Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

samedi 29 avril 2023

2023-04-29 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe zur Unterstützung der Stellungnahme von Kim Yo Jong, Vizedepartementsdirektorin des Zentralkomitees der PdAK, gegenüber KCNA zur "Washington Declaration" USA/Südkorea


29. April Juche 112 (2023)

Kim Yo Jong, Vizedepartementsdirektorin des Zentralkomitees der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK), verurteilte am 28. April in einer Stellungnahme gegenüber KCNA ( die "Washington Declaration" USA/Südkorea.

Der südkoreanische Spitzenpolitiker Yun Suk Yol und der USA-Präsident Biden hätten nach ihrem Treffen am 26. April die "Washington Declaration" publiziert, in der sie ihre Drohungen gegen die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) bekräftigten.

Am schlimmsten sei, dass der Spitzenpolitiker des feindlichen Staates offiziell und öffentlich vom "Ende des Regimes" rede.

Sei das etwa der Ausdruck der Senilität des feindlichen Präsidenten?

Vielleicht sei es die Bemerkung eines alten Mannes ohne Zukunft.

Yun Suk Yol habe die "Schaffung von Südkoreas Drei-Achsen-Verteidigungssystem" angekündigt und gesagt, dass in Zukunft die südkoreanisch-amerikanischen gemeinsamen Manöver noch intensiver sein würden.

Die Vizedepartementsdirektorin Kim Yo Jong machte klar, dass je mehr die Feinde ihre Kriegsmanöver intensivierten und je mehr Atomwaffen sie in der Umgebung der koreanischen Halbinsel stationierten, je stärker werde die DVRK ihr Recht auf Selbstverteidigung ausüben werde.

Wir unterstützen die Stellungnahme der Vizedepartementsdirektorin Kim Yo Jong und verurteilen das gefährliche Duo Biden/Yun als eine wild gewordene Bande von Kriesgsbrandstiftern, die gestoppt werden muss.

Schluss mit der Planung eines Krieges gegen die DVR Korea!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

lundi 24 avril 2023

2023-04-24 KOREAN NEWS 36/23




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No 36/23                                                                                                                         April 24, 2023


1. Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong Clarifies Stand through KCNA

2. Noteworthy Day in the History of Modern Korea

3. Ceaseless Gun Report and Screams

4. Pyongyang Golf Course

Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong Clarifies Stand through KCNA

Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, made public the following stand through the Korean Central News Agency on April 28:

South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol’s recent visit to Washington was an occasion for us to have much clearer understanding about the root-cause and physical entity disturbing peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and the region.

After the summit on April 26, the chief executives of the U.S. and south Korea issued the so-called "Washington Declaration", specifying the ways to strengthen the "extended deterrence", thus stipulating their choice and will to act against the DPRK.

The "Washington Declaration" fabricated by the U.S. and south Korean authorities is a typical product of their extreme anti-DPRK hostile policy reflecting the most hostile and aggressive will of action. As such, it will only result in making peace and security of Northeast Asia and the world be exposed to more serious danger, and it is an act that can thus never be welcomed.

The formation of "Nuclear Consultative Group", the regular and continuous deployment of U.S. nuclear strategic assets, and the frequent military exercises made the regional politico-military situation unable to extricate itself from the currents of instability. This provides us with an environment in which we are compelled to take more decisive action in order to deal with the new security environment.

Another thing that we cannot let pass nor overlook is the fact that the chief executive of the enemy state officially and personally used the word "the end of regime" under the eyes of the world.

Would we simply regard it as the man’s senility?

It may be taken as a nonsensical remark from the person in his dotage who is not at all capable of taking the responsibility for security and the future of the U.S., an old man with no future, as it is too much for him to serve out two-year remainder of his office term.

But when we consider that this expression was personally used by the president of the U.S., our most hostile adversary, it is threatening rhetoric for which he should be prepared for far too great an after-storm that will not be easy for us to deliver.

Obsessed with overconfidence in strength, he was too miscalculating and irresponsibly brave.

This time we reconfirmed the hostility of the rulers and military warmongers of Washington and Seoul towards our country, which cannot be interpreted otherwise and has become too obvious. This opportunity gave us a clear answer as to what we should do in the future and for what we should be fully prepared.

So serious is the development of the situation.

Yoon Suk Yeol, this time again, said that he will build the capability of overwhelming response including "south Korea’s three-axis defence system" and adopt the punitive posture. He also made it clear that the "south Korea"-U.S. joint exercises and training will be more intensive.

It would be a bit hard to understand the mentality of such a fool that is so grateful for getting a nominal "declaration" as an "offering" from the U.S. and expresses "his absolute trust in the U.S. firm commitment to the extended deterrence". However, we will keep watching to what extent he will go testing his mettle, putting the security into crisis with his incompetence.

The pipe dream of the U.S. and south Korea will henceforth be faced with the entity of more powerful strength.

We are convinced once again of the fact that the enhancement of the nuclear war deterrent, especially the second mission of the nuclear war deterrent, should be brought to further perfection.

We know exactly what we are supposed to do.

The more the enemies are dead set on staging nuclear war exercises, and the more nuclear assets they deploy in the vicinity of the Korean peninsula, the stronger the exercise of our right to self-defence will become in direct proportion to them.

Noteworthy Day in the History of Modern Korea

On April 9, 1993, 30 years ago, Kim Jong Il (1942-2011) was elected Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was the reflection of the unanimous desire and will of all the Korean people.

