Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

jeudi 31 mai 2012

KIM JONG UN - gütiger Vater der Kinder

Der oberste Führer KIM JONG UN besuchte das Kinder-Warenhaus und Wohnungen sowie verschiedene Kinderinstitutionen in der neu erbauten Changjon-Strasse in Pyongyang.
Beim Besuch des Kinder-Warenhauses, dessen Fertigstellung sich der Vollendung nähert, äusserte er sich sehr zufrieden darüber, dass es in kürzester Zeit gebaut worden ist, gemäss den noblen Idealen des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG und des Generalsekretärs KIM JONG IL, welche die Kinder liebevoll als "Könige des Landes" bezeichnet hatten.
General KIM JONG UN besuchte auch die Changjon-Primarschule, die Kyongsang-Kinderkrippe sowie den Kyongsang-Kindergarten und gab Vor-Ort-Anleitungen.
Bei seinen Rundgängen vergewisserte er sich überall, dass es den Kindern an nichts mangelt und dass sie gesund und wohlbehütet aufwachsen. Nachdem er einer künstlerischen Darbietung von Kindern beigewohnt hatte, rief er ein Kind zu sich und nahm es zärtlich in die Arme. Er lobte es für seinen schönen Gesang und erkundigte sich fürsorglich nach seinem Alter und den Berufen seiner Eltern. Anschliessend liess er sich mit den Kindern fotografieren.
Der geliebte und verehrte Genosse KIM JONG UN ist der gütige Vater der Kinder, der sich persönlich um ihr Glück und Wohl kümmert.
Die Kinder im sozialistischen Korea haben heute einen dritten fürsorglichen Vater - nach dem Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG und dem Generalsekretär KIM JONG IL den obersten Führer KIM JONG UN, der mit ersteren exakt identisch ist.
Unter KIM JONG UNs väterlicher Fürsorge wachsen die Kinder glücklich zu "Königen des Landes" heran.

mercredi 30 mai 2012

DVRK weist USA-"Menschenrechts-Bericht" zurück

Die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) weist den "Menschenrechts-Bericht 2011" der USA-Regierung vom 24. Mai mit Empörung zurück. Dies betonte ein Sprecher des Aussenministeriums der DVRK in einer Erklärung am 29. Mai.
In diesem verlogenen "Bericht" werden die DVRK und andere souveräne Staaten, die sich der Hegemonie Washingtons nicht beugen, aufs übelste verleumdet.
Die Anti-DVRK-Verleumdungen sind nichts anderes als der vergebliche Versuch, das vom koreanischen Volk selbstgewählte sozialistische System, das auf der Juche-Ideologie basiert, zu zerstören.
Die USA-Imperialisten besassen sogar die Unverschämtheit und den Zynismus, in ihrem "Menschenrechts-Bericht" ihre "Sorge über das Leben des Volkes in Nordkorea" zu äussern. Das ist eine bösartige Beleidigung der Würde des koreanischen Volkes. Das Volk erfreut sich aller Errungenschaften des volksverbundenen sozialistischen Systems wie etwa kostenloser medizinischer Betreuung und Bildung sowie kostenlosen Wohnens und der Abwesenheit von Steuern und ist in einmütiger Geschlossenheit um seinen Führer geschart.
Wie der geliebte und verehrte oberste Führer KIM JONG UN in seiner Rede am 15. April erklärte, ist es der feste Wille der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK), dass das koreanische Volk den Gürtel nicht enger schnallen muss, sondern alle Errungenschaften des Juche-Sozialismus vollauf geniessen kann.

In den USA hingegen werden die Reichen immer reicher und die Armen immer ärmer. Zur gleichen Zeit unterdrückt die herrschende Klasse die antikapitalistische "Occupy-Wall-Street"-Bewegung mit brutaler Gewalt und lässt in Guantanamo Kriegsgefangene foltern.
Jeder ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Mensch kann klar erkennen: Im sozialistischen Korea sind die Menschenrechte vollkommen verwirklicht, während die USA unter der Maske ihrer "Menschenrechts"-Heuchelei die Menschenrechte im In- und Ausland mit Füssen treten.
Die USA sollen endlich aufhören, die Menschenrechtsfrage für ihre globale Macht- und Aggressionspolitik zu missbrauchen.

lundi 28 mai 2012

19.6. und 15.6. - grosse Jubiläen Koreas

Das koreanische Volk feiert in den kommenden Tagen zwei wichtige Jubiläen der Songun-Revolution.

** In diesem Jahr wird der 48. Jahrestag des Arbeitsbeginns des Führers KIM JONG IL im Zentralkomitee der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) gefeiert. Er begann seine Tätigkeit am 19. Juni Juche 53 (1964). Damit nahm er dem Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG eine grosse Arbeitslast ab und bereitete ihm eine grosse Freude.
Das Volk vernahm erfreut die Nachricht vom Erscheinen eines jungen Führers an der Spitze der Partei.
In jenen Jahren, als in der internationalen kommunistischen Bewegung der moderne Revisionismus und die Kapitulation vor dem Imperialismus in Erscheinung traten, kämpfte Genosse KIM JONG IL energisch und entschlossen gegen das Eindringen revisionistischer Strömungen in die Reihen der PdAK und für die endgültige Durchsetzung der Juche-Ideologie als der einzigen Ideologie der Partei. Er gestaltete die PdAK zur Partei KIM IL SUNGs.
Er leitete damals auch die Revolutionierung der Kunst, des Theaters und des Films gemäss den Erfordernissen der Juche-Ideologie an. Unter seiner Leitung entstand eine grosse Zahl neuer literarischer und künstlerischer Werke.
Im Jahre Juche 63 (1974) wurde der Führer KIM JONG IL zum Nachfolger des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG erklärt.
Er proklamierte damals das grosse Programm der Umgestaltung der ganzen Gesellschaft und der Partei nach der Juche-Ideologie, womit er die Durchsetzung der revolutionären Ideen KIM IL SUNGs definitiv garantierte.
In den folgenden Jahrzehnten baute der Führer KIM JONG IL die Koreanische Volksarmee (KVA) zur unbezwingbaren eisernen Festung der Verteidigung des sozialistischen Korea aus und sorgte damit dafür, dass sämtliche Provokationen und Kriegskomplotte der von den USA angeführten imperialistischen Mächteallianz siegreich zerschlagen wurden.
Heute, nach dem völlig unerwarteten und schmerzlichen Ableben des Führers KIM JONG IL, ist es der oberste Führer KIM JONG UN, der als grosser Nachfolger der Sache von Juche und Songun die koreanische Revolution in der nächsten Generation weiterführt. Mit ihm haben die Partei, der Staat, die Armee und das Volk einen neuen jungen Führer, der das vom Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG begründete und begonnene und vom Generalsekretär KIM JONG IL weiterentwickelte grosse revolutionäre Werk fortsetzt.
Unter der Führung des Genossen KIM JONG UN werden die ganze Gesellschaft und die Partei nach den Prinzipien des Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus umgestaltet.

