Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

vendredi 28 septembre 2012

4.10.2007 - Meilenstein der Wiedervereinigungs-Aera "Durch unsere Nation selber"!

Zur Feier des 5. Jahrestages der Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007

Vor 5 Jahren fand in Pyongyang auf Initiative des Führers KIM JONG IL das zweite innerkoreanische Gipfeltreffen statt.
KIM JONG IL, Vorsitzender der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), empfing den südkoreanischen Präsidenten Roh Moo Hyun zu Gesprächen auf höchster Ebene.
Das Gipfeltreffen ging mit der Unterzeichnung der "Erklärung für die Entwicklung der Nord-Süd-Beziehungen und für Frieden und Gedeihen" vom 4. Oktober 2007 erfolgreich zu Ende.
Diese zweite innerkoreanische Erklärung basiert auf der gemeinsamen Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000, die zum Abschluss des ersten Gipfeltreffens unterzeichnet worden war.
Die Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 ist ein Aktionsprogramm für die Verständigung, die grosse nationale Einheit, die Kooperation und den Austausch zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden. Sie ist ein Wegweiser zur unabhängigen und friedlichen Wiedervereinigung Koreas. Ihr zugrunde liegt die patriotische Idee "Durch unsere Nation selber", d.h. die Wiedervereinigung ausschliesslich durch die Koreaner selber ohne Einmischung ausländischer Mächte.
Das Ziel der Erklärung ist das gemeinsame Gedeihen, der Wohlstand, die Prosperität und der Frieden in einem vereinigten Korea.
Die Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 krönte die seit der gemeinsamen Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 erreichten Fortschritte und Erfolge in der innerkoreanischen Kooperation. Sie verlieh dem Dialog auf allen Ebenen einen kräftigen und dynamischen Impuls.
Nach einer erfolgreichen und hoffnungsvollen historischen Zeitspanne von 7 Jahren erreichte die Kooperation zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden einen Höhepunkt. Die bemerkenswertesten Erfolge und Durchbrüche waren die Zusammenkünfte getrennter Familienangehöriger, die Repatriierung gesinnungstreu gebliebener Langzeitgefangener aus der Zeit des Korea-Krieges in den Norden und die Wiederinstandsetzung unterbrochener Eisenbahnlinien. Auf den Gebieten der Kultur, des Umweltschutzes, des Sports, der Wissenschaft und Technik u.v.a. kamen eine vielseitige und umfassende Kooperation und ein reger Austausch zustande.
Die historische Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 ist ein glanzvolles Resultat des Patriotismus des Führers KIM JONG IL. Dank der loyalen Anwendung und Praktizierung der vom Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG ausgearbeiteten Drei Chartas der Wiedervereinigung - nämlich der Drei Prinzipien der Wiedervereinigung, des Programms für die Bildung der Demokratischen Föderativen Republik Koryo (DFRK) und des 10-Punkte-Programms für die grosse nationale Einheit der ganzen Nation - durch den Vorsitzenden KIM JONG IL wurde die Wiedervereinigungs-Aera des 15. Juni 2000 unter dem Banner der Idee "Durch unsere Nation selber" eingeleitet.
Er krönte die Vermächtnisse des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG für die nationale Wiedervereinigung mit glänzenden Erfolgen und Errungenschaften.
Nachdem das konservative proamerikanische Regime Ri Myong Baks im Februar 2008 in Südkorea die "Macht" übernommen hatte, fand die hoffnungsvolle Zeit der innerkoreanischen Entspannung und Kooperation ein abruptes und katastrophales Ende. Diese Clique von Landesverrätern im Sold des USA-Imperialismus negierte die beiden innerkoreanischen Erklärungen vom 15. Juni 2000 und vom 4. Oktober 2007 total und erklärte sie für "null und nichtig".
Die Ri-Clique ging mit massiver Rückendeckung ihres amerikanischen Patrons auf einen fanatischen und hasserfüllten Konfrontationskurs gegen die eigenen Landsleute im Norden.
Ri Myong Bak und Konsorten inszenierten in den verheerenden 5 Jahren ihrer "Macht" nichts als Kriegsprovokationen, subversive Komplotte, ja sogar versuchte politisch motivierte Terroranschläge gegen die DVRK. Somit befindet sich die Situation auf der koreanischen Halbinsel heute nur ganz knapp vor dem Abgrund eines neuen Krieges.
Trotz all dieser dramatischen Rückschläge ist die vor 12 Jahren eingeleitete und von der Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 gekrönte historische Wiedervereinigungs-Aera unumkehrbar. Der Kampf aller 70 Millionen Koreaner im Norden, im Süden und im Ausland für die nationale Wiedervereinigung unter dem Banner der Idee "Durch unsere Nation selber" wird triumphieren.
Heute ist es der geliebte und verehrte Marschall KIM JONG UN, der den Kampf des koreanischen Volkes für die nationale Wiedervereinigung und für eine vereinigte und aufblühende Nation zum Sieg führen wird.

mercredi 26 septembre 2012

6. Tagung der 12. Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK

Die 6. Tagung der 12. Obersten Volksversammlung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK)  fand am 25. September in der Mansudae-Kongresshalle in Pyongyang statt.
KIM JONG UN, Erster Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK), Erster Vorsitzender der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der DVRK und Oberkommandierender der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA), nahm an der Tagung teil.
Die Tagung beriet folgende Agenda:
1. Einführung der allgemeinen 12-jährigen obligatorischen Schulbildung,
2. Organisatorische Fragen.
Der Abgeordnete Choe Thae Bok hielt das Referat "Ueber die Einführung der 12-jährigen obligatorischen Schulbildung".
Mit der 12-jährigen obligatorischen Schulbildung soll das sozialistische Erziehungssystem gestärkt und ausgebaut und den gegenwärtigen Anforderungen der Revolution Rechnung getragen werden.
Die 12-jährige obligatorische Schulbildung wird sich in folgende Stufen gliedern: 1 Jahr Vorschulerziehung, 5 Jahre Primarschule, 3 Jahre Hauptschule und 3 Jahre Oberstufenschule.
Verschiedene Redner betonten anschliessend, dass die Einführung der 12-jährigen obligatorischen Schulbildung dem festen Willen der PdAK entspreche, im neuen Jahrhundert von KIM IL SUNGs und KIM JONG ILs Korea fähige und talentierte junge Revolutionäre zum Aufbau einer blühenden Nation heranzubilden.
Die Tagung nahm die Verordnung "Ueber die Einführung der 12-jährigen obligatorischen Schulbildung" an.
Die Abgeordneten Hong In Bom, Chefsekretär des Parteikomitees der PdAK der Süd-Phyongan-Provinz, und Jon Yong Nam, Vorsitzender des Zentralkomitees der Sozialistischen Jugendliga KIM IL SUNG, wurden zu Mitgliedern des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung gewählt.
Choe Hui Jong wurde von seinem Posten als Vorsitzender der Budgetkommission der Obersten Volksversammlung entbunden und Kwak Pom Gi in dieses Amt gewählt.

