Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

mardi 13 août 2024

2024-08-13 KOREA BULLETIN - 2024-26


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No 25/24 Aug 5, 2024


1.    Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Takes Important Measures for Rehabilitation in Flood-hit Areas

2.  Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Clarifies in His Speech Stand of Party and Government on Repairing Flood Damage and Consoles Flood Victims

 3.  Press Statement of Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry

4.  "Tripartite Cooperation" Will Hasten "Tripartite Ruin": KCNA Commentary

5.  New Technology Developed



Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Takes Important Measures for Rehabilitation in Flood-hit Areas

Pyongyang, August 10 (KCNA) -- The great father, endowed with warm love and ennobling spirit of making selfless, devoted efforts for the people, continues the long journey of devoted service for their well-being, making tireless thinking and efforts for them all the time. His sacred leadership reached the flood-stricken people again, redoubling their confidence in and optimism about the future.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the flood-hit area in Uiju County of North Phyongan Province again on August 8 and 9, and took important measures for rehabilitation project.

Having organized an honourable campaign for providing the homeless people in the disaster-stricken areas with wonderful homes as soon as possible, he met the flood victims in Uiju County on August 8.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jae Ryong, Ju Chang Il and Han Kwang Sang, leading officials of the WPK Central Committee.

He was greeted on the spot by Ri Hi Yong, chief secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the WPK, and the chairman of the provincial people’s committee, the chief secretary of the Uiju County Party Committee and the chairman of the county people’s committee.

On a hillock near a bank of the Amnok River overlooking an inundated island of Uiju County, he learned in detail again about the actual conditions of the flooded area, whose appearance began to surface, and gave important instructions for rehabilitation.

He stressed the need to expand and propel the rehabilitation project in a forward- looking and development-oriented way from the viewpoint that it is not merely an undertaking for removing the aftermath of natural disaster but a crucial issue of implementing the Party’s far-reaching regional development programme, and said:

In order to tackle the chronic vulnerability of the area that turns into a “reservoir” whenever it rains heavily, we should decisively raise the water-passage capacity. The hydraulic engineering and design sectors should take practical measures after making joint review in a scientific way the current state of the river banks and the flood-prevention capacity of Uiju County, which is bound to suffer flood damage whenever the water level of the Amnok River rises.

A radical change should be made by building a highly-civilized and modern residential district as good as the ones in city on this occasion of constructing new houses in the county. The county should be turned into an ideal “cultured rural city,” which is furnished on a high level with all the elements related to urban management, ranging from the supply of electricity and drinking water to sewage treatment in particular.

Then, he visited the tents, in which the flood victims are living temporarily, and warmly consoled them.

As they saw unexpectedly Kim Jong Un who visited their quarters in the sweltering weather, the flood victims broke into cheers of “Hurrah!” in tears of great excitement.

They thanked him, looking up in tears to the father of a large socialist family, who had driven his way through rough waters some days before to visit the flood-stricken areas and

stayed there for a long time to rescue all of them from critical danger, and now visited their tents, bestowing paternal affection on them.

Sitting knee to knee with the flood victims, Kim Jong Un took meticulous care of their living, asking them whether they felt anything inconvenient, how their meals were provided and if there were any sick ones.

They replied that they feel nothing inconvenient as all necessary living conditions have been provided thanks to his boundless love and the whole country renders all-out assistance, expressing their single desire to live up to his great benevolence.

Saying that it would be hard for them to live away from home, he called on them to endure the difficulty a little more until the day when a paradise will be built on the ruins left by the natural disaster and they will lead a better life. He thanked them for invariably believing in the Party, adding rehabilitation is not so challenging as there exists such deep trust.

Feeding children with confectionery he personally brought and putting smart clothes on them, he said that seeing children he felt really encouraged and he learned more clearly for whom we should struggle and we should become stronger.

Feeling the warm parental affection of the fatherly leader, who talked with them for a long time despite sultry weather, warmly taking their hands to console them and redouble their confidence and courage, the flood victims, unable to repress their surging emotion, thrust themselves into his embrace, raising stormy cheers in tears.

The flood victims followed him step by step, reluctant to take leave of him. Telling them to go back, he promised to see them again the next day.