** Das andere grosse Jubiläum dieser Tage ist der 12. Jahrestag der Unterzeichnung der Gemeinsamen Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000.
Dieses historische Ereignis stiess das Tor zur Wiedervereinigung Koreas weit auf und löste weltweit grosse Begeisterung aus.
Dank der konsequenten Anwendung der vom Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG proklamierten Programme für die nationale Wiedervereinigung - der Drei Chartas der Wiedervereinigung - durch den Generalsekretär KIM JONG IL kam damals das erste innerkoreanische Gipfeltreffen zustande, als dessen erfolgreiches Ergebnis die gemeinsame Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 unterzeichnet wurde.
Damit leitete Generalsekretär KIM JONG IL die historische Wiedervereinigungs-Aera des 15. Juni unter dem patriotischen Banner der Idee "Durch unsere Nation selber" ein.
Darauf aufbauend, organisierte der Führer KIM JONG IL im Oktober Juche 96 (2007) ein zweites innerkoreanisches Gipfeltreffen. Die dabei unterzeichnete Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 basierte auf der gemeinsamen Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 und entwickelte diese in die Tiefe.
Die Aera des 15. Juni ist das leuchtende Banner der Wiedervereinigung Koreas, das heute vom obersten Führer KIM JONG UN konsequent und ohne die geringste Veränderung in die nächste Generation getragen wird. Unter seiner weisen und edlen Führung wird die nationale Wiedervereinigung siegreich triumphieren und damit das Vermächtnis KIM IL SUNGs und KIM JONG ILs würdevoll realisiert.
Unter der brillanten Songun-Führung des geliebten und verehrten KIM JONG UN werden der Aufbau einer starken und blühenden Nation sowie die nationale Wiedervereinigung erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

dimanche 20 mai 2012

Kim Yong Nam besuchte Indonesien und Singapur

Kim Yong Nam, Vorsitzender des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), stattete vom 10. bis 17. Mai Indonesien und Singapur je einen offiziellen Besuch ab.
Er wurde u.a. begleitet von Ri Kwang Gun, Vorsitzender der Joint-Venture- und Investment-Kommission, und An Jong Su, Minister für Leichtindustrie.

** Während seines Besuchs in Singapur führte Kim Yong Nam Gespräche mit dem Präsidenten Tony Tan Keng Yam und dem Parlamentssprecher Michael Palmer.
Beide Seiten sprachen sich für die Vertiefung der freundschaftlichen Beziehungen und der Kooperation zwischen der DVRK und Singapur aus.

** In Jakarta traf Kim Yong Nam zu Gesprächen mit dem indonesischen Präsidenten Susilo B. Yudhoyono, dem Vizepräsidenten Boediono und weiteren Offiziellen zusammen.
Der indonesische Präsident sagte in seiner Rede am Bankett, dass Präsident KIM IL SUNG in den Herzen beider Völker weiterlebe.
Beide Seiten würdigten die lange Geschichte der traditionellen Freundschaft zwischen der DVRK und Indonesien, die vom Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG und vom Präsidenten Sukarno begründet und gepflegt worden sind.
Kim Yong Nam hob hervor, dass das koreanische Volk eine starke und blühende sozialistische Nation aufbaue und dabei den obersten Führer KIM JONG UN als Ersten Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) und als Ersten Vorsitzenden der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der DVRK in höchsten Ehren halte sowie den 100. Geburtstag des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG festlich gefeiert habe.

Die Gastgeber in beiden Ländern liessen ihrerseits dem obersten Führer KIM JONG UN ihre besten Grüsse ausrichten und wünschten ihm beste Gesundheit.

Präsident KIM IL SUNG hatte im April Juche 54 (1965), begleitet vom Führer KIM JONG IL, Indonesien einen historischen Freundschaftbesuch abgestattet und mit dem indonesischen Präsidenten Sukarno wichtige Gespräche geführt.

samedi 19 mai 2012

Garantie sur les marchandises d’export-import

Garantie sur les marchandises d’export-import
Le contrôle des marchandises d’export-import qui consiste à vérifier exactement et objectivement la qualité et la quantité des marchandises qui s’échangent entre commerçants revêt une grande portée dans le développement des relations commerciales entre pays.
Pour assurer la sécurité dans l’échange commerciale, le gouvernement de la RPD de Corée définit légitimement le système de contrôle des marchandises d’export-import et supervise les marchandises d’échange. Au cas où le propriétaire de marchandises demande, on peut procéder à un contrôle sur les frets de relais et d’escale.
C’est le comité de contrôle et de quarantaine des marchandises d’export-import de Corée (KIQC) qui fait le contrôle de ces marchandises.
Unique organisme de contrôle des marchandises d’export-import dans le pays, le comité installe ses bureaux dans toutes les provinces du pays et aux points d’accès frontaliers comme les ports commerciaux et les gares frontalières et supervise rapidement et correctement toutes les marchandises d’export-import en y assurant l’objectivité et l’équité. De ce fait, il veille à ce que les organismes de commerce respectent la qualité et la quantité de leurs marchandises et gardent strictement leur crédibilité et il règle équitablement tous les problèmes posés dans le commerce.
Avant d’exporter et d’importer des marchandises, tout organisme de commerce doit déposer une lettre de demande du contrôle à l’organisme de contrôle des marchandises d’export-import, et les organes, entreprises et organisations qui expédient ou reçoivent des marchandises doivent la présenter à l’organe de contrôle local.
La personne morale, le citoyen étranger et les Coréens d’outre-mer qui veulent exporter et importer des marchandises doivent en passer le contrôle par l’organe de contrôle des marchandises d’export-import de la RPD de Corée. Les organes, les entreprises et les organisations qui demandent le contrôle de marchandises doivent payer des commissions définies.
L’organe de contrôle exécute, selon des lettres de demande ou de requête, le contrôle sur les marchandises aux points de passage frontalier comme les gares, les ports commerciaux, les gares frontalières et les aéroports internationaux où l’on charge et décharge des marchandises avec des organes, des entreprises et des organisations qui ont demandé le contrôle.
Le contrôle aux gares donne la confiance aux clients étrangers et aux consommateurs du pays sur la qualité et la quantité des marchandises.
Le contrôle aux points de passage comme les ports commerciaux, les gares frontalières et les aéroports internationaux donne aux commerçants une confiance sur leurs marchandises d’échange.
L’organe de contrôle améliore ses méthodes de contrôle avec des équipements et des appareils de contrôle de pointe.
Composé de techniciens compétents dotés de connaissances spécifiques, il fait son travail à un niveau élevé et donne une bonne satisfaction aux commerçants.
Le comité de contrôle et de quarantaine des marchandises d’export-import de Corée déploie également des activités pour développer l’échange et la coopération avec des organes compétents étrangers y compris des organisations internationales.

Les activités de la Croix-Rouge en RPDC

La société de la Croix-Rouge de la RPDC organise largement dans toute l’étendue du pays des services
bénévoles en accord avec la loi et les statuts de la Croix-Rouge et avec les principes fondamentaux du
mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. Ses plus importants objectifs : protéger la vie et les biens de la population contre toutes formes de calamités et de maladies et améliorer la santé et le
bien-être des habitants. Elle ne ménage aucunement ses efforts pour les réaliser. En présence des fléaux de la
nature de plus en plus fréquents consécutifs au changement du climat, elle a fait d’une manière substantielle
des préparatifs institutionnels, humains et matériels et a amélioré ses capacités d’intervention d’urgence
pour faire face aux sinistres en coopérant étroitement avec la fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge et de nombreuses sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, notamment celles de Norvège, Suède, Finlande, Danemark, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Canada, Australie. Elle a également porté de gros efforts sur la réalisation de son programme de réduction de risques de calamités dans les zones résidentielles à capacités faibles. Ces dernières années, par
exemple, elle a organisé d’une manière unifiée les activités relatives à la gestion des calamités comme les
préparatifs pour faire face aux catastrophes, la prévention des calamités, les secours d’urgence et le
relèvement, à l’assistance médicale sociale et à l’hygiène d’eau, en se fixant pour son principal objectif
l’aménagement de zones résidentielles sûres et animées, cela suivant son plan quinquennal stratégique (2011-2015) pour la réduction de risques de calamités.