lundi 24 septembre 2012

Contribution to Passenger Transport

Contribution to Passenger Transport
Trolley buses of a new model Chollima are now running the streets in Pyongyang.
Painted in blue or deep pink colour on a white ground, they look neat and smart, making the Pyongyang streets brighter. They are so comfortable for passengers in every way that Pyongyangites are fond of taking them.
The new model is produced at the Pyongyang Trolley Bus Factory.
The technicians of the factory set a goal of developing a new model of trolley bus friendly to environment and small in power consumption in keeping with the world trend of reducing environmental pollution by exhaust fumes and noise pollution.
They paid primary attention to enhancing the economic effectiveness of the electric motor and control system, core of a trolley bus.
The technicians at the industrial laboratory of the factory made a breakthrough by inventing a speed regulation motor (SRM) based on cutting-edge technology by their own efforts. SRM is much larger in power output than the conventional one and requires half of copper consumption as against the old one, yet, simple in structure and high in productivity.
The workers and technicians of the factory attended to fresh arrangement of its interior and exterior. The bus body was designed to look light and refreshing, and all furnishings and fittings including chairs and straps to meet the aesthetic tastes of the people and provide every convenience for passengers.
Upon its appearance, the new model of trolley bus is in limelight, enjoying a good reputation from the citizens and drivers.
According to an official of the factory, it can carry 170-180 passengers at a time, the annual carrying capacity amounting to 500 000 passengers, which is 2.5 times that of existing ordinary trolley bus and 1.4 times that of the one with trailer. Its power consumption reduced by more than 40%.
The drivers speak highly of it, saying that its safety efficiency increased by far, causing few accidents.
Jong Pu Chan, director of the industrial laboratory at the Pyongyang Trolley Bus Factory, is quoted in saying; “We will produce more and better trolley buses to offer traffic convenience to passengers.”

Rice Harvest Begins in West Coast Plains

Rice Harvest Begins in West Coast Plains

The Anak County was the first to start rice harvest on September 7, which was followed by farms in North Hwanghae Province including Sariwon City, North and South Phyongan Provinces, Nampho City and Pyongyang City.
As result, the rice harvesting was began in all the provinces and cities of the west coast areas. As of Sept. 20 all the provinces and municipalities entered in rice harvest.
Officals of the Ministry of Agriculture and Provincial Rural Economy Committees made sure that cities, counties and co-op farms have worked out daily plans for rice harvest to suit the weather conditions and carry them out without fail.
The farms in the Jaeryong and Yonbaek Plains, South Hwanghae Province take the lead in harvest.
Sariwon City, North Hwanghae Province is registering signal successes.
The rice harvest was also begun in North Phyongan Province including the Kwaksan, Unjon, Jongju, Ryongchon, Yomju, Sonchon counties.
The farms in Sukchon, Mundok, Jungsan, Anju counties of the South Phyongan Province are achieving big successes from the outset of rice reaping.
Similar achievements were made in Nampho and Pyongyang cities.
Kim Hyang Ran

Labor Success at Chollima Steel Complex

Labor Success at Chollima Steel Complex

The project for anthracite gasification to introduce high-temperature air combustion technology is being carried on at the final stage at the Chollima Steel Complex.
Production buildings including general control room and oval briquette plastic shop and gas generators have been constructed in rows and a belt conveyor for raw materials and gas pipeline are stretching far. The finishing touch is being given to the land arrangement, tree planting and pavement in the compound.
When the anthracite gasification, which is of key importance in modernizing and making rolled steel production Juche-based, is completed, the complex will increase production at will with anthracite abundant in the country and thus gain a great profit.
Prior to the project, the complex organized a construction commanding team with competent officials. And it conducted the project in a big way by mobilizing all the reserves and possibilities.
An unprecedented speed was created in the manufacture of equipment. An innovation was also effected in lifting heavyweight equipment without a crane with a big hauling capacity.
Having completed in the main the anthracite gasification, the complex that has already finished the steel-making process with Juche-based iron came to have a reliable foundation capable of modernizing and making the rolled steel production Juche-based.
Big is the production capacity of the anthracite gasification process. With the gas produced here, it is possible to operate in full capacity the heating furnaces needed for turning out various standards and qualities of rolled steels. It, at the same time, supplies fuel alternately to the heating furnaces of the complex, thus economizing a huge amount of imported fuel.
Not content with this, the officials and workers of the complex are striving harder to make the metal industry Juche-based on a higher level while forcefully pushing ahead with the project for introducing high-temperature air combustion furnaces.
Story and photo by Jon Song Sam

Chongjin Rongmi Foodstuff J-V Company

Chongjin Rongmi Foodstuff J-V Company
The Chongjin Rongmi Foodstuff J-V Company is a supplier of a rich selection of quality foodstuffs such as candies, cakes, bread, instant noodles, soya milk, syrup and pickles.
All their production processes, ranging from feed of raw materials to packaging have complete sanitary arrangements and .are operated by computer-control system.
In addition, the company has an acorn liquor distillery equipped with a modern alcohol distilling processes from fermenting to refining.
It also turns out a wide variety of pickled vegetables and edible herbs through automatic processes of washing, dehydration, drying, slicing, sterilizing, pickling and seasoning as well as seasoned squids, seasoned sandfish, hams and sausages.
The company is planning to pay closer attention to developing new products and improving their quality.
Add: Chongjin City, North Hamgyong Province, DPR Korea
Fax: 850-2-381-4410