He met the flood victims of Uiju County again on August 9 to clarify the stand of the Party and the government related to rehabilitation, take crucial measures and console them.

He came by his train with the relief materials prepared by the Party Central Committee for the flood victims of the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County to ensure that they were conveyed to them.

He also authorized members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee to convey the relief materials to the flood victims in Jagang and Ryanggang provinces on the spot.

Cadres of the Party Central Committee handed over the relief materials to the flood victims.

The flood victims of Uiju County, who received the materials associated with his warm care, raised loud cheers of “Hurrah!” in tears, overwhelmed by deep gratitude and great happiness.

Kim Jong Un showed warm parental care for children, warmly hugging them in new clothes, caressing their heads and talking with them in whispers.

He made a consolatory speech before the flood victims. In the speech he said:

I have come here again to acquaint myself with the situation in greater detail on the spot, reassign some tasks for the rehabilitation project and take additional measures of national importance, which would be helpful to you. I feel much relieved and greatly encouraged to see all of you in good health, showing no sign of inconvenience.

The people constitute the foundation and pillars of our Party and the state and the starting point and focus of all their activities. I take pride in the fact that the people place an absolute and unconditional trust in the Party and the government even in these days of harsh trials.

Kim Jong Un clarified the stand of the Party and the government on the issue of promoting the living of the flood victims and rehabilitation and the important measures to be taken, adding:

The Party and the state are concentrating all their efforts on the rehabilitation campaign. A powerful construction workforce, including service personnel of the People's Army and young people, has already been deployed and the transport of rehabilitation materials is going on under an emergency system.

The most urgent issue arising in the period of two or three months before the housing construction is completed and their living stabilized is the one of life and education of children and students. Care, edification and education of them is the most important of state affairs that could never be given up even if the sky may fall in.

He then made public such an important measure as to put into operation an emergency system whereby during the restoration work all the students and other children of the afflicted families in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces are brought to Pyongyang to be provided with care and education in a safe and convenient environment entirely at state expense, and to offer in Pyongyang state-sponsored protective benefits to the old and sick, honoured disabled ex-soldiers and nursing mothers.

Kim Jong Un went on:

As everyone has their own personal problems, it is up to their intentions and decisions.

But as these measures have been set as a top priority of the state, the Party and the government will take full charge and care of the health and life of the flood victims, who will come to Pyongyang, with utmost devotion and show them all sincerity.

The enemy is now persisting in their foolish attempt to abuse the flood damage suffered by us as a chance for tarnishing the image of our state, he disclosed, and branded their fabrications as a misleading propaganda and a grave provocation against the DPRK and an insult to the flood victims who are all safe and well, denouncing the enemy with the strongest terms and rhetoric.

There is no need to make educational materials exclusively as such a stark fact itself constitutes good educational materials for giving a clear understanding of what a disgusting clan the enemy is, what an extremely anachronistic mode they have employed in their fabrications and politically-motivated smear campaign, what a black-hearted intention they have, and why we call them enemy and human scum, he stressed.

Noting that we are facing a very important task to prevent natural disasters, which is more serious and urgent than the ongoing large-scale rehabilitation campaign, he set forth the tasks and ways for building up the national disaster-prevention capabilities, including the establishment of a prompt and orderly weather forecast system, proactive regulation and control of the factors vulnerable to natural disasters and in particular setting up of an integrated water control system in all units managing power stations and dams.

Expressing thanks to different foreign countries and international organizations for announcing their willingness to offer humanitarian assistance, he said what we set as the priority in all realms and processes of state affairs is the firm trust in the people and the way of tackling problems thoroughly based on self-reliance. The Party Central Committee and the government will rely entirely on the patriotic enthusiasm and courage of our people and the potentialities of our country in the ongoing rehabilitation, too, he added, and continued:

We have surely grabbed the chance of winning the ongoing rehabilitation by dint of nationwide concentration and all-people mobilization. The Party and the government will readily brave any challenges in order to accomplish without fail the tasks of the times, the historic tasks which they decided on and shouldered of their own accord for our great people and our future, and surely live up to the people’s trust with faithful service and excellent results.