En poussant les préparatifs pour faire face aux catastrophes et arrêtant des mesures pour la prévention et
l’atténuation des calamités, elle a créé dans diverses régions des groupes anti-calamités à part par souci
d’assurer la promptitude et l’efficacité des secours d’urgence et a veillé à en accroître le rôle et le sens de la
responsabilité. Par ailleurs, par ses soins, des postes de surveillance ont été installés dans les zones à gros
risques de calamités, et la surveillance et l’information en matière de fléaux de la nature comme l’inondation et le glissement de terrains de montagnes sont effectuées substantiellement par la mobilisation de bénévoles. Dans de nombreuses unités d’activité, se trouve implanté un système de préalerte contre les calamités et le plan pour le cas d’urgence a été réalisé avec succès. Donc, pendant la saison des grandes pluies de l’année
dernière, dans ces unités, il n’y a eu aucune perte de vie humaine et les dommages subis par des logements,
des terres agricoles et des constructions publiques ont été réduits considérablement.
L’année passée, quand une inondation a frappé certaines de régions, la société de la Croix-Rouge
a envoyé sans tarder dans les régions sinistrées des groupes d’enquête d’urgence, qui, en coopération avec
les personnels des sections locales de la Croix-Rouge, les bénévoles et les fonctionnaires des organismes locaux du pouvoir, ont procédé à une enquête sur les dommages causés par l’inondation et les besoins des
La société de la Croix-Rouge a également envoyé à temps, avec l’aide de la délégation de la fédération
internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, des secours d’urgence dans les régions sinistrées et a ainsi aidé avec efficacité à la stabilisation des conditions de vie des sinistrés.
L’année passée était l’ « année des bénévoles ».
La société de la Croix-Rouge a donc organisé un cours de formation destiné à faire face à des calamités et
à assurer le secours d’urgence pour les cadres concernés et les bénévoles des provinces du Hwanghae du Sud, du Phyongan du Sud et du Kangwon et d’autres provinces, ce qui a aidé à porter à un niveau plus élevé les préparatifs pour faire face aux calamités et améliorer les capacités de secours.
Elle a également organisé, avec la mobilisation des bénévoles, diverses autres activités comme
l’aménagement du territoire, la plantation d’arbres et l’éducation pour la sécurité dans la circulation, ce qui a
permis de remonter le moral des bénévoles et de stimuler leur enthousiasme et a également permis
au grand public de se faire une idée correcte de la réduction des risques de calamités.
Les bénévoles se sont enthousiasmés plus que jamais pour la santé publique et les premiers secours.
Les cours de formation et les échanges de vues sur le travail sanitaire et les premiers secours dans les zones
résidentielles ont permis d’améliorer les capacités des personnels de la Croix-Rouge et des bénévoles pour la vulgarisation des connaissances médicales et les premiers secours, tandis que diverses formes d’assistance
médicale ont permis de remporter des succès remarquables en faveur de la protection de la vie de la population et de l’amélioration de la santé publique. Grâce à l’intervention enthousiaste
des bénévoles, le plan en matière d’hygiène d’eau a été réalisé avec succès et dans de nombreuses régions,
les canalisations d’eau potable et d’égouts et les installations hygiéniques ont été installés ou refaits,
ce qui a permis d’assurer un milieu écologique salubre.
Les mois printanier et automnal en faveur de l’hygiène, la « journée mondiale de l’eau » et la « journée
mondiale des installations d’hygiène » et d’autres ont été autant d’occasions d’organiser des conférences et des activités artistiques, ce qui a permis à la population de se faire une idée correcte de l’hygiène d’eau.
Les personnels et les bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge de la RPDC font toujours de leur mieux pour s’acquitter
de leur mission humanitaire.

Pour un développement indépendant de l’industrie de vinalon et de la métallurgie du fer

Pour un développement indépendant de l’industrie de vinalon et de la métallurgie du fer
Ayant avancé de bonne heure la ligne d’édification d’une économie nationale indépendante, le Président Kim Il Sung a accordé une grande attention au développement, entre autres, de l’industrie de vinalon et de la métallurgie du fer reposant sur les matières premières et les ressources naturelles du pays.
Du fait que la Corée ne réunit pas de conditions naturelles favorables à la culture cotonnière, il s’est sérieusement préoccupé du problème de l’habillement de la population.
Dans cette perspective, il a proposé à des scientifiques de s’investir dans la recherche destinée à produire de la fibre à partir du calcaire dont regorge le pays et a réglé tous les problèmes posés par cette entreprise.
Lors de la guerre de Libération de la patrie (juin 1950-juillet 1953), il a pris soin d’envoyer en lieu sûr un scientifique, le premier du monde à avoir inventé le moyen de produire du fil à partir du calcaire ainsi que tous les autres membres de sa famille, et a arrêté toutes les mesures nécessaires pour qu’il poursuive ses travaux même en temps de guerre.
A l’époque du relèvement d’après-guerre où il fallait reconstruire l’économie nationale détruite dans des conditions complexes, il a veillé à établir une usine-pilote de fil de vinalon et à mener à bien des préparatifs pour produire en grand le fil de vinalon avec la technique, l’équipement et la main-d’œuvre du pays. Grâce à sa direction avisée, les travaux de construction d’une usine de vinalon ont été achevés en 1961 à Hamhung, ville industrielle sur le littoral est de Corée, inaugurant ainsi l’histoire du vinalon.
De son côté, le Dirigeant Kim Jong Il s’est employé énergiquement pour le développement de l’usine. Ainsi, est-elle devenue le complexe de vinalon « 8 Février » doté d’équipements CNC.
La création d’une industrie métallurgique indépendante était une autre préoccupation de Kim Il Sung.
A l’heure actuelle caractérisée par un essor prodigieux de l’industrie, la question des matières premières et du combustible s’avère cruciale dans le développement économique.
Il y a longtemps déjà, Kim Il Sung a préconisé dans le cadre de la politique la production du fer reposant sur les matières premières du pays, et s’est dépensé sans compter pour y parvenir.
Il a élucidé en détail le moyen de créer l’industrie métallurgique de notre cru, soit la méthode de sidérurgie et d’aciérage basée sur le non-usage de coke, affirmant notamment que l’essentiel pour la production du fer en Corée est de recourir aux combustibles qui y abondent, parce que le coke y manque.
De plus, chaque fois que des problèmes compliqués se sont posés dans la production du fer Juche, il a recommandé de ne jamais perdre de confiance en la réussite de cette entreprise ; Sous sa direction pertinente, dans les années 1960 déjà, ont été aménagés dans les aciéries de Chongjin et de Songjin des centres d’essai visant à adapter la métallurgie du fer à la situation du pays.
L’œuvre sublime du Président Kim Il Sung pour l’édification d’une métallurgie indépendante s’est brillamment réalisée grâce aux efforts dévoués du Dirigeant Kim Jong Il.
Le perfectionnement du système de production du fer et du vinalon Juche constitue un sûr garant matériel de victoire pour le peuple coréen engagé dans sa grande marche pour la construction d’une puissance économique.