Rich Iron Ore Resources

Rich Iron Ore Resources
The DPRK boasts of its rich deposits of hundreds of kinds of valuable minerals including graphite, magnesite, lead, zinc, tungsten, gold, silver and copper.
In particular, it abounds in the resources of iron ore, the raw material of the ferrous metal industry.
Musan County of North Hamgyong Province, Riwon and Pukchong counties of South Hamgyong Province, and Jaeryong and Unryul counties of South Hwanghae Province have deposits of iron ore.
Iron ore deposits in Musan County, the northern inland region of Korea, count much not only at home but in the world; they amount to billions of tons.
The Musan Mining Complex, a gigantic strip mining complex with a long history, is located here. With the Musan Mine as its backbone, the complex has under its control the Musan Geological Prospecting Corps, the Musan Designing Office, the Chisel Top Factory and several other affiliated enterprises. It has been developed into a leading iron ore production base in the aspects of production scale and technical equipment and a reliable raw material base for domestic metallurgical industry. It annually produces and supplies millions of tons of concentrated ores to such metallurgical enterprises as the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and the Songjin Steel Complex.
The Jaeryong Mine situated in the central part of Korea on the west coast of the country has also a bright prospect. The area is blessed with rich deposits of high-grade iron ore. In recent years the mine has put its production lines on a modern basis and is now increasing the output of iron ore. It is supplying its iron ore to Posan and other iron works.
Besides, many iron ore mines, including the Riwon Mine in South Hamgyong Province and the Tokhyon Mine in North Phyongan Province, can be found in different parts of the DPRK.

New University Building Completed

New University Building Completed
Recently a new building of Koryo Songgyungwan University has been erected at the foot of picturesque Mt. Songak in Kaesong.
The new building stands besides the main building of the university. It consists of three blocks, which are provided with all conditions necessary for education, scientific researches and learning of students, including a general lecture hall, classrooms, laboratories, rooms for departments and cultural and welfare facilities.
The completion of the new building has changed the appearance of the university with a long history. It also made it possible for the university to train larger numbers of competent scientific and technical personnel needed in the field of light industry.
Its inaugural ceremony took place on September 19.

Ryongwang Pavilion

Ryongwang Pavilion
There are many cultural relics in Pyongyang with a long history, like Taedong Gate, Ulmil Pavilion, Pubyok Pavilion and Pyongyang Bell.
One of them is the Ryongwang Pavilion that was built in the mid-6th century during the period of Koguryo (277 BC – AD 668), the first feudal state in Korea. At that time it served as an eastern military commanding post in the inner walls of the Pyongyang Fort.
The present pavilion was rebuilt in 1670 when the Ri Dynasty existed (1392-1910).
The two structures and their gabled roofs are distributed a bit slantwise, demonstrating excellent architecture of the Korean nation.
Colourful paintings and design patterns that decorate the beams draw the admiration of the people. The pavilion built on a rock protruding towards the Taedong River and the cliff beside it blends well with the surrounding environment.
Well known as one of the eight scenic spots in western Korea for its unique architectural beauty and scenic landscape, the Ryongwang Pavilion was also called Sansujong, Jeilrudae and Manhwaru.
The bird’s-eye view that the pavilion commands is so beautiful that in the period of the Ri Dynasty a foreign envoy from a neighbouring country wrote, the most beautiful place in the world. The board of the calligraphic letters is fixed to the beam of the pavilion.
It is also associated with the patriotic struggle of the Korean people who defeated the foreign aggressors. It is told that Kim Ung So and Kye Wol Hyang killed a Japanese general at this pavilion in the days of the Imjin Patriotic War (1592–1598).
During the Fatherland Liberation War (June 1950–July 1953) the pavilion was severely damaged by the atrocious bombings of the US aggressors but restored to its original state after the war. It is now preserved as the valuable cultural asset of the Korean nation and frequented by the Pyongyang citizens for recreation.

High Aspiration

High Aspiration
Kim Pyong Ho, 49, is a section chief at the Mechanical Engineering Institute of the State Academy of Sciences. He is concerned about what he will do rather than what he has done. So he always values the time.
A diamond crown, which can make a great development in the geological prospecting field, is one of his achievements.
It was 28 years ago when he started his scientific research at the State Academy of Sciences after graduating from the mechanical engineering faculty at Hamhung University of Chemical Engineering.
In those days he developed a diamond saw, an electrolytic diamond grinder and other things. Then he took upon himself the task of developing a diamond crown badly needed for geological prospecting.
But he was faced with various difficulties because the research demanded a broad knowledge of several scientific branches—metallic materials, mechanical engineering, soldering and drilling.
He devoted all his knowledge and energy to solving the scientific and technological problems arising in making the crown, going down to the major mines in Komdok and Musan areas.
Boldly deviating from the established ideas and knowledge, he conceived a novel idea of making the crown at a lower temperature than the existing method, and succeeded in his research after repeated experiments.
Besides, he established a tooth frame structure and the boring process technology suitable for the properties of various rocks, thus improving the performance of boring tools and facilities. A production base for them was built.
The rate of the crown’s diamond slip in performance is very low and its edges become sharper of their own accord. It was introduced in several geological prospecting teams, coal and other mines, proving economic effectiveness.
Without satisfaction with his successes he is continuously pursuing his scientific research, regarding it as his task to solve scientific and technological problems arising in the building of a thriving country, however difficult they may be.
Much is expected of him.

