers of hurrah. 

Commanding officers, teachers and cadets of the academy hardened their will to make positive contributions to demonstrating the might of the artillery forces as the strongest arm in the world by upholding with perfect practice the leadership of the great brilliant commander, who is devoting himself to the development of the Juche-based artillery forces while making continuous field inspection of the army.


Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued the following statement titled "NATO, a freak brought up by U.S. extreme double logic and double standards, should be thrown into dump of history as soon as possible" on Sunday:

NATO in its recent statement let loose a string of extremely unreasonable remarks that it condemns all countries fostering and extending the Ukrainian war while groundlessly slandering the independent cooperative relations between sovereign states including the DPRK.

The publication of the statement timed to coincide with the visit by the new NATO secretary general to Ukraine clearly shows that NATO is going to appear on the first-line trench of the anti-DPRK confrontation front, not content with extremely taking advantage of its boss's hostile policy toward the DPRK.

The Foreign Ministry of the DPRK expresses strong regret at the fact that NATO, no more than a tool of the U.S. for war, slandered the intensified legal cooperation between independent sovereign states while distorting the essence of the Ukrainian incident, and resolutely denounces and rejects it.

Far from seriously repenting of its mistake in creating the Ukrainian incident, NATO, the very one which exposed the security environment in the European region to the grave crisis called outbreak of a nuclear war, is going to shift the blame for it onto others and justify its policy of aggression. This is just the same as the shameless act of the U.S. engrossed in extreme double standards and illogical way of thinking.

It is none other than the U.S. which is confusing right and wrong while insisting that its arms buildup and war drills involving even its mainland forces aiming at a specified state in the Korean peninsula are for "defending freedom" and the exercise of the right to self-defence and essential defence activities taken by the DPRK to cope with them are for "threatening peace".

NATO has been spending an astronomical amount of military expenses on the offer of lethal equipment to Ukraine and openly inciting it to attacks on the Russian territory. However it is taking up a gangster-like logic that their war acts are an effort for "preventing" war and the establishment of normal relations between sovereign states is an act of fostering and extending war, which is just like a guilty party filing the suit first and a bad habit disseminated by the U.S.

We are strictly fixing our eyes on the reality in which a war monster called NATO that should have disappeared from the arena of history along with the end of the Cold War last century is stretching its black tentacles to the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region in order to provide another justification in the wake of playing a war gamble called the Ukrainian incident to find a justification for existence of itself stained with blood.

It is the biggest geopolitical tragedy that NATO, a product of the U.S. ambition for hegemony which is based on the gangster-like double logic and double standards and has lived on the escalation of tension and war moves, is still existent.

The provocative acts of NATO getting more undisguised on the Korean peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region according to the U.S. illogical thinking and scenario only bring into bold relief the reason for its thorough death, not the additional justification for existence of the ill-famed war specter.

If NATO continues to try hard to infringe upon the dignity, sovereignty, security and interests of the DPRK while persistently pursuing hostile policy toward it, NATO blindly following the U.S. will be held wholly responsible for the tragic consequences to be entailed by it.

The DPRK will continue to make important efforts to defend itself from the hostile threat of the U.S. and its followers, preserve regional peace and security and build a multi-polarized world based on international justice.


Spokesperson for Foreign Ministry of DPRK Gives Answers

Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA on Tuesday as regards the fact that Israel's recent large-scale military attack and terrorist acts against Lebanon caused huge casualties:

Israel is resorting to massacre, terrorism and assassination, talking about the "right to self-defence" and "security". Its brutality and shamelessness are arousing great hatred and resentment of the international community.

It is a hideous war crime and unethical crime that Israel killed many civilians by committing indiscriminate military attack and terrorist acts against Lebanon.

Not content with the thrice-cursed massacre that stunned the world people in Gaza Strip of Palestine, Israel which is now encroaching upon the right of the Arab people to existence in the Middle East including Lebanon and the U.S. manipulating it are, indeed, the cancer-like entities of regional peace and stability and the common enemy of the Arab people.

The key to ensuring durable peace in the region of the Middle East is to guarantee the legitimate national right of the Palestinian people to establishing an independent state and put an end to Israel's invasion and hostile acts against the Arab countries as soon as possible.

We strongly denounce Israel which is expanding its large-scale massacre of innocent civilians to the whole Middle East and the organizational heinous terrorist acts of the U.S. which guards the former, and express invariable support and solidarity to the Arab people in their struggle for defending sovereignty, right to existence and territorial integrity.


Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK

Is It "Boast of Strength" by Group of Curs or Funeral Procession of Colonial Mercenary Army

= Impression on Event Marking "ROK Armed Forces' Day" =

Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, released the following press statement on Thursday:

The sound of a hollow drum is louder.

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. An event marking the "ROK Armed Forces' Day" held in Seoul on Tuesday was like it.

This time the ROK invited lots of cohorts and staged a series of such farces as ceremony and street march to commemorate the "ROK Armed Forces' Day".

It displayed more than 80 kinds of military hardware, including the "three-axis system" and manned or unmanned weapon system, talking with all rhetoric about the appearance of "a strong national army" and "demonstration of deterrent against the north".

To say a word about such event, it was no more than a foolish farce, with neither trace nor echo like that a group of curs passed across a stream.

However, that event was so loudly advertised by the ROK. So, I am going to comment on it with a few sentences.

Really distinctive was that a U.S. forces' B-1B strategic bomber appeared as the main player of the event and reviewed the ROK army.

Amid the U.S. B-1B strategic bomber flying over Seoul, the military chief of the ROK and his stooges and the three services of the puppet armed forces were courteously lining up to pay regards to it. The scene was so pitiful to see alone. It may be unique in the world military parade history and the best scene that can be produced only in the colonial ROK.

Great irony is that, not content with the B-1B, the puppets put on the stage an odd monster called "Hyonmu-5" ballistic missile, embellished with absurd sophism that it is little short of a tactical nuclear weapon class as its warhead weights eight tons.

Perhaps, the ROK puppets have a strange way of thinking that a conventional warhead, if its powder increases in weight, can be transformed into a nuclear warhead.

It may be appropriate for demonstration or appeasement, but the world people cannot but question about its military use.

Who would make such a "huge cart" for the launch of merely eight-ton warhead. The reason is that it only looks like a monster to launch the eight-ton warhead.

I can simply explain the military effectiveness and might of our multiple rocket launchers by comparison with it.

The launching capacity of our one multiple rocket launcher, which is not equal to half the size of the "deformed cart", is calculated to be equal to 900 tons of explosive power in terms of the explosive capacity of a conventional warhead.

If a man has a certain degree of common sense, he could not talk about the "end of regime" of someone with a weapon of worthless large bulk.

They must know the shame.

If it had not been opened to public, the "mysterious ghost weapon" would have been more effective in propaganda.

However desperately they may try to show that they are not being pushed back from the confrontation of strength, this is a foolish act before the nuclear weapons state. And they proved by themselves once again that they can never cross the wall of inferiority in strength, the fate of a non-nuclear weapon state.

Media boasted of the transporter erector launcher's mobile ability of sidewise movement, which is only a necessary function when parking.

Next, let us mention Yoon Suk Yeol's remarks that the event was more significant with the establishment of a "strategic command" of the ROK.

The group, which has failed to possess a single strategic weapon, cooked up the "strategic command". This is little short of a mange-affected dog wearing a helmet.

No matter how much the dog may wear helmets, it can't be a tiger or a lion.

Nevertheless, Yoon clamored in full tide of passion that they have a "core strategic force giving faith and trust to the population". It is nothing but a hungry dog barking with joy of getting a bone.

Yoon, who entrusted the security to his master and bragged about his strength by relying on it, had been a little naïve in my view.

Tragedy is that Yoon could not realize at all that all the recent despicable behaviors are hastening the time-table for self-destruction.

Though the head of our state put a precondition of the word "if", he re-clarified the stand to use all the offensive forces of the country without hesitation if the ROK attempts a military confrontation with the DPRK, being overconfident of the ROK-U.S. alliance.

The confrontation outcry, raised by Yoon Suk Yeol with war fever this time, is no more than a last-ditch scream of a guy at death's door.

Even if he was mad over bluffing, it was none other than an exposure of anxious and impatient psychology without filtering.

What the ROK clans clearly showed through the recent farce from the beginning to the end is that the ROK, trained completely into a cheap mercenary of the U.S. and reduced to a bullet-shield for realizing its master's ambition for hegemony, is fearlessly dashing into the bottomless pit of downfall, together with the U.S. falling into decay and ruin with each passing day.

Then, the world people will surely comment on it. Is the event marking the ROK "army day" a "boast of strength" by the group of curs or a funeral procession of colonial mercenary army?

The answer is clear.