Nous continuerons l'exploitation pacifique de l'espace

Nous continuerons l'exploitation
pacifique de l'espace
Le porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères de la RPD de Corée a répondu le 6 mai à la question posée par un reporter de l'Agence télégraphique centrale de Corée relativement à ce que les pays membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies ont publié une "déclaration commune" nous mettant en cause.
Il a dit:
Les pays membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies qui participent à la première réunion préparatoire de la conférence de 2015 pour l'examen de l'application du traité de non-prolifération nucléaire qui se déroule à Vienne, Autriche, ont publié une "déclaration commune" mettant en cause le lancement de notre satellite à vocation pacifique et nous demandant de cesser les activités nucléaires et d'abandonner la force de dissuasion nucléaire.
C'est une action gravement illégale qui porte atteinte à notre souveraineté et à notre droit d'utilisation pacifique de l'espace et du nucléaire, en faveur de la politique d'hostilité des Etats-Unis envers notre République.
La gravité du problème est que les pays membres permanents ont tourné le dos, en s'écartant de l'impartialité, aux crimes des Etats-Unis qui ont fait produire le problème nucléaire dans la péninsule coréenne par la menace et le chantage nucléaires incessants sur nous et la politique d'hostilité envers nous et n'ont accepté que la demande brutale américaine à l'encontre du principe d'action simultanée indiqué dans la déclaration commune du 19 septembre.
Ce sont les pays membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unis qui ont fait le plus fréquemment l'essai nucléaire et possèdent le plus grand nombre d'armes nucléaires dans le monde.
Ils n'ont pas de qualité morale de parler du problème nucléaire de quelqu'un d'autre du fait qu'ils continuent de maintenir leur arsenal d'armes nucléaires qui risque de ruiner plus de centaines de fois l'humanité. C'est une démarche abominable qui évoque le voleur criant au voleur qu'ils nous ont mis en cause, nous qui avons subi directement pendant le plus long temps leur menace de guerre nucléaire.
Le but qu'ils ont poursuivi par ce sophisme à l'examen de l'application du traité de non-prolifération nucléaire est d'éviter l’exécution de leur obligation de désarmement nucléaire en détournant ailleurs l'attention de la réunion en vue de perpétuer leur monopole des armes nucléaires.
Si les puissances nucléaires veulent qu'il n'y ait plus de pays quittant ce traité, elles doivent respecter, conformément à la mission principale du traité, le droit de tous les pays d'utiliser le nucléaire aux fins pacifiques et ne doivent plus recourir au jeu de mots ni au trompe-l'œil en ce qui concerne l’accomplissement de leur devoir de désarmement nucléaire.
Le temps où les Etats-Unis nous menaçaient par la bombe nucléaire est révolu une fois pour toutes.
Nous édifierons avec ostentation une patrie puissante et prospère où le peuple jouira à souhait d'une vie socialiste riche et glorieuse, en sauvegardant fermement la souveraineté du pays sur la base de la force de dissuasion nucléaire indépendante et en poussant vigoureusement l'exploitation pacifique de l'espace et le développement de l'industrie de l'énergie nucléaire.

Russia Launches Manned Spacecraft

Russia Launches Manned Spacecraft

Pyongyang, May 17 (KCNA) -- A Russian Soyuz spacecraft was blasted off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan on Tuesday toward the International Space Station.

It is carrying a crew of three to work for over four months in an orbit.

Kim Jong Il's Patriotism Inspires Korean People

Kim Jong Il's Patriotism Inspires Korean People

Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- People in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have been all out to follow General Secretary Kim Jong Il's patriotism, in hearty response to the call of the dear respected Kim Jong Un.

A fresh turn is being effected in foresting the country.

Pinus strobus, suitable to landscaping parks and pleasure grounds, spreads throughout the country.

The Central Tree Nursery has supplied the saplings of this tree, sent by the leader, to local nurseries.

The capital city of Pyongyang, South Phyongan, South Hamgyong, North Hwanghae and Kangwon provinces are taking the lead in planting trees of this species.

Meanwhile, a drive to give top priority to people's convenience is being intensified across the country.

Public security men in Kangwon Province sent lots of materials to the province's communications management bureau to help operate TV relay stations on a normal basis.

The Public Prosecutors Office of South Hwanghae Province gave a helping hand to supplying enough drinking water to over 10 communities in Haeju City.

Housewives, too, are doing good jobs conducive to building a thriving nation.

Stay-at-home housewives in Pyongyang are devoting their physical energy to speeding up major projects, including the Mansudae area housing project.

The women's union in Chonnae County, Kangwon Province gathered not a small amount of ultra-anthracite to send them to a briquette mill and housewives in Paekam County, Ryanggang Province mined a large amount of peat by themselves for boosting potato yields.

The women's union in Hamhung City, South Hamgyong Province has given various kinds of assistance to the construction of gasification project of the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex.

New Sauna Developed in DPRK

New Sauna Developed in DPRK

Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- Far infrared rays-based regional poultice sauna, invented by the Korea Milyong Trading Company, was registered as a patent in China.

The new sauna has lots of advantages over the old one as it cleared shortcomings and side-effects in the former.

Regional poultice gives an instant effect on a painful region. The release of atrophy of muscles and nerves radiated by the rays stops after-pains.

The sauna amasses anti-biotic substances like white corpuscles and lymphocyte, invigorating the supply of nutrients. It totally eliminated side-effects that come with the increase of temperature. Meanwhile, it makes the aged feel refreshed.

The sauna wins appreciation in health care and other units. According to data available at the convalescence research room in the DPRK Academy of Koryo Medicine, the sauna experiences 85 to 90 percent treatment rate for such diseases as lumbar pain, neuralgia and arthritis.

DPRK Ambassador to Italy Appointed

DPRK Ambassador to Italy Appointed

Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- Kim Chun Guk was appointed as DPRK ambassador to Italy, according to a decree of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

jeudi 17 mai 2012




October 17, 1982

Today, October 17, is the 56th anniversary of the formation of the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.
With the formation of the DIU our people's revolutionary struggle embarked on a new road of development and our Party began to strike its glorious roots.
Our Party has traversed the glorious course of struggle for over half a century since it took root with the formation of the DIU; and on this road it has scored many of the most brilliant achievements of the century, and has grown and strengthened as a powerful revolutionary party, united rock-firm and equipped with a wealth of experience.
By leading the people our Party achieved national independence and carried out democratic and socialist revolutions, and through tremendous construction work, it radically changed the appearance of the country and built a "model socialist state" which strikes the world's people with admiration. In the hard-fought struggle against US imperialist invasion, our Party led the people to victory and preserved the country and the revolution with credit.
For its immortal exploits on behalf of the country and the people, the age and history, our Party enjoys the unreserved support and confidence of the entire Korean people.
With the monolithic ideological system firmly established throughout, our Party has been strengthened more than ever before, both organizationally and ideologically, as the tested General Staff of the revolution and, convinced of the justness of its cause and certain of victory, it is successfully guiding the cause of modelling the whole of society on the Juche idea.