Kwail County People’s Hospital

Kwail County People’s Hospital
They call the Kwail County People’s Hospital a youthful hospital because it brings people youthful vigour and good health. The call refers to the achievements the hospital has made for a dozen years.
Visitors to the hospital are struck with wonder at its glistening floors. Rooms for doctors and nurses, treatment rooms, rooms for inpatients and all other rooms have been renovated with high-grade building materials and equipped with choice furnishings.
They newly built a two-storey building for surgical operations and buildings for preventive departments Nos. 2 and 3. And all treatment rooms are airtight and germ-free.
Besides, the doctors’ qualifications have improved. They are now able to perform by themselves difficult and complex operations previously recognized as those to be done only at provincial or central hospitals. The surgical department boldly set to and succeeded in a traumatic vertebral fracture operation, a subdural haematoma operation, a nephrotomy and a splenectomy they could not even think of performing in the past, putting an end to the existing idea that a large-scale operation was impossible in a county hospital. The ophthalmic department has become able to perform extraction of a cataract and insertion of artificial crystalline lens they could not do in previous days, though with the necessary equipment, because the operations require delicate techniques.
The hospital also has been fully equipped with up-to-date medical facilities such as a multi-purpose ultrasonographic device and a television camera-based transmission device.
The head of a delegation of a foreign humanitarian organization who visited the hospital said that the rural hospital was very impressive and that he, if possible, wished to be born again in Korea and live in the county with such a hospital.
Jo Hye Yong, who began to work as the directress of the hospital over ten years ago, says, “People call me youthful director of a youthful hospital. I would like to accept their call as their highest commendation of me and their expectation that I will keep working in an innovative manner.”

8th Pyongyang Autumn Int’l Trade Fair to Be Held

8th Pyongyang Autumn Int’l Trade Fair
to Be Held
The 8th Pyongyang Autumn International Trade Fair is to be held at the Three-Revolution Exhibition House from September 24 to 27.
It will bring together more than 210 companies from the DPRK, China, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Malaysia, Switzerland, the UK, Australia, Italy, France, Poland and Taipei of China.
Displayed there will be over 1 390 kinds of goods of different sectors, including metal, machine, electric power, agriculture, light industry, public health and foodstuff and other daily necessities. CNC machine tools manufactured by the DPRK will be included in the exhibits.
The trade fair will contribute to developing cooperation and exchange among countries and regions in the fields of trade, the economy and science and technology.

Yaksan Restaurant

Yaksan Restaurant
Seen in Changgwang Restaurant Street in downtown Pyongyang is the Yaksan Restaurant where ostrich dishes are served.
Opened in the 1980s, it served various special dishes. From February 2010 it began to serve ostrich dishes.
It was over ten years ago that African ostriches began to be bred in the DPRK. Originally they lived in savannahs or semi-deserts. Now they have been acclimatized to the temperate climatic and soil conditions of the country and ostrich ranches have appeared in several places, with the result that their number is on the rapid increase.
The restaurant prepares dishes with ostrich meat produced at the ranch in the outskirts of Pyongyang.
When its cooks began to prepare ostrich dishes, they had some problems because they were strangers to the methods of cooking. But the cooks managed to master relevant cooking methods in a short period. Through frequent cooking classes, dish shows and technical studies, they came to know well about the peculiarity and medicinal value of ostrich meat and became able to cook various dishes without detracting its nutritive value.
The restaurant mainly serves roast ostrich and spicy ostrich soup. Roast ostrich is served together with Pyongyang naengmyon (cold noodle).
On order, it also serves ostrich sausage, steamed ostrich neck, soup of ostrich strings, steamed ostrich feet, seasoned raw liver and stomach of ostrich, hard-boiled ostrich wing and ostrich heart dishes.

Mysterious Effects of Koryo Medicine

Mysterious Effects of Koryo Medicine
The Academy of Koryo Medicine, situated in the Munsu area of Pyongyang, has a history of nearly 50 years.
The academy is the research centre of Koryo medicine, the traditional medicine of the Korean nation, as well as the centre of prophylactic treatment by Koryo medicine for protecting and promoting the health of people.
The academy has several research institutes for acupuncture and moxa cautery, physical constitution, basic Koryo medical science, and Koryo medicines, a Koryo dispensary, an outpatients’ department and a ward with accommodations for hundreds of inpatients.
In the past the academy cured many patients completely with Koryo medicines and its therapies, such as acupuncture, moxa cautery, cupping and finger-pressure therapy.
It achieved great successes in the treatment and prevention of hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis, and spontaneous gangrene and epilepsy by applying very effective Koryo therapies and remedies.
The Chart of Meridian Nerve Points made by the academy received a diploma at the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products held in Switzerland in 1994. Overseas Koreans and foreigners come to the academy famous for its treatment of obstinate diseases.
Sagunjahwan, a specific remedy for stomach function, Posinhwan efficacious for kidney protection, Jacob’s ladder epilepsy pill, and an arteriosclerosis injection made from ginkgo leaves, which is efficacious for treating arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis, are favourably commented at home and abroad.
Recently the academy applies to the treatment the classification system of physical constitution with the help of Koryo medicine along with the appraisal of reciprocal relations to the intestinal functions through pigmentation of acupoints on the ears, making it possible to choose treatment methods appropriate for individuals.
The academy has a site in the state-run computer network, called “Koryo Medical Art”, to help people acquire common knowledge of Koryo medicine and judge their health conditions by themselves.
Now the medical workers at the academy are full of a determination to take the lead in implementing thoroughly the policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea on preventive medicine.

Tanchon Port

Tanchon Port
On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Generalissimo Kim Il Sung the DPRK has newly built Tanchon Port on the East Sea of Korea.
During their occupation of Korea the Japanese imperialists had tried to build the port, but they failed.
It was a gigantic project which would take ten years at the shortest to finish in case advanced construction methods were applied. But the officials of the Ministry of Land and Maritime Transport and builders set a goal of finishing the project in three years. They built in over one year the north and south breakwaters extending about 2 000 metres across the rough sea of scores of metres deep, one of bottlenecks in the construction, and thus made a breakthrough in the project. They made miraculous achievements by inventing and introducing new construction methods on their own efforts. They built all structures and facilities, including wharves where large cargo ships can be tied up, a comprehensive building with a general control room and other offices, warehouses and a lighthouse, in a distinctive way and put the port business on a modern footing.
With a handling capacity of several million tons of cargoes, the port is in a position to carry large quantities of nonferrous metals and magnesia goods produced in the Tanchon area.
Today Tanchon City has been turned into a hub of foreign trade.