The undying story, in which Kim Jong Un visited the flood-stricken people once again, consoled and encouraged them and took important state measures repeatedly for stabilizing their living and successfully carrying out the rehabilitation campaign, will be recorded in history as another legendary tale about his paternal love for the people etched in the great father’s journey of devoted service for them, and as a significant event that powerfully proves once again that the programme and policies of the WPK and the government of the DPRK are based on the people-first principle and adds vitality to the drive of the people all out in response to the Party’s call.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Clarifies in His Speech Stand of Party and Government on Repairing Flood Damage and Consoles Flood Victims Pyongyang, August 10 (KCNA) -- The following is the full text of the respected

Comrade Kim Jong Un's important speech before flood victims: Dear inhabitants from the flood-stricken area,

How do you do, everyone?

I think you must be experiencing much inconvenience and difficulty in this evacuation area after leaving your houses owing to the unexpected natural disaster.

Some days ago I saw your circumstances and had emergency measures taken by the Party Central Committee and the state on the flood-stricken spot, but I could hardly get to work at the thought about the flood victims.

Of course, I have received reports several times a day that all the victims are leading a more or less stabilized life, but I could not be relieved from worry for a moment.

I have come here again to acquaint myself with the situation in greater detail on the spot, reassign some tasks for the rehabilitation project and take additional measures of national importance, which would be helpful to you.

Several days have passed since you faced an abnormal living environment in temporary shelters after experiencing a great unexpected disaster, and I have felt ill at ease as I have failed to help you greatly in spite of the willingness to do something somehow.

Though the whole country has turned out to sincerely help you, for the present I cannot but feel anxious and impatient as I am unable to remove all the inconveniences you are experiencing in the damp tents and poorly-furnished public facilities.

Nevertheless, as I see all of you in good health, showing no sign of inconvenience, I feel much relieved and greatly encouraged.

Our Party and government should have given you strength and energy, but they are gaining strength from your appearance.

You have always trusted and relied on our Party and government, and in these days of harsh trials, too, you place such an absolute and unconditional trust on them. I feel very grateful for and proud of it.

And I realize more keenly what should I do more and how for these laudable people, who steadfastly follow our Party devoting their pure loyalty and a sense of obligation throughout their life.

What I would like to mention first here is that the Central Committee of our Party and the government of our Republic will always share with you your pains caused by the disaster.

The people are the foundation and pillars of our Party and state and the starting point and focus of their all activities.

Going closer to the people to share their feelings the harder the times are is the mode of existence and activities inherent to our Party.

The place where the leadership of our state should find itself at a time when the people suffered disaster like this is the disaster-stricken area and rehabilitation project site.

Extending once again profound consolation to you, I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to outline the immediate measures our Party and government will take to promote the living of the flood victims and repair the damage.

All work of the Party and the state are now concentrated on the rehabilitation campaign here.

Not only here but also some areas in Jagang and Ryanggang provinces in the basin of the Amnok River suffered damage.

In order to finish the campaign in the shortest period possible on the highest level, the Party and the government have decided to make a readjustment of even some of the construction projects of national importance and commit colossal human and material resources to the campaign.

For us today, nothing is more important and urgent than to stabilize the living of the flood victims and take permanent safety measures to prevent any recurrence of flooding.

As a preliminary to the enforcement of effective measures for fully restoring the flood victims’ living conditions as soon as possible and removing the aftermath of the natural

calamity, a comprehensive and detailed investigation about the damage is ongoing, and the relevant sector is striving hard to draw up a scientific plan for the restoration project.

A more than 130 000-strong construction workforce comprising service personnel of the People’s Army and young people is being committed for the restoration work here in North Phyongan Province alone.

At the national level, the Central Committee on Measures for Repairing the Damage was organized and has commenced its work, to be followed by provincial on-site headquarters for the restoration work; and the transportation of necessary materials has already been switched over to an emergency system.

Our objective in displaying such daring spirit, organizing work at lightning speed and seeking its unfailing implementation is to transform your dear island villages and the northwestern part of the country beyond recognition.


The whole country is all out for the restoration work, but given the extent of damage, it will take at least two or three months to stabilize the flood victims’ living by building new houses and repairing the existing ones.

What the Party and the government should give top priority to in this period is to take good care of their living as much as possible.