Our Party which has followed a unique path since it started to take root with the formation of the DIU is a new type of revolutionary working-class party.
Ours is a Juche-type revolutionary party which is guided by the Juche idea and carried out its revolutionary activities independently and creatively in keeping with the interests of our people and conditions in our country. By establishing Juche thoroughly in all spheres of Party building and activity with the Juche idea as its unalterable guide, it has been able to strengthen and develop into an indestructible revolutionary party.
Basically, it is essential for a working-class party to establish Juche, which emanates from its own character and mission. Because it is a political leadership body which fights to oppose all manner of domination and subjugation and realize the independence of the masses, it should establish Juche thoroughly. If a party fails to do this and dances to the tune of others, it will, in the long run, bring ruin on both itself and the revolution. Only a party which acts independently, and with its own principle, can be a powerful party which is united on the basis of its own guiding idea and can enjoy the support and confidence of its people and enlist their inexhaustible strength, thus vigorously advancing the revolution and construction.
It is important for a working-class party in establishing Juche to eradicate flunkeyism and dogmatism. In our country, particularly, where flunkeyism and dogmatism were rampant and did great harm to the communist movement, establishing Juche posed a vital question relating to the destiny of the Party and the revolution. During the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle and in the periods of democratic and socialist revolutions and socialist construction after liberation, the Korean communists always strove persistently to combat flunkeyism and dogmatism and establish Juche. As a result, they could strengthen and develop the Party and advance the revolutionary struggle.
In the years of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle the flunkeyists tried to found a party with the approval of others and achieve independence on the strength of others, which caused great harm to the development of the communist movement in our country. After liberation the harmfulness of flunkeyism and dogmatism was manifested to a great extent during the Fatherland Liberation War and it became insupportable as the socialist revolution and socialist construction were carried out on a full scale.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who has fought against flunkeyism and dogmatism since the early years of the revolutionary struggle against the Japanese, has given wise leadership so that Juche is being established more thoroughly with the development of the revolution and construction. Upholding the revolutionary policy on establishing Juche, our Party has waged a vigorous ideological struggle to eradicate the flunkeyism and dogmatism which still remain in people's minds and, in the meantime, it has ensured that they are equipped firmly with the great Juche idea and Party policy, its embodiment, and thus observe and judge all problems from the Juche-oriented stand and resolve them by their own efforts. Through the struggle to establish Juche, a change has been effected in the ideological life of Party members and working people, the Party's unity and cohesion based on the Juche idea have been further strengthened, and a continued improvement in the revolution and construction has been brought about.
Under the slogan of modelling the whole Party on the Juche idea, our Party is now intensifying the battle to establish Juche in Party building and activity and is thus further perfecting its character as a revolutionary party of a Juche type.
Ours is an invincible revolutionary party which has firmly established a monolithic ideological system throughout its own structure.
Establishing this system is our basic line of Party building. It is an essential requirement of a working-class party to ensure the unity of ideology and leadership. This is effected by establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system. Only when this is done can the whole Party be armed with the leader's intention and become a living organism, breathing and acting in conformity with his idea and will.
It is important in establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system to pervade the whole Party with the leader's idea.
The leader is the embodiment of the organizational will of the whole Party and his idea is explicitly the guiding ideology of the Party. The ideological unity of the Party is brought about only on the basis of the leader's idea.
Our Party regarded education in the monolithic ideology as its basic ideological task and carried it out energetically. As a result, a single ideology has prevailed throughout the Party, and all its members have been armed firmly with the leader's revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, and have come to think and act as required by this idea.
Another important factor in establishing the monolithic ideological system is to achieve the leader's unitary leadership absolutely.
The leader is the supreme controller of a party, and the party's leadership is precisely his leadership. Our Party has set up a well-regulated system under which all its organizations and members act as one man  under  the  unitary  leadership  of  the  great  leader  Comrade
Kim Il Sung, give absolute authority to Party policies and defend and implement them without question.
By thoroughly establishing the monolithic ideological system in its ranks our Party increased its strength as never before, and was able to lead the revolution and construction straight to victory through all difficulties.
The progress of the revolution calls for further strengthening the work of establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system. This is a law which governs the development of the Party and the revolution. The whole course of our Party's existence is the process of in-depth development of this work. Our Party defined new principles of establishing its monolithic ideological system and strengthened this work to meet the needs of the revolution in the 1970's when the proposition was put forward that the whole of society should be modelled on the Juche idea. Today our Party has grown into loyal ranks, and the whole membership thinks and acts according to the will of the Party and the leader, united firmly around the great Comrade Kim Il Sung. This is the most valuable achievement of the Korean communists in the long period of struggle to build the Party.
We are a powerful party which has achieved the closest unity and solidarity based on the Juche idea.
The unity and solidarity of Party ranks is the source of a revolutionary party's strength. A united party is indestructible, and nothing is more precious in building a working-class party than its ranks' unity and cohesion.
Unity and cohesion are brought about through struggle. The struggle against anti-party tendencies is, in essence, a reflection of the class struggle within the party. Without mounting a resolute and uncompromising attack against anti-party tendencies and alien elements, the unity and purity of the party ranks could not be assured. Our Party has constantly strengthened the unity and cohesion of its ranks, overcoming all kinds of alien elements and anti-Party tendencies, including factionalism.
Factionalism was the first target of the campaign for our Party's unity and cohesion. The revolutionary ranks led by Comrade Kim Il Sung during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle overcame factionalism and they all united closely behind him. This is an invaluable tradition of our communist movement which was established during the bloody struggle to shape the destiny of the country and the people. But the factionalists who had become traitors and philistines slipped into the communist ranks in the chaotic situation after liberation and viciously worked to undermine the unity and cohesion of the Party. In an attempt to accomplish their factional plot they did not hesitate to collaborate with imperialists.
If factionalism were to be tolerated, the unity of a working-class party in idea and purpose could not be achieved, nor could the party exist as an entity. In the struggle for its unity our Party concentrated its attack first on factionalism which still remained from the past, wiped out the anti-Party factionalists and achieved the great unity of the Korean communist movement.
The struggle for the unity and cohesion of the Party did not end with the defeat of factionalism which had persisted for many years. After clearing out this filth, our Party went on to fight the anti-Party revisionists and developed its historic struggle for unity on a higher level.
The unity and cohesion of our Party are great and unbreakable because the entire membership is united around the great Comrade Kim Il Sung and because they are based on its infinite loyalty to the Party and the leader. The leader is the centre of the Party's unity and cohesion, and its strength depends on how firmly the entire membership is united behind him. The unity and cohesion of our Party are not just achieved out of duty. They are based on the membership's infinite respect for, and absolute trust in, the Party and the leader, and founded on its unshakable revolutionary belief and sense of gratitude which cause it to defend and protect the Party and the leader politically and ideologically and to fight for them even at the cost of its members' lives.
The unity and cohesion of our Party are great and unbreakable because they are based on unity of idea and purpose. The important thing in the Party's unity and cohesion is to achieve the unity of idea and will. Unity based on a single idea and purpose must be durable, otherwise it cannot achieve lasting unity. The single ideology means precisely the revolutionary idea of the leader, the founder of the Party. The leader's revolutionary idea is the basis of the Party's unity and cohesion; the unity and cohesion of the working-class party is the unity of idea and purpose based on the revolutionary idea of the leader. Our Party is an ideological entity of communists of a Juche type who regard the Juche idea as their world outlook.