Mt. Kumgang

Mt. Kumgang
The world-famous Mt. Kumgang lies in the middle eastern part of Korea.
The mountain has been known as one of the six celebrated mountains and eight beauty spots in Korea from olden times for its magnificent, picturesque and multifarious landscapes.
Covering a vast area, the mountain is divided into Outer Kumgang, Inner Kumgang and Sea Kumgang, and they are further subdivided into scores of districts, valleys and peaks.
Numerous high peaks, rocks of curious shapes, sheer cliffs, deep valleys, ponds and pools, crystal-clear water meandering through the precipices and rocks, wonderful waterfalls and various species of animals and plants---all these remind you of a fairyland.
Mt. Kumgang is more a mass of all natural beauties than a simple scenic spot as it forms scenic beauties of mountains, valleys, hills, lakes, sea and coasts.
In the mountain there are more than one hundred peaks soaring high in the sky such as Piro, Kwanum, Chail, Paekma and Jipson, numerous fantastic rocks such as Samson, Kwimyon and Thokki, over 20 rocks commanding a splendid bird’s eye view such as Chonson, Manggun and Paegun, eight natural stone gates such as Kumgang, Sujong and Hanul, caves such as Kumgang, Podok and Palyon, various passes such as Onjong, Wonho and Hyoyang, and many valleys such as Onjongchon, Sonchang and Chonbong.
Conspicuous are rivers and streams like the Nam River, gorgeous big and small waterfalls, including Kuryong, Pibong, Ogyong and Sibi which are famous as four major waterfalls in Mt. Kumgang, and natural lakes such as Samil, Yonggwang and Kam.
About 1 000 species of blooming plants can be found in the mountain, a grand natural botanical garden, among which more than 100 species of plants are indigenous to it. Its fauna comprises 38 species of animals, 130 species of birds and 10 species of batrachians.
The mountain has many historical and cultural relics and remains including Yujom Temple, Phyohun Temple, Buddhist sculptures, and pagodas and monuments, showing the resourceful spirit and artistic talent of the Korean nation.
A tour to Mt. Kumgang can be made by two routes, road and sea. The road route covers 108 km from Wonsan to Onjong-ri. The sea route covers 106 km from Wonsan to Kosong, and then 8 km from Kosong to Onjong-ri and 33.5 km from Onjong-ri to Naegang-ri by road respectively.
Thanks to the people-oriented policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government of the DPRK, Mt. Kumgang has been developed into a people’s cultural recreation ground and a world-famous tourist attraction.
The Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly promulgated and made public the Law on Special International Tourist Zone of Mt. Kumgang in May 2011 with a view to developing Mt. Kumgang into a world special tourist zone. The law provides an opportunity for sightseeing tour of Mt. Kumgang to foreign visitors and the legal status which encourages investment and business activities to foreign investors in the zone.
The Mt. Kumgang special zone, a special tourist zone of the DPRK, enforces a visa-free system and offers an open access to telecommunications such as posts, telephone and Internet to foreign visitors.
The tour of Mt. Kumgang can be made in various forms and methods, including mountaineering, sightseeing, sea bathing, recreation, amusement, sports and medical treatment. Besides, colourful functions such as international conference, exhibition, exposition, seminar, art performance and sports game can be arranged.
Corporate bodies, individuals and economic organizations from foreign countries and Korean compatriots from the south and overseas are encouraged to invest individually or jointly in infrastructure construction to develop Mt. Kumgang and in such forms of businesses as travel agency, hotel, restaurant, casino, golf course and communal amenities.
The interest in international tour of Mt. Kumgang and investment in it is increasing enormously.
The world-renowned Mt. Kumgang will offer you the best in hospitality.
Korea International Travel Company
Add: Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 850-2-18111-381-8283
Fax: 850-2-381-4407

Kim Sun Ok, Keeper of Beasts of Prey

Kim Sun Ok, Keeper of Beasts of Prey
Every visitor to the Central Zoo is very curious to know about Kim Sun Ok, head of a workteam that looks after the beasts of prey. They are eager to know how Sun Ok, a female, has been working there for 45 years, and that, with those beasts of prey.
“When I started my job at this workteam, I was worried and fearful,” her story of the past days began with these words.
Tigers and lions growled ferociously or feigned ignorance, as if they made light of their new girl keeper.
She attributed her failure to her lack of knowledge of the animals, and tried hard to study the physiological features, behaviours and characters of the animals, while learning from the experienced keepers.
From then on the keeper and the animals began to keep in with each other, but Sun Ok directed greater efforts to understanding the “feelings and moods” of her charges.
The answer was sincerity.
It was her principle in keeping the animals of prey to value and take good care of them as treasures of the country.
During those days she spent countless, sleepless nights, nursing sick animals. It was the happiest day for her when the animals brought forth their cubs and their numbers increased. She brought up a cub, feeding it on goat’s milk, and sometimes felt too tired to keep herself steady. Each time she was encouraged by the pride in her job, which was to give pleasure to the people.
With such strong devotion to and pride in her job she tended over 130 cubs of beasts of prey and became an excellent keeper.
She is honoured with the title of Merited Keeper, and wrote some papers on the study of physiological features of the beasts of prey. She also introduced several inventions and new technical designs into the breeding and multiplying of the animals.
Now she is an old woman with grandchildren, yet she finds her life devoted to the people’s pleasure worth living.

