Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

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mardi 3 septembre 2024

2024-09-02 KOREAN NEWS - 30/24




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No 30/24                                                                                                                         Sep 02, 2024



1.  Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Guides Consultative Meeting for Regional Development Project

2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance at Regional-Industry Factories under Construction in Hamju County

3. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Test-fire of 240mm-calibre MRLS

4. Technologies of Practical Significance Invented in Metal Industry of DPRK

5. Birthday Spreads to Those from Flood-hit Areas


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The noble sense of mission, far-reaching ideal and stubborn practical ability of the Workers' Party of Korea, which regards it as its main focus to originate everything in its revolutionary guidance to absolutely defending the people's rights and interests and steadily develop in depth the policy for their well-being, strongly promote the comprehensive prosperity and development of the DPRK, unfolding in succession the blueprints of transformation most desired and welcomed by the people.

At a time when the modern rural housing construction is going on in a massive way to remove the countryside's centuries-old backwardness on a nationwide scale and the ten-year revolution was launched in real earnest to rebuild the regional economy on a completely new and advanced basis, under the WPK's grand regional development strategy, the Party Central Committee made an another crucial decision and entered into the preparations for adopting an eventful policy decision on carrying out the historic task of successfully building advanced public health facilities, sci-tech dissemination centres and grain management facilities simultaneously in cities and counties across the country.

General Secretary Kim Jong Un on August 31 convened and guided a consultative meeting for regional development project as part of the preparations for adopting a new important decision to hasten the epochal development and comprehensive prosperity of regions as a Party policy.

Present at the meeting were Presidium members Kim Tok Hun and Jo Yong Won and relevant members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, chief secretaries of the provincial party committees, commanding officers of the services and corps of the Korean People's Army which dispatched their units to the regional construction in different areas, and officials in the field of design.

Deeply analyzing the significance and importance of the construction of health facilities, sci-tech dissemination centers and grain management facilities in cities and counties that arise as a more essential requirement in accelerating the development of the Korean revolution and the historic cause of regional rejuvenation at present, the General Secretary said that to thoroughly implement the Party's regional development strategy is not merely a practical undertaking for building factories and structures but an important political work for giving full play to the advantages of our state system based on the people-first principle to implant the truth and invincibility of the socialist cause deep in the people and ensure the steady succession to the socialist cause.

In recent years the WPK set forth a policy on building light industry factories in local areas to develop cities and counties, regional bases, substantially, materially and in a planned way and has pushed ahead with its implementation in every way, but this alone is not enough to provide the regional people across the country with a sustained and improved material and cultural life, he said.

The newly-added three-point construction task is in full accord with the regional construction policy of the WPK and its policy of prioritizing science and technology and people-oriented policies and it is essential for implementing the programme of state construction to achieve the balanced and simultaneous development of the whole country and, accordingly, it is an urgent task to carry it into practice, he said. And he reaffirmed that now is the best time for the start of this important revolutionary work since KPA units have been deployed in every province, city and county and a national material supply and command system established in a well-regulated way to implement the Regional Development 20×10 Policy.

The Party's policy for regional development in the new era should not be confined to the construction of light industry factories but should be a comprehensive policy dealing with public health, science and education, and only then, it can make a genuine contribution to the improvement of regional people's material and cultural life and radically improve the efficiency of regional development, he said, clarifying all the principles to be adhered to in building advanced city and county hospitals, scientific and technological dissemination bases and grain management facilities.

He said that it is his first cherished desire to build city and county hospitals which will greatly contribute to improving the regional health situation, relatively inferior, and promoting the life and security and health of local people, adding that it would be good to add the construction of modern health facilities to the Regional Development 20×10 Policy and complete their construction in the set year without fail for the people in different local areas, though it is very difficult to do, and that this will be regarded as the first task the Korean revolution and the times entrust the Party and the government.

Science and technology dissemination centers, too, should be completed in a big way wonderfully to provide the working people from all walks of life in local areas with enough conditions for contributing to the development of the state by dint of technology and knowledge and also comprehensive and integrated rice-processing facilities be built to further improve the people's diet, he stressed.

He said that it is important for the provincial, city and county Party committees and people's committees to find out their definite shares of work, including preparations for the operation of newly-to-be-built objects, and launch effective work for their realization, more deeply mindful that they are responsible for the implementation of the regional development policy.

The meeting, on the basis of in-depth study of the key issues guaranteeing the feasibility of the three-point construction essential for the regional development, discussed such detailed practical measures as the reinforcement of KPA units at all levels involved in the regional construction and the establishment of a central policy guidance system over the construction sector.