Our Party is so strong because of its great unity and cohesion based on the Juche idea and centring on the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.
We are a steel-like party with a strong organization and discipline.
Revolutionary organization and discipline are the life and soul of the party, the highest organization of the working class and the weapon of the class struggle and the weapon of the revolution and construction. Only when iron discipline and organization are guaranteed, can the working-class party be a truly revolutionary and militant party and win the revolutionary struggle, in the face of all difficulties and trials. As history shows, a party dominated by liberalism and indiscipline is doomed to failure.
Because of its unbreakable organization and discipline our Party is powerful and invincible. The organization and discipline of our Party are durable and strong because they are founded on the membership's infinite loyalty to the Party and the leader and its high degree of political awareness.
Organization and discipline are strengthened when a revolutionary system of Party life is established throughout the Party and that life is regularized and standardized among its members. Our experience clearly shows that the regulation and standardization of Party life and the strict observance of the rules and order of inner Party life are a powerful means for revolutionizing Party member and making them better organized and disciplined and for strengthening and developing the Party into a revolutionary one with great fighting efficiency. Through the struggle to regulate and standardize Party life, the Party members' sense of organization has been enhanced and a habit has been firmly established of all working and living in strict dependence on Party organizations. This is a valuable achievement in Party building.
Our Party is an invincible party which maintains close ties of kinship with the masses.
The Party labours for the interests of the working class and other popular masses and carries out the revolution by organizing and mobilizing them. Accordingly, maintaining close bonds of kinship with the broad masses and becoming deeply rooted amongst them is particularly important in the building of a working-class party. Only a party which strikes its roots deep among the masses and enjoys their support and trust and which knows how to organize and mobilize them can demonstrate an invincible might and discharge its mission as the General Staff of the revolution and the political leader of the popular masses.
Keeping in touch with the masses is important for a ruling party, too. If the party has taken power, this problem is not solved automatically. If the party in power is divorced from the masses and loses their support and confidence, it also becomes impotent and even endangers its own existence.
Since he set out on the revolutionary road, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung has regarded the ties with the popular masses as a fundamental problem related to the future of the revolutionary organization. For a long time he has always been among the masses and shared the good things and the bad with them. He has made it an iron rule to trust the masses and promote the revolution and construction by giving rein to their strength and wisdom.
Our Party saw to it that officials and its members raised their Party spirit, working-class spirit and popular spirit, served the people faithfully and thoroughly implemented the mass line in all their activities, thus constantly strengthening the ties between the Party and the masses. In work with people our Party firmly adhered to the class principle and built up its class position. On the other hand, it educated broad sections of the masses, boldly drew them into its fold and united them firmly behind it.
Today our Party maintains its close ties with the people and enjoys the unreserved support and confidence of people of all backgrounds, and our people entrust their destiny entirely to the Party and fight on without hesitation along the road which it specifies. As has already been said, our Party forms a perfect whole with the people. No wonder it is invincible and no force can break its close bonds of kinship with the people.
Our Party established a well-regulated system of work with people and established a revolutionary method of work and a popular style of work throughout the Party.
All activities of the party, a political organization of the working class fighting for the interests of the masses of people, are realized through work with people. The party gets people to act voluntarily, thus transforming society and nature and advancing the revolution and construction.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung put forward the idea of making work with people basic to Party work. This is a great idea which clarifies the fundamental principle of Party activity by incorporating the Juche idea in Party building. Only by making work with people its key policy can the Party prevent its work from being reduced to administrative-technical work, and maintain its nature as a political organization and fulfil its militant role and function properly.
Our Party opposed the tendency to reduce Party work to administrative-technical work, a tendency which may appear in a party in power, and resolutely carried through the policy of making work with people basic to Party activity.
Establishing the revolutionary method of work and the popular style of work is a serious and important question arising in the building of a working-class party.
In particular, when the party takes power, an inclination towards bureaucracy may appear, the inclination to issue orders and instructions from a position of power. A bureaucratic attitude is more likely to be shown by officials who have developed in a tranquil atmosphere without undergoing revolutionary trials.
By its nature, this is a despotic method of administration which is used by the ruling class in an exploiting society. It is fundamentally opposed to the real nature of a working-class party. When officials do not have the revolutionary method of work and popular style of work and are infected with bureaucracy, the party line and policies, however correct they may be, cannot be carried out and this leads to serious consequences—estranging the party from the masses and dampening their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity.
Since it came into power, our Party has considered it to be a fundamental matter in Party building to improve the method and style of Party work and it has always paid great attention to this.
The basic policy maintained by our Party in improving the method and style of Party work is to establish the anti-Japanese guerrilla work method throughout the Party. This method created in person by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung during the arduous anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle is a true communistic work method. Carrying this forward is the true way to eradicate bureaucracy, the abuse of power and all other mistaken methods and styles of work left over from the old society and establish the revolutionary method of work and popular style of work conforming with a socialist and communist society.
Our Party's traditional anti-Japanese guerrilla method of work has been embodied and improved in conformity with the new conditions of socialist construction, through the great Chongsanri spirit and method. In a nutshell, the Chongsanri method is a work method of relying on the strength of the masses; it is a revolutionary work method by which one goes among the masses, shares the good times and the bad with them and carries out projected tasks by drawing on their conscious enthusiasm and creative initiative. In the course of implementing the Chongsanri spirit and method, our Party work has been completely turned into work with man and its work method and style have been radically improved.
Improving the method and style of Party work is a campaign to eliminate obsolete ideological elements from the minds of officials. So it should be waged tirelessly and patiently over a long period. Our Party accepted this as a central task to improve its work method and style in keeping with the new requirements of the developing revolution and has waged a vigorous all-Party struggle to this end. As a result, the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of work has been embodied in all Party work and the way of Party work radically improved. The revolutionary spirit beats throughout the Party, all work is carried out energetically, and relations between the Party and the masses have become unbreakable.
Our Party has been strengthened and developed into a revolutionary party which advances, united with the masses, and a militant party which has its roots deep amongst them and enjoys their unreserved support. This is one of the most precious achievements in building a revolutionary party of a Juche type.
Our Party is, indeed, a glorious revolutionary party of a Juche type, a party which was founded and acts, guided by the Juche idea, a party in which the monolithic ideological system has been firmly established and whose members have been united rock-firm on the basis of the Juche idea; a party which maintains close ties of kinship with the popular masses and strives to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche by improving their role.
To strengthen and develop our Party still further into a revolutionary party of a Juche type is a decisive guarantee for overcoming all obstacles and bringing the revolutionary cause of Juche to completion.