Ozone Layer Protection Essential

Ozone Layer Protection Essential
If the earth is likened to the big home of the entire humankind, the ozone layer can be compared to the roof of it.
The ozone layer protects people's lives and their living environment by shutting out ultraviolet rays radiated from the sun to the earth in the stratosphere.
People, however, produce substances damaging the ozone layer in the course of their economic activities.
The damage of the layer brings about catastrophic results.
Harmful ultraviolet rays make people contract hazardous diseases including skin cancer and cataract, damage their immune system, decrease agricultural output and cause seed variation to disrupt the food chain in the ecosystem. This shows that ozone layer damage is a menace to the earth, the only green planet in the solar system.
Therefore, the international community decided to take international steps for the protection of ozonosphere. In the course of this, the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer was adopted in 1985 and the Montreal Protocol was introduced on September 16 1987, which stipulated the substances that deplete the ozone layer and the plan to eliminate them.
But it is not an easy job for all the governments to implement the protocol.
Ozone destroyers are widely used in making vesicants, detergents, disinfectants, chemicals for extinguishing fire and insecticides and they mainly constitute the raw materials for chemical industry. This required every government to take a responsible approach towards the implementation of the protocol as it is directly linked to the destiny of the earth and its future, not confined to individual countries and the present.
The DPRK has observed its commitments faithfully since it signed the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol in 1995.
It worked out a national programme for eliminating ozone destroyers in 1997, set up the national ozone office in 1998 and established the system of allotment for the production and consumption of destructive substances and the system of permission of import and export of them to provide a legal framework.
It completely abolished the ozone depleting substances stipulated in the Montreal Protocol (Appendixes A and B) until late 2010 in cooperation with the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. In the course of this, it even eliminated such destructive materials as methyl bromide, a raw material for insecticides, which were in great demand and had no substitute or substitute technology at that time.
Ozone depletion substances were eliminated much earlier than the timetable set by the protocol (Appendixes A and B) in the DPRK.
The DPRK national ozone office is stepping up the preparations for the HPMP which corresponds to Appendixes C and E of the protocol that will start from 2013.
It also channels big effort into PR activities to raise public awareness of the protection of the ozone layer.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of World Ozone Day (September 16), it has sponsored a variety of events including a commemorative event and a national seminar and intensifying information activities through the media.
The international community annually commemorates September 16 when the Montreal Protocol was adopted as World Ozone Day.

Thosong Koryo Medicines Pharmaceutical Factory

Thosong Koryo Medicines Pharmaceutical Factory
The Thosong Koryo Medicines Pharmaceutical Factory is a supplier of Koryo medicines whose quality and safety are guaranteed on a high standard suited to the requirements of GMP.
Its Koryo medicines free from antiseptic are made from medicinal herbs gathered in deep forests.
They were awarded top prizes on several occasions at international trade fairs.
The factory produces 30-odd kinds of Koryo medicines including Chonghyolhwan, Chongganhwan, Maebalthopnamuyolmae (common barberry fruit) Liquor, Chongdam Granule, Kyongokgo, Phalmihwan, Uhwangchongsimhwan, Yangchunsamrok and Kasiogalphi (Cortex Eleutherococcus) Tea.
Chonghyolhwan is highly efficacious for angiopathy such as cerebral thrombosis, cerebral haemorrhage, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, heart attack and cardioneurosis, palsy of various origins, headache, giddiness, hepatitis, black spot, illness resulting from body chill, neuralgia, illness after childbirth and cancer in the early stage.
Its ingredients are Radix Ligustici, Radix Astragali, Radix Rehmaniae, Rhizoma Cyperi and the like.
It is recommended to take one pill daily for 20 to 30 days for lowering the amount of cholesterol accumulated in the body, for 60 to 90 days for the treatment of circulatory disorder, cerebral thrombosis and cerebral haemorrhage, for 3 to 5 months for hepatitis and for 60 days or more for other diseases according to symptoms.
Chongganhwan shows a marvellous effect on active and inactive chronic hepatitis and chronic gastritis. It is advisable for adults to administer one pill in a day, between meals or in an empty stomach every two days.
For treatment of active hepatitis and active liver cirrhosis with severe serum reaction, it is recommended to take two pills daily (one pill between meals in the morning and in the afternoon) every two days for one to two weeks and then continue to take one pill daily.
One course of treatment is two to three months.
If undesirable reactions are observed, it is recommended to take one pill every four days.
In case of patients suffering from hypotension, its dosage should be avoided.
Uhwangchongsimhwan is a famous drug prepared from Kaesong Koryo insam, yam, artificial bezoar, musk, buffalo horn, Radix Liropes, Radix Liquiritae, Poria, Radix Ligustici, Radix Glehniae, Radix Paeoniae, broad bellflower, jujube, etc.
It displays a splendid efficacy in promoting one’s energy, and brightening and stabilizing the mind.
It is highly efficacious for prevention and treatment of haemorrhage and paralysis of the mouth, eyes, feet and hands due to its sequela, heart diseases, neuralgia, high fever and influenza.
In particular, it has a strong efficacy for recovering the function of the damaged central nervous system, so it is recommended for epilepsy, children’s convulsive fit and anxiety neurosis.
For adults, one to two pills are taken in a dose, two to three times daily, diluted with hot water or liquor.
For children, 1/8 pill is recommended for those under the age of one, 1/6 pill for two-year olds, 1/4 pill for 3- to 4-year olds, 1/3 pill for 5- to 6-year olds and 1/2 to 3/4 pill for 7-year olds, two to three times daily.
The medicines produced by the factory are winning popularity at home and abroad for their excellent medicinal efficacy.
The factory is making every endeavour to promote trade with foreign countries.
Add: Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 850-2-381-8634
Fax: 850-2-381-2100

Zhou Enlai’s Statue Erected in Hamhung

Zhou Enlai’s Statue Erected in Hamhung
It was spring in 1979.
President Kim Il Sung was reported that Deng Yingchao, widow of Zhou Enlai, former premier of China, hoped to visit the DPRK. Quite pleased, he said to the officials concerned to immediately send agreement and convey his invitation to her.
Later he gave instructions on several occasions on such issues as reception and welcoming on the road. He said that Zhou Enlai’s statue should be built in the country.
That year marked the third anniversary of Zhou Enlai’s death. In fact, his statue was yet to be built even in his motherland.
Busy as he was with the affairs of the state Kim Il Sung concerned himself with the erection of Zhou Enlai’s statue.
Where should the statue be erected? How should he be portrayed?
He thought over and over. Determined, he said to the officials: In 1958 Zhou Enlai visited Hamhung and made a speech in front of the workers of the Hungnam Fertilizer Factory; it would be advisable to erect his statue there; the statue should portray him making a speech there.
True to Kim Il Sung’s instruction, Kim Jong Il sent to the sculptors a photograph of Zhou Enlai making the speech; he went over the draft of the statue and the finished work on several occasions and fixed the heights of the statue and plinth.
Under the direct guidance of the two leaders of the country, the statue and a monument were erected on the spot at the end of May that year.
Kim Il Sung went to Hamhung on May 31 in company with Deng Yingchao on a visit to the DPRK, and attended the unveiling ceremony of Zhou Enlai’s statue and monument.
Deng Yingchao was happy to see Kim Il Sung, and she was all the more moved to see her husband’s statue erected in an industrial city of her neighbouring country.
“The statue is excellent, indeed, Comrade Kim Il Sung. I extend my heartfelt thanks to you for having such an excellent statue erected.”
In summer that year a Peking opera troupe visited the DPRK. In a talk with Kim Il Sung, the head of the troupe said that the 970 million Chinese people were very impressed by the fact that Zhou Enlai’s statue was erected in the DPRK.
Kim Il Sung said, “In the light of Comrade Zhou Enlai’s achievements and his contribution to the friendship and unity between the peoples of the DPRK and China, it is natural for us to erect his statue. I always remember him.”

