Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

vendredi 6 septembre 2024

2024-09-05 KOREAN NEWS - 31/24




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No 31/24                                                                                                                         Sep 05, 2024



1.  Press Statement by Chief of Public Information Office of Ministry of National Defence of DPRK

2. DPRK Is Socialist State Centered on Masses of People: Rodong Sinmun

3. Sci-tech Successes Made at Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm in DPRK

4. Successes Registered in Recovery from Flood Damage in Jagang Province of DPRK


Press Statement by Chief of Public Information Office of Ministry of National Defence of DPRK

Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- The chief of the Public Information Office of the Ministry of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Thursday issued a press statement titled "Provocateurs can never evade the heavy responsibility for escalating tension", which said:

The U.S. and the ROK are staging provocative joint military drills one after another, maximizing the military tension in the region of the Korean peninsula.

The hostile forces staged the largest-ever joint military exercises Ulji Freedom Shield from August 19 to 29 by mobilizing more than 200 fighters of various kinds, the U.S. Army unit coping with chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear attacks and even troops of satellite countries under the "UN Command". And they have been frantically staging the joint landing drill Ssangyong from August 26.

Ssangyong drill with the involvement of division-level forces, 40-odd warships and various kinds of 80-odd military planes and armored vehicles is an extremely reckless and dangerous military racket presupposing an open invasion upon the sacred territory of the DPRK.

Meanwhile, the ROK military gangsters early in August introduced tanks and other offensive military hardware in the area five kilometers away from the southern border of the DPRK and committed a grave provocation by staging a brigade-level field mobile drill.

For the past two months the U.S. and the ROK military gangsters have desperately staged all sorts of provocative war exercises targeting the DPRK in the ground, sea and air, including a special operation drill aimed at the infiltration into the rear of the DPRK and "small-unit mobile live firing drill" involving the U.S. First Armored Division and the First Armored Brigade of the puppet ROK Army.

The provocative anti-DPRK military drills being staged by the U.S. and the ROK under the eyes of the DPRK without a time gap from the outset of this year clearly show what the source of escalating tension is and where the dark clouds of security instability are coming from on the Korean peninsula.

No such area as the Korean peninsula can be found on earth, where the joint military exercises targeting a sovereign state under different codenames such as Freedom Shield, combined joint formation drill, joint airborne infiltration drill, Iron Mace are being staged in succession.

It is the well-known fact that the accumulation of such threatening actions on the Korean peninsula, the hottest spot in the state of armistice in the world, will only spark off tensions and drive the security environment in the region into an irreversibly catastrophic situation.

The U.S. and its followers are seriously threatening regional peace and stability while getting hell-bent on unilateral military provocations. Their rash acts make clearer the origin of the provocation in a striking contrast to the peace-loving desire of the independent and sovereign states in the region.

As long as there exist the U.S. and the ROK, confrontational entities and destroyers of peace, the provocative military drills will continue, exposing the Korean peninsula to constant instability.

The present situation proves once again that the ceaseless building of the defence capabilities and their offensive application by the DPRK are the only way to neutralize the danger of war drills pursued by the U.S. and the ROK and to control the instability in the region.

The more frequently the U.S. and the ROK stage joint military drills, the more the DPRK hardens its will to defend the security and territorial integrity of the state by dint of powerful self-defensive strength, and this will lead to the strong deterrence, which the hostile forces seeking aggression are afraid and hesitate.

The Korean People’s Army will never tolerate the U.S. and ROK's military moves threatening the security environment on the Korean peninsula but firmly guarantee the security of the state and the peace in the region by dint of strength and action.

The hostile forces can never evade the heavy responsibility for escalating tension and will have to pay a dear price.


DPRK Is Socialist State Centered on Masses of People: Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in an article says it is the true picture of the DPRK that it is a genuine country bringing earlier their dreams and ideals and bright future into a brilliant entity and stark reality and a socialist state which has established the people-first principle as a solid political climate and national trait while making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people.

There can be no state apart from the people and no people apart from the state, and the people means the state and vice versa, the article says, and goes on:

Today our country is shedding its rays as a socialist state centred on the masses of people.

Its political idea and philosophy are to believe in the people as in Heaven and to devotedly serve them, and its supreme mission is to make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people.

In the DPRK, any policies have been adopted on the basis of the people's viewpoint and stand and to meet their demands and interests, always placing them above anything else and realistic measures taken for their materialization. And the work system and order have been under normal operation to take responsible care of the people's destiny and life.

It is the firm viewpoint and stand of our state that there is no more precious and absolute existence than the people, the essence of the country, and nothing is more sacred than the interests of the people.

In our country, people's laughter and happiness are regarded as a symbol of the socialist system and as the standard of evaluation of national power, and the overall work of the Party and the state is thoroughly oriented to providing the people with substantial benefits and happier and more civilized life.

The DPRK is now demonstrating its dignity and might as a socialist state centered on the masses of people. This would have been unthinkable without the outstanding ideology and leadership and the people-first politics of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Thanks to Kim Jong Un, the dignity and reputation of our great state are shining and the people's genuine life and happiness are being brought into full bloom.


Sci-tech Successes Made at Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm in DPRK

Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- The Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm in North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK has made sci-tech successes conducive to increasing the vegetable production.

The farm has turned the integrated production system into intelligent one and introduced cylindrical vegetable cultivation devices to increase the productivity twice.

It also introduced a device for recycling nutrient solution into tens of hydroponic greenhouses to lower production costs.

It is now directing efforts to producing functional vegetables while increasing the production of various fruit and leaf vegetables.


Successes Registered in Recovery from Flood Damage in Jagang Province of DPRK

Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- Regiments of Party members from across the DPRK are making miraculous successes every day in the rehabilitation of the flood-hit areas of Jagang Province.

They completed the excavations of foundations of thousands of houses and ground concrete tamping just in three days and are pushing forward the framework projects at a full-scale stage.