Noting that these gigantic projects launched by the WPK are an important undertaking based on scientific calculation and it is the requirement of the Party Central Committee that they should be carried out on the highest level so that the local people can benefit from them even after 100 years, Kim Jong Un expressed belief that the more our Party, government and army shoulder heavy burden, the faster the new era of regional transformation change will be brought and the further the welfare of people across the country will be promoted.

Saying that great years are being witnessed when a grand cause of regional transformation, envisaged as an ideal for nearly 80 years, is realized during the ten-year revolution, he called upon all officials to conduct their work in a responsible manner with their strong will and firm confidence to surely bring about a new appearance in which the whole country has been changed and a radical turn has taken place in the life of the regional people as required by the Party's policy of regional development.

He said that the historic cause of regional development is a revolutionary undertaking to be proud of, though it needs much efforts and that when new edifices symbolic of the people's happiness and regional development have appeared in 20 cities and counties every year and the whole country is seething with the song of radical changes, we will feel more proud of the dynamic pace of today which we have taken with readiness for courageous struggle and fortitude.

The precious guidelines, which clearly stress our sacred and just cause of supporting the people as heaven and indicate the ways for comprehensively and rapidly developing the whole country as befitting the status and position of a powerful country while firmly maintaining the Korean-style view on development and mode of development, redoubled the noble sense of mission and spirit of exertion of all the participants in the meeting.

The new direction of struggle, which is of great significance in accelerating the historic cause of regional rejuvenation, is the responsible option and worthwhile revolutionary work of the WPK which regards it as its revolutionary climate and supreme desire to courageously shoulder all the burdens for realizing the people's cherished wishes and bringing about the future full of happiness.

All the participants raised their enthusiastic applause, extending the highest tribute to Kim Jong Un who is dynamically ushering in a new era of socialist civilization and prosperity while arousing all our servicepersons and civilians to the great struggle with his ardent spirit of serving the country and the people and sacred step of the most staunch and active exploration.

The consultative meeting, held under the guidance of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, served as a political occasion of weighty significance in providing a practical guarantee for the expanded and deepened regional development policy of the WPK. The grand ideal and strong might of self-reliance of the WPK translating the people's dreams and wishes into brilliant reality are making a series of remarkable changes and eye-opening efflorescence in all aspects of socialist construction, looking forward to the rosy future.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance at Regional-Industry Factories under Construction in Hamju County

Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at regional-industry factories under construction in Hamju County, South Hamgyong Province of the DPRK on August 31, together with members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, chief secretaries of the provincial Party committees and commanding officers at all levels of the Korean People's Army (KPA) who assume heavy responsibilities for the implementation of the Party's grand regional development strategy, clarifying the principled issues to be adhered to in the construction.

After being briefed about progress made in the construction, he praised the labor feats of soldier-builders who are striving to successfully carry out the sacred revolutionary work while confidently making a first breakthrough in the long-term goal for the regional development.

Going round the construction sites, he expressed pleasure over the fact that the quality of construction is being ensured on a high level.

He said that the industrial facilities to be built in 20 cities and counties across the country from the first year of the regional industrial revolution are entities directly showing the Korean-style civilization and development and the epitome of our conscience and ideal, redoubled efforts and fighting spirit and all other things, adding that any slightest defect should not be allowed in such edifices to remain forever as wealth of the people.

As is always emphasized, the basic in construction is to ensure quality and any practice of neglecting quality, inclined to speed, is a harmful act that hinders the Party's policy on regional construction, though it is slight, he said, adding that such a firm understanding should prevail in the whole of construction.

It is important to enhance the role of skilled workers in order to raise the hot wind of improving quality in the construction field, but a prerequisite is to modernize and standardize all construction equipment ranging from heavy machines to various kinds of utensils and tools of builders, he stressed. He said that practical measures will be taken to decisively increase the proportion of mechanization in regional construction.

Stressing the need to further encourage and expand the habit of evaluating the projects in strict conformity with the quality indices among the army units involved in the construction, construction control organs and other relevant sectors, he clarified the guidelines for thoroughly ensuring the quality of projects in keeping with the requirements of design and construction.

He expressed his view on the comprehensive principles to be maintained in designing industrial facilities, saying that the design sector should be developed faster than other sectors at a time when the scope of construction is steadily widened and the overall struggle for regional construction is being intensified in full swing.

After looking round the construction sites, he had a talk with the leading officials accompanying him.

Saying that success in implementing the Party's policies entirely depends on the leading officials, he pointed out a series of deviations that should be overcome without fail in the working method and style of the leading officials who should become an engine at every worksite of the revolution for comprehensive national rejuvenation.