In Japan: Normalisierung DVRK-Japan gefordert

Anlässlich des 10. Jahrestages der Pyongyanger Erklärung Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK)-Japan fand am 13. September in Tokio eine Konferenz demokratischer Persönlichkeiten Japans statt. Das Treffen verlangte von der japanischen Regierung die Normalisierung der Beziehungen zur DVRK.
An der Konferenz nahmen Vertreter von japanischen Korea-Freundschaftsorganisationen teil.
Nam Sung U, Vizevorsitzender des Zentralen Ständigen Komitees der Generalvereinigung der Koreaner in Japan (Chongryon), nahm auf Einladung daran teil.
Sumiko Shimizu, Vertreterin der Japanischen Frauenvereinigung für die Solidarität mit den Koreanischen Frauen, und andere Persönlichkeiten hielten Reden.
Die Konferenz erhielt eine Grussbotschaft vom Koreanischen Komitee für die Kulturellen Beziehungen zum Ausland.
Die Konferenz richtete einen Brief an den japanischen Ministerpräsidenten. Im Brief wurde festgestellt, dass die japanische Regierung auch ein Jahrzehnt nach der Annahme der Pyongyanger Erklärung Japan-DVRK noch immer an den Sanktionen gegen die DVRK festhält, koreanische Schulen in Japan vom Schulgelderlass ausschliesst und Rassismus und Antipathie gegen die in Japan lebenden Koreaner schürt.
Die japanische Regierung wurde aufgefordert, im Geist der erwähnten Erklärung die Beziehungen zur DVRK zu normalisieren und in faire bilaterale Verhandlungen einzutreten.
Ferner sollten die Sanktionen gegen die DVRK aufgehoben, die koreanischen Atombombenopfer und die Opfer der sexuellen Sklaverei durch die kaiserliche japanische Armee entschädigt und den koreanischen Schulen in Japan das Schulgeld erlassen werden.

dimanche 23 septembre 2012

Norodom Sihamoni: KIM JONG UN ist würdigster Nachfolger KIM IL SUNGs und KIM JONG ILs

Marschall KIM JONG UN erhielt am 3. September ein Glückwunschschreiben des kambodschanischen Königs Norodom Sihamoni anlässlich des 64. Jahrestages der Gründung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK).
In seinem Schreiben bezeichnete der König den Marschall KIM JONG UN als den würdigsten Nachfolger der Generalissimi KIM IL SUNG und KIM JONG IL.
Er pries Marschall KIM JONG UN als den grössten Führer, der das Volk, das Land und die Armee der DVRK in die rosige Zukunft des Friedens, der Entwicklung und des Gedeihens führt.
Der König äusserte seine Zufriedenheit über die positive Entwicklung der traditionellen kambodschanisch-koreanischen Freundschaft, die beide Länder und Völker stets fest vereinige.
Die Lobpreisung des Marschalls KIM JONG UN als würdigster Nachfolger des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG und des Vorsitzenden KIM JONG IL veranschaulicht den höchsten Respekt der friedliebenden Menschheit für ihn. Sie zeigt, dass er als absolut identisch mit den beiden Generalissimi betrachtet wird.

samedi 22 septembre 2012

Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance to Vegetable Science Institute and Floriculture Institute

Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance to Vegetable Science Institute and Floriculture Institute

Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, gave field guidance to the Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute and the Pyongyang Floriculture Institute that are renewed on expansion basis.
 Accompanying him were Jang Song Thaek, Kim Ki Nam, Ri Jae Il, Ri Ryong Ha, Pak Thae Song, Kim Pyong Ho and Pak Chun Hong.
Kim Jong Un was greeted on the spot by leading officials of Kim Il Sung University, commanding officers of the KPA and the officials of the Pyongyang Horticultural Guidance Bureau, who were there to help increase the production capacity at the institutes.
The institutes covering well over hundred hectares have turned into modern bases for researching vegetable growing and horticulture.
He looked round the Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute first.
At the central hall he acquainted himself in detail about its construction, scientific research and production.
He was greatly satisfied to see that the greenhouses had boosted their capacities and production as leader Kim Jong Il taught during his visit in March last year.
Kim Jong Un told officials to improve management of the greenhouses now that their capacities have been increased, make a good use of geothermal and solar heat and wind power, lower cost of operation, and gain more profit.
Hoping that the scientists and employees of the institute will achieve great success in their work, he posed for a photograph with them.
Next leg of his guidance was the Pyongyang Floriculture Institute.
After being briefed about the work, he listened to an explanation about the institute's prospect.
He was very glad to learn that they had increased production capacity 20 times, sending more flowers to the flower shops.
He was glad to see over 70 kinds of flowers displayed at its exhibition hall.
He said that demand for flowers had been growing fast and that was why, he recalled, leader Kim Jong Il saw to it that a floriculture institute was to be set up.
He gave instructions to put horticulture on scientific and industrial base to produce more flowers.
Hoping for greater success in their work, he also had a photograph taken with them.
Political News Team