Talk to the Senior Officials of the
Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea
May 5, 1991



  Socialism in our country is invincible socialism based on the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses.   
  The driving force of a socialist society is the popular masses themselves. But only when the popular masses are closely united behind the Party and the leader can they play their role as the independent driving force of the revolution and successfully carry out socialist construction.
     A socialist society is an organized society based on collectivism. Therefore, it can never forge a path spontaneously. When a socialist society is guided by a correct guiding idea and a scientific strategy and tactics, and when the political awareness of the popular masses and their sense of organization are raised, it can fully display its advantages and be steadily consolidated and developed. Presenting to the popular masses a correct guiding idea and a scientific strategy and tactics, and ensuring that they become politically conscious and organize themselves, is done by an outstanding leader of the working class and the party.
     The leader is the centre of unity and cohesion which ensures that the popular masses become politically conscious and organize themselves so that they are united into a political force, and he is the centre of leadership at the head of the revolutionary struggle of the popular masses, leading it to victory with his scientific theory and strategy and tactics. He is the great revolutionary leader who defends the independent demands and interests of the popular masses; he has an unusual gift of foresight, is all-powerful in the leadership art and noble in personal virtue, and leads the people wisely in their struggle. When, in the days of national suffering, our people were buffeted by the waves of adversity, unable to find the way to take, they eagerly sought an outstanding leader. This desire was magnificently fulfilled when the great Comrade Kim Il Sung became our people’s leader. With our people under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung, the greatest leader they had acclaimed in their history of several thousand years, they were able to put an end to their prolonged history of suffering, create a new era of revolution and forge a victorious new history of socialism. The excellent people-centred socialism of our own style built in our country is a brilliant fruition of the tireless and energetic activities of the great leader and his wise guidance, the leader who boundlessly loves the people and has devoted his whole life to their interests.
    The idea and theory and the policy put forward by the great leader are the full embodiment of the people’s will and requirements. Our great leader has taught us that the popular masses are teachers. Not in his office, but in the midst of the populace, he discovered the truth of the Juche principles, put these principles in a systematic form, reflecting the people’s aspirations, and on the basis of a review of the experience of the struggle waged by the popular masses for realizing independence, he moulded the Juche idea into a comprehensive system. He has always mixed with the popular masses in order to discover their will and demands, and, on this basis, he pas put forward new lines and policies. The leader also presented the Juche method of farming by systematizing the experience of farmers, working among them, while giving on-the-spot guidance at many rural villages. The famous Chongsanri spirit and Chongsanri method which are the communist guiding idea and the method of guidance of mass leadership, were also presented by him by systematizing the aspirations and will of the farmers of Chongsan-ri while sharing board and lodging with them.
    He has covered millions of miles in giving his on-the-spot guidance, and in the course of this he has put forward lines and policies reflecting the aspirations and will of the popular masses, and encouraged them to implement them, thus leading our revolution into an uninterrupted upsurge. The Juche method of leadership which the great leader has created, personally setting a shining example, his method of work, has become our Party’s traditional method of work.
    The single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses which is an imperishable life blood of our socialism emanates from the great leader’s infinite love for the people.  Because the leader shows boundless affection for the people and meets all their desires, our people respect him profoundly as their true father, hold him in high esteem and are completely devoted to him.
   The leader effects his guidance through the working-class party. The working-class party is the vanguard detachment made up of the leading elements of the working people, and it is the General Staff of the revolution leading the struggle for the independence of the popular masses.
   The working-class party is the sole guiding force in socialist society. No other political organization can take its position and role. The government in power and working people’s organizations, mass-based political organizations made up of certain sections of society, cannot take the place of the working-class party in view of their characters, and they should be subject to its guidance. Nor can political parties other than the working-class party become the guiding force in socialist society. Socialist society is a transitional society in which class distinctions and other differences remain. Therefore, other political parties can exist with the working-class party. But parties representing certain political forces or sections can never take the position and role of the working-class party. Transferring the hegemony in socialist society which embodies the demand of the working class to the hands of a political party other than the working-class party means, in the final analysis, abandoning socialism.  Other political parties in a socialist society are not political organizations competing with the working-class party for power. They should be friendly political organizations cooperating with one another in conditions where the leadership of the working-class party over the whole society is ensured. This is an essential demand of a socialist society, where the desire for independence of the farmers, working intellectuals and other broad sections of the people, to say nothing of the working class, the leading class, is being met. If this demand is disregarded and the leading position and role of the working-class party are weakened or ignored, the working people will be reduced to unorganized masses bereft of their guiding centre and will finally break up. The result may be that counter-revolutionary elements mislead public opinion and seize power,. Whether the leadership of the working-class party over a socialist society is ensured or not is a crucial problem affecting the destiny of socialism.
    Our people regard the Workers’ Party of Korea, their working-class party, as their only guiding force, entrust their destiny entirely to it and faithfully uphold its leadership.
    The advantages and solidity of socialism depend on the revolutionary character of the working-class party, the guiding force of socialist society, and its leadership role.
    Our Party is guided by the people-centred Juche idea and is fighting to fulfil the cause of independence for the popular masses. Regarding the people-centred Juche idea as its only guiding ideology and the complete realization of their independence as its noble mission form the basic character of our Party, a revolutionary Party serving the people.
   Our Party was built as a mass party embracing the progressive workers, farmers and working intellectuals in conformity with its intrinsic character as a party serving the people, and has strengthened and developed into a revolutionary party which is rooted deep among the popular masses.
    Even when shaping a single policy, our Party, which is infinitely faithful to the people, always goes deep among the people to acquaint itself with their will and demands and mirror them in it. Because they reflect the people’s will and demands, all the policies of our Party have become the concern of the popular masses themselves and are applied in their actual lives. In the future, too, we should regard the protection of the people’s interests as the supreme principle governing our Party’s activities and should ensure that all its activities are conducted fully in keeping with the will and demands of the masses.
    If the working-class party is to carry out its mission of serving the people, the party itself should be strengthened unceasingly. Even if it regards serving the people as its mission, the party cannot play its role satisfactorily if it fails to build itself up.
    The source of the might of the revolutionary party of the working class lies in its achieving its complete unity and solidarity on the basis of one ideology. Our Party has made its basic line in Party building the establishment of a monolithic ideological system and has striven to embody it fully. This has enabled us to establish the leader’s ideological system and system of leadership throughout the party and achieve unbreakable unity and cohesion and, on this basis, to step up the revolution and construction forcefully.
    Ensuring continuation in building the working-class party is the guarantee of its invincibility. This is a requirement of the law that guides the development of the communist movement and the party. The revolutionary cause of the working class has to be carried out over a long period of time from generation to generation and the generations change constantly in the course of the development of the communist movement. This makes it necessary for the building of the working-class party to be carried forward and developed through the generations. Ensuring continuation in party building is, in the final analysis, the question of ensuring continuation in party’s leadership. The question of the continuation of party leadership for carrying forward the cause of the leader, the pioneer of the revolution, has been solved in our country. In order to ensure continuation in the building of the working-class party, the revolutionary traditions of the party should be protected and revolutionary principles firmly maintained. Socialism develops unceasingly and many problems requiring fresh solutions occur during the advance. However, in the whole process from its beginning to its accomplishment, socialism advances through the course of inheriting, developing and enriching the exploits performed and the experience gained previously. In the course of overcoming grim trials under the guidance of the party and the leader, valuable traditions that will be regarded as a permanent model in the revolution and construction are built up and the principles to be consistently held fast to are established. Our Party has not only solved the problem of the continuation of the leadership but also fully protected and maintained the glorious revolutionary traditions established in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. It has also consistently adhered to Juche revolutionary lines and policies, and thereby carried the revolutionary cause of Juche unfailingly along the road to victory.