Defending the Destiny of the Country and the People by Dint of Songun

When the Korean people think of Kim Jong Il, the first word they are reminded of is Songun, for the history of modern Korea is unthinkable separated from the Songun-based leadership pursued by him.

In the closing years of last century, when socialism collapsed in several countries and the imperialists intensified their anti-socialist offensive against his country, Kim Jong Il held high the banner of Songun.

He formulated Songun politics as the basic political mode of socialism and continued his inspection of military units to prepare the Korean People’s Army to be perfect politically and ideologically, militarily and technologically. How much effort he directed to building up the military capability can be proved by the fact that the units in the field of the armed forces he inspected from 1995 to 2011 number about 2 490. Among them is the one at Panmunjom on the Military Demarcation Line, where guns of the KPA soldiers and enemy soldiers are leveled at each other, to say nothing of the frontline posts.

Under his energetic leadership the KPA was prepared into an elite army in championing socialism and into powerful armed forces equipped with means of both attack and defence strong enough to defeat any aggressor forces. All-people, nationwide defence system was firmly consolidated, with the result that the level of arming all the people reached an unprecedented level, and the work of fortifying the whole country became more perfect. At present the country is capable of producing on its own efforts all military hardware and other combat equipment needed in strengthening the national defence capabilities, and now possesses a powerful war deterrent.

The imperialists dealt missile attacks on several countries and massacred innocent civilians there, but they did not dare to attack the DPRK. This was a brilliant fruition brought by the Songun leadership of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Laying Foundation for Building a Powerful Socialist Country

The Songun leadership pursued by Kim Jong Il was not merely aimed at defending the destiny of the country and the people; it was also aimed at ushering in a new era of building a powerful socialist country to realize his noble ideal of making his people lead a happy life with nothing to envy in the world.

To this end, he set forth an original line of economic construction in the Songun era, which was to develop the defence industry on a priority basis while boosting light industry and agriculture simultaneously, and he ensured that the overall economy of the country was bolstered and its development stimulated through the leading role of the defence industry. And he led the KPA to make breakthroughs in the challenging, yet important fields of economic construction and the people across the country to emulate the indefatigable revolutionary spirit displayed by the service personnel so as to achieve innovative successes in various parts of the country.

Under his leadership the Korean people overcame the worst-ever trials and difficulties, and opened up an epochal phase in building theirs into a powerful socialist country.

On two occasions, in 1998 and 2009, the country succeeded in launching its indigenous earth satellites by its own efforts and technology.

The overall economic and cultural fields were put on an upward track. The machine-building industry actively accelerated the work of introducing the CNC technology; the metallurgical industry established a new steel-making system using no coking coal, and the chemical industry was equipped with systems of producing vinalon and fertilizer from the country’s own raw and other materials; in the agricultural sector the crop lands across the country were turned into large-sized standard ones and gravitational waterways were built one after another; numerous monumental structures were built in various parts of the country, and streets, villages and houses sprang up as befits those of a socialist country.

The Korean people have recorded the day of his election to the chairmanship of the National Defence Commission as a noteworthy day in the history of their country, and celebrate this day in a meaningful way every year.

Ceaseless Gun Report and Screams

The international community is much concerned that there is an ever-increasing human loss by shooting incidents in the U.S. where violent culture is rampant due to gun-related crime.

Quite recently, catastrophic incidents occurred one after another in the states of Alabama and Kentucky where scores of people lost their lives by random gunshots.

On the night of April 15, a shooting incident happened in Alabama where four people were killed and nearly 30 people were injured at a birthday party of a 16 year-old girl.

According to the local media, most of the deceased are teenagers, and the state judicial authority has not yet made public the identities of the suspects or whether they were apprehended. It has only announced that it will conduct full investigation into the case.

At the same time, another shooting incident in a park in Kentucky elicited a great public criticism as it claimed the lives of two people and wounded four people.

The local police have announced that they have yet to get a grip on the identity of the offender as well as motive of the murder.

Five days before this accident, Kentucky had also witnessed a horrible incident in which five people were killed by random gunfire.

Regarding these incidents, the mayor of Louisville, Kentucky gave vent to his anger saying that the loss of lives caused by gun-related violence is an indescribable tragedy and that this is not their city, and this is not what they wanted.

The U.S. president also lamented that it has now come to a pretty pass where children have to go to birthday parties in fear and parents have to worry about their children when sending them to schools, cinema and parks. He said in a dispirited voice that Americans are demanding the Congress to take actions for adoption of gun-control measures.

The irony is that the National Rifle Association (NRA) held an annual meeting from April 14 to 16, staging a big event to emphasize the importance of the right to possession of guns enshrined in the U.S. constitution when the American society was mourning the victims of gun shooting.

Many innocent lives are lost due to the gun-related violence. But others continue to insist that they should have their rights to possession of arms vested in them by the constitution. This is the true picture of the absurd American-style “democracy” and “freedom”.

Pyongyang Golf Course

The Pyongyang Golf Course on the picturesque shore of Lake Thaesong in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is frequented by golfers. There are 18 holes (6 777 yards in total), 9 at the first par and 9 at the second par, enough for accommodating 200 persons at a time.

The resort is provided with lodgings for individuals and families, and has fitness rooms, a wading pool, an angling pond and a boating ground.