Pyongyang Folk Park

Pyongyang Folk Park

The Pyongyang Folk Park is built as a grand monumental edifice of the Songun era at the foot of Mt. Taesong.
The park covers an area of more than 200 hectares around the mountain.
The park consists of several districts -- district for comprehensive education in history, district for the display of historic relics, folk village district, modern district, folk game district and so on.
The district for comprehensive education in history has nine visual boards of historical education.
Through the boards visitors can vividly see the whole historical course of Korea including the periods of ancient Korea, Koguryo, Palhae, Koryo and Ri Dynasty.
Exhibited in the district for the display of historic relics are relics showing wisdom and talents of the Korean people from the primitive society to the Ri Dynasty.
The turtle-shaped armored ship, the world's first iron-clad ship, was rebuilt to its original size. Visitors can go aboard the ship to call back the naval battles of the period of the Imjin (1592) Patriotic War.
Peculiar in the area is the mammoth map of Korea. There are miniatures of the old homes in Mangyongdae and Hoeryong and scenic spots in the east and west of Korea.
At the modern district one can see monumental buildings such as Kim Il Sung Square, Grand People's Study House, Korean Revolution Museum, Mansudae Art Theatre and West Sea Barrage not only from distance but at close range.
Built in the folk village district are buildings of different periods of Korean history including government office of Koguryo and temples and citadels of Koryo.
In the folk game district there are various facilities for folk games.
Story by Pak Ok Kyong
Photo by Ri Jin Myong

13th Pyongyang Int'l Film Festival Opens

13th Pyongyang Int'l Film Festival Opens

An opening ceremony of the 13th Pyongyang International Film Festival was held at the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on September 20.
The festival has been developed under the deep interest of the Korean people and movie-makers of various countries.
It will be held, divided into various panels including competition of documentary, short and long films, special screening and information screening.
More than 50 organs of 30 odd countries has sent over 90 pieces of films to the festival.
The festival will be a good chance for the film-makers of various countries to exchange their success and experience achieved in art creation, strengthen the interchange and cooperation and promote development of the progressive film art.
Present at the ceremony were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, Kim Yong Jin, vice-premier, Hong Kwang Sun, minister of Culture who is concurrently chairman of the Festival Organizing Committee, Cha Hui Rim, chairman of the Pyongyang City People’s Committee, officals concerned, movie creators, artistes and working people in the city.
Present there on invitation were the delegations and delegates to the festival and international juries.
Diplomatic envoys of various countries, staff members of foreign embassies and representatives of international organization missions in Pyongyang were invited on the occasion.
Chairman Hong Kwang Sun made an opening address.
The festival flag was hoisted amid the solemn playing of the song "Glorious Motherland".
A German movie delegate delivered a congratulatory speech.
The opening ceremony was over with the playing of "Song of Pyongyang Film Festival".
Rodong Sinmun

Self-Reliance, Way to Life

Self-Reliance, Way to Life

Self-Reliance is a principle of struggle for developing countries to make social progress.
To go with the trend of the time and attain higher progress, it is important to abide by the principle of collective self-reliance.
The developing countries are rich in natural manpower resources and also in experience gained in scientific and technological development and in economic fields.
By self-reliance we do not mean to ignore what belongs to others.
This principle does not deny the achievements of advanced science and technology. Learning from the new technology, applying it to one's practical conditions and making it as one's own do not go against the principle of self-reliance.
Whatever you do it, you should do it to suit your actual conditions and interest of your people.
The smaller is the country, the greater efforts you should make for the development of science and technology, for it can serve a driving force for independent development and prosperity of the developing countries.
Science and technology provides a sure guarantee for a leap in economic construction. The developing countries must counter the imperialist blockade with their own strategy of scientific and technological development.
By tapping all possibilities and potentials, they must strengthen S-S cooperation in the fields of science and technology.
The slogan of collective self-reliance must be upheld. That will help greatly in making their countries grow stronger, wealthy and prosperous.
Ri Hyon Do

Turkish Political Party Delegation Arrives

Turkish Political Party Delegation Arrives

A delegation of the Workers' Party of Turkey headed by Dasar Karadag, member of the Political Bureau of its Central Committee, arrived Pyongyang on September 20.
Rodong Sinmun

China's Representations over Japanese Landing on Diaoyu Islands

China's Representations over Japanese Landing on Diaoyu Islands

China on September 20 made representations to Japan over two right-wing activists' landing on the Diaoyu Islands.
"Japanese right-wing activists' illegal landing on the Diaoyu Islands is a serious provocation that infringes on China's territorial sovereignty," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.
Hong urged Japan to take effective measures and stop any act that may intensify tension over the islands.
Rodong Sinmun

Spokesman for DPRK FM Gives Answer to KCNA

Spokesman for DPRK FM Gives Answer to KCNA

A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA on September 20 as regards the U.S. announcement of a plan to build a new radar base in Japan to cope with the "DPRK's threat of missile attack":
U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta met on Monday his Japanese counterpart in Tokyo and held a joint press conference at which they announced they agreed to build another radar base in the southern part of Japan to cope with "north Korea's threat of missile attack."
Disclosed earlier was a plan worked out by the U.S. and Japan to build a missile shield in Asia by building a new radar base in Southeast Asia and link it with the missile interceptor systems deployed on the ground and in waters.
The U.S. decision to build the radar base in Japan is obviously targeting big countries in Eurasia as part of its moves to round off the regional missile defense system. This will only strain the regional situation and escalate the arms race.
Over the last decades the U.S. has steadily increased the military spending by misleading the public opinion with a trite psychological warfare that it is building a missile shield against the potential enemies' missile strikes. By doing so, it has brought big profits to the munitions monopolies and, at the same time, worked hard to establish the system of its military domination in various parts of the world.
In fact, it is impossible to intercept something with a missile shield.
What should not be overlooked is that Panetta openly declared the new radar is targeted against the DPRK, not China.
The U.S. military chief disclosed the plan at a time when the U.S. diplomatic chief lost no chance to let loose rhetoric that the U.S. has no hostile intent on the DPRK. This is tantamount to the U.S. total denial of its words and open admission of its hostility towards the DPRK.
Given the fact that the U.S., the world's biggest possessor of nukes and missiles, is stepping up its arms build-up against the DPRK, it is quite natural for it to steadily bolster up its nuclear deterrent.
The U.S. attitude compels the DPRK to become a more powerful nuclear weapons state as befitting the "rival" of the U.S.
Rodong Sinmun