    Revolutionary organization and discipline are the life-blood and the source of strength of the working-class party. It leads the revolutionary struggle and construction work, surmounting every manner of trial and difficulty in the fierce class struggle. If it becomes an amorphous body, it cannot work effectively. Our Party embodies the principle of democratic centralism and has firmly established the revolutionary habit of leading a Party life among its members based on the unified rules of a Party life. As a result, it has strengthened and developed into an invincible militant Party with strong organization and discipline, all the members of which act as one under the leader’s unitary leadership.
    The working-class party should make the basis of its activity work with people. Man is the driving force of the revolution and construction. Accordingly, the working-class party should, through organizational and political work with people, solve all the problems arising in party building and activity. Whether the working-class party discharges its mission to the full or not depends on how it works with people. Our Party has steadfastly converted Party work into work with people, that is, work with cadres, work with Party members and work with the masses, and established a well-regulated system for working with cadres, for guiding Party life and for working with the masses. This has enabled our Party to build itself up strongly and its revolutionary ranks up organizationally and ideologically, as well as to strengthen the driving force of the revolution considerably and, on the basis of this, to promote the revolution and construction.
    We should continue to embody the Juche theory on Party building thoroughly and strengthen and develop our Party into a militant political organization which is united on the basis of the monolithic ideological system and which is strong in organization and discipline, into a seasoned political General Staff which at all times ensures its political leadership over society through work with people and into a revolutionary party of a Juche type which invariably defends its revolutionary character.
 If the working-class party is to serve the popular masses faithfully in conformity with its intrinsic nature, officials should learn a correct work method and style. However correct party policy may be, it cannot enjoy the support of the people nor be implemented fully if officials are at fault in their work method and style. Only by establishing the revolutionary method and popular style of work that are suited to the nature of socialist society can the trust of the people in the party grow and their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity be displayed at a high level in the revolution and construction.
One important problem in establishing a work method and style that are suited to the nature of a socialist society is to overcome the abuse of power and bureaucracy. Being domineering and practicing bureaucracy are an old work method and style which allow officials to wield power by abusing their authority and to behave contrary to the will and interests of the popular masses. Putting an end to the abuse of power and bureaucracy among officials is a vital demand for strengthening the close ties of kinship between the working-class party and the popular masses. The inclination may appear among some officials after the working-class party takes power to try to solve all problems by wielding their power and being domineering and practicing bureaucracy.
 The wielding of power and bureaucracy have nothing in common with the true nature of the working-class party.
 These are the method of government employed by the reactionary ruling class of the old society. The appearance of such a method in socialist society is mainly due to outmoded ideological remnants in the minds of officials. The work method and style peculiar to the working-class party which struggles for the interests of the people are the revolutionary method and popular style of work. From the first days of building a new society we have set an important task for the Party and state to be to oppose the wielding of power and bureaucracy and to establish the revolutionary method and popular style of work among officials, and we have striven for this. Taking into consideration the fact that the generations change and the number of officials who lack sufficient revolutionary training is on the increase among cadres, we have at all times considered the establishment of the proper method and style of work to be an important task.
 In order to put an end to the abuse of power and bureaucracy and to establish the revolutionary method and popular style of work all officials should acquire the habit of serving the popular masses faithfully with the spirit of selfless service for them. This spirit is based on the revolutionary view on the popular masses. This view considers the popular masses to be the masters of the revolution and construction and the most precious and powerful of beings. The revolution and construction are work for people and work to be done by the people themselves. The popular masses have inexhaustible wisdom and strength. Officials should regard the popular masses as the masters of everything and as the most powerful of beings, respect and love them, believe in their inexhaustible strength and work by relying on it. They should not fall prey to subjectivism or arbitrariness but always lend an ear to the voices of the masses and bring their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative initiative into full play.
Officials are not special beings standing over the masses but their servants who have come from among the masses and serve them. As the servants of the people, officials should always think more of the interests of the people than of their own interests. They should regard the demands and sufferings of the people as their own and help them promptly to solve any difficult problems in their lives and share life and death, good times and bad, with them.
Officials should treat all the people kindly and respect their personality, displaying profound humanity and heart-warming hospitality for them. They should value the socio-political integrity of the people, solve any problems in their socio-political life promptly and treat them without discrimination.
Officials should not be estranged from the popular masses but be familiar terms with them. They should not put on airs and show off their authority but always be modest and simple in their behaviour. They should not pursue their own interests and seek special favours and preferential treatment, but lead an upright and clean life. They should observe the legal provisions of the state willingly and set examples for the masses in doing difficult and arduous work.
The most worthy way for officials to live is to enjoy the affection and trust of the people while serving them. Faithful to the slogan of the party, “We serve the people!”, they should have a correct view of the popular masses, thoroughly defend the interests of the people and dedicate their all to them.
In order to put an end to the abuse of power and bureaucracy and to establish the revolutionary method and popular style of work a proper work system should be set up.
Without going among the masses, officials cannot listen to their voices or work in keeping with their will and demands, nor can they organize and mobilize them. Our Party put forward the slogan, “Let the whole Party go among the masses!” and established a well-organized work system under which al officials go among the masses.
Going among the masses to work has become the habit of our officials and in the course of this subjectivism, bureaucracy, formalism and other outdated work methods and styles have been overcome.
Our Party has ensured that officials not only go among the masses but also keep political work ahead of all work and solve problems by a political method. Keeping political work ahead of all other work is the intrinsic demand of a socialist society which develops due to the high revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity of the working people. Our Party put up the slogan, “Let the whole Party become a propagandist and agitator!” and has made sure that all officials go among the masses and give priority to political work to fire the revolutionary enthusiasm of the working people. Our officials go among the masses and arouse them vigorously to join the revolution and construction while explaining Party policies to them and sharing weal and woe with them.
In order to put an end to the misuse of power and bureaucracy and to establish the revolutionary method and popular style of work, ideological education and the ideological struggle should be undertaken boldly by officials. The wielding of power, bureaucracy and other obsolete work methods and styles are a manifestation of outdated ideological remnants, and they are deep rooted. Without constant ideological education and a continuous ideological struggle among officials it is impossible to eliminate outdated work methods and styles such as the misuse of power and bureaucracy. While ensuring that officials equip themselves fully with the theory and method of Juche leadership created by the great leader, our Party has seen to it that ideological education was provided and ideological struggle launched with data on positive and negative phenomena manifested in work methods and styles. In the course of persistent ideological education and a continual ideological struggle the wielding of power, bureaucracy and other outdated work methods and styles are being eliminated. As a consequence, the revolutionary method and popular style of work are being firmly established within our Party.
In the future, too, we should continue with the struggle to overcome every manner of outdated work method and style, such as the wielding of power and bureaucracy, and to establish the revolutionary method and popular style of work.  In this way we shall strengthen and develop our Party into an invincible revolutionary party which is in perfect harmony with the popular masses and enjoys their unreserved support and confidence, and lead them to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Today our people have infinite trust in the Party and the leader and are marching forward along the road indicated by the Party and the leader. Faithful to the slogan, “When the Party is determined, we can do anything!” our people are striving to implement Party lines and policies, through thick and thin. The Party and the leader believe in and have profound love for the people, and the people place absolute trust in the Party and the leader and support them. This is the true nature of our single-hearted unity. Nothing can break the might of our style of socialism in which the leader, the Party and the masses are united as one. By drawing on the might of the single-hearted unity among the leader, the Party and the masses, we must frustrate the anti-socialist machinations of the imperialists and reactionaries, achieve the independent reunification of the country and win without fail the final victory of socialism and communism.