Analyzing the practices revealed among officials who fail to give substantial and practical guidance from lack of detailed study into the present Party policies and the understanding of the Juche-based idea of architectural aesthetics and the importance and characteristics of the relevant construction projects and who are still not away from the sightseeing-style and stylish-manner guidance method of chanting groundless slogans which are not suited to the mind and age of the masses, he stressed that when they are well versed in the Party's policies and establish the initiative and active attitude and viewpoint in their implementation, even one field guidance can be a realistic and necessary one, a political guidance to the subordinates.

He also referred to the aimless competition which has not been eradicated in the construction field.

Noting that when a competition is organized in the construction field, it should be a sure propellant to the cultural efflorescence of socialism, and the competition with the main stress on speed hindering the qualitative development of creation and construction has nothing to do with the mass movement of the present era of making a revolution, he said that the army units which assume the historic mission of the regional development should actively organize and conduct various functional competitions to radically improve skills of their officers and soldiers and beneficial and significant mass movements including training skilled workers, improving quality and arranging environment.

Saying that the WPK has entrusted the huge and sacred historic process of bringing about regional changes by dint of self-reliance on the People’s Army, believing in its loyalty and fighting efficiency, he clarified all tasks for giving full play to the might of the KPA in the honorable gigantic construction campaign.

He said that it is important for the KPA to conduct in a positive and fresh way the ideological education instilling into the service personnel the consciousness that they are the creator of material wealth for the people and pioneer of a new era of civilization in order to become a perfect vanguard in all aspects. He called for always sharing joy and sorrow with the local people as befitting the army of the people, fully displaying the beautiful traits of unity between the army and the people and briskly conducting the mass movement to do even one more thing for them, thus further glorifying the image of the revolutionary army and enhancing its distinguished prestige.

All the servicepersons who are performing brilliant feats in the vanguard of struggle for implementing the intermediate- and long-term tasks set forth by the Party are the most precious revolutionary soldiers, he said, calling upon the leading officials of the Party and the government and commanding officers of the military to make every possible effort to provide soldier-builders with better working conditions and hygienic and cultured living conditions.

The commanding officers of the KPA at all levels and the leading officials of the Party and the government hardened their firm will to powerfully wage the drive for carrying out the Party's decision thoroughly and perfectly with the most faithful service to the people and good results, bearing deep in mind the instructions of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Test-fire of 240mm-calibre MRLS

Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, oversaw on August 27 a test-fire of the 240mm-calibre MRLS under production at defence industrial enterprises under the Second Economy Commission.

The MRLS, technically updated in its manoeuvrability and concentrated firing capability, proved to be advantageous in all indices, including a newly-applied guided system, controllability and destructive power.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un set forth an important policy to be maintained in producing new artillery pieces and equipping army units with them as the replacement of older ones.

He was accompanied by Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, Jo Chun Ryong, secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, Ri Yong Gil, chief of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army, Kim Jong Sik, first deputy department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, the commanders of KPA large combined units, and Kim Yong Hwan, president of the Academy of Defence Sciences.


Technologies of Practical Significance Invented in Metal Industry of DPRK

Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- Officials, technicians and workers at the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and the Chollima Steel Complex in the DPRK have invented and introduced technologies of great practical significance to boost the production of iron and steel.

The Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex produced self-backing electrode based on domestic raw materials, thus providing a guarantee for increased production of iron and steel. It is also pushing ahead with the work to expand the production capacity of fire-proof material and improve its quality.

The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex is carrying out research projects related to the introduction of a comprehensive analysis system of oxygen heat blast furnace, in cooperation with a scientific research unit. It is also completing the work to introduce a method of producing iron and steel with active quicklime and a comprehensive inspection system of heavy rails.

The same is true of the Chollima Steel Complex.


Birthday Spreads to Those from Flood-hit Areas

Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- People from flood-hit areas are staying in Pyongyang under the paternal loving care.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made sure that birthday spreads were prepared for people from flood-hit areas, including children, during their stay in Pyongyang.

A ceremony for celebrating birthdays took place on August 31. Speeches were made there.

Speakers warmly congratulated those inhabitants and their children on their birthdays, noting that General Secretary Kim Jong Un invited the flood victims to Pyongyang and took all steps for them to spend a pleasant time in the capital city and presented even birthday spreads.

Saying that they are enjoying benefits under the warm welcome and the best sincerity of the Party and the state, people from flood-hit areas said that Marshal Kim Jong Un is their father and the embrace of the Workers' Party of Korea is their home.

Old persons observing their 60th, 70th and 80th birthdays expressed deep gratitude to Kim Jong Un.

Schoolchildren and children, too, received birthday spreads. Among them were children greeting their first birthdays.