Recently, I am holding consultations every day with leading officials of the relevant institutions over the necessary measures to be adopted to this end.

It is indispensable to set up a well-regulated system for the distribution of newspapers and other publications, supply a TV set to each family and install one in every public place, so that the afflicted residents can keep abreast of the Party’s intentions, and to direct close attention to ensuring them a good meal.

The biggest bottleneck in the flood-stricken areas is the living and teaching for students and other children.

Currently, some leading officials within our government, for their lack of experience and qualifications, are making a point of the restoration work in total disregard of educating and caring for students and other children.

Needless to say, children will find it quite inconvenient to live in tents or others’ houses until the completion of the restoration work, and, in particular, this will have a serious impact on their education.

Also, measures for medical care are not going beyond the supply of medicines, and there is not yet a specific and realistic plan for medical services.

With regard to this, I criticized the officials concerned at yesterday’s consultative meeting with the relevant departments of the Party Central Committee.

So, we are going to put in place an emergency system, whereby during the restoration work the students and all other children of the afflicted families in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces shall stay in Pyongyang and be provided with a safe and comfortable environment for care and education, entirely at state expense.

Nursing, edification and education of students and other children are the most important of all state affairs never to be abandoned even if the sky may fall in.

So, the state is going to take full responsibility for this work during the rehabilitation campaign period.

And state-backed care benefits will be offered in Pyongyang to the elderly and sick persons, honoured disabled ex-soldiers and nursing mothers before new houses are built in the flood-stricken areas.

According to a rough estimate, among the families of flood victims preschoolers number 2 198, students 4 384, the elderly 4 524, the sick and the honoured disabled ex-

soldiers 265, and nursing mothers 4 096.

Then, the number of flood victims who will be brought to Pyongyang will total over 15 400.

With a view to giving such a state emergency assistance, the Party Central Committee will organize a command team and ensure that services for them are offered at the April 25 Hostel and the military parade training base in Pyongyang.

It will provide temporary learning spaces for students and other children and organize interim mobile educational teams, comprising teachers from primary and middle schools and preschool educational institutions in Pyongyang. They will give education without letup to the students and other children after their summer vacation is over.

It will also ensure that staple and subsidiary foods, daily necessities and medicines are fully supplied, and mobile service and medical teams are organized with competent members from the important service units and hospitals in Pyongyang so as to direct all efforts to ensuring the living conditions of flood victims according to the state’s special measures.

There might be some mothers who are reluctant to be separated from their little children for several months, and there might be some persons who are unwilling to leave for some reasons, I think.

As there may be their personal reasons, I will leave it to their intentions and decisions.

However, this was organized to do even one more thing helpful to the flood victims suffering in the unfamiliar areas and minimize their inconveniences, you may rest assured of me, I think.

As it is the top priority work of the state, the Party and the government will take full responsibility for caring with utmost sincerity the health and living of the flood victims coming to Pyongyang as their parents and children would do, and make special and devoted efforts lest all of them feel an iota of gloom.

It is another problem facing the families evacuated from the areas, which are undergoing rehabilitation, that they have no proper places to keep their family property even if they manage to get them out of water.

The flood victims do not show any signs of it, but they might feel great anxiety.

So for the convenience of the evacuated families during the construction of new houses, we should offer them places where they can keep their household belongings safely.

This will also be good for the families to be enjoying protection and care in Pyongyang.


It is necessary for us to impress on our mind once again that the current rehabilitation project is not simply an undertaking for our own but also a serious struggle against the enemy.

At present, the enemy, misusing the occasion when we have suffered damage, is continuing to make foolish attempts to tarnish the image of our state.

It is important to inform Party organizations and working people’s organizations at all levels, various networks of education and the people of these facts and thus make them have a correct understanding of the ROK scum bordering on us.

The rubbish ROK’s media are desperately slandering all the socialist benefits and measures taken by our Party and government for the flood victims and also the communist traits displayed throughout the society, abusing them as a means of achieving some sort of internal unity and a type of demonstration. They are also fabricating such false information,

in their frantic manoeuvres to slander our government and system, that the missing persons in the afflicted areas exceed 1 000 in number and that its intelligence authorities found out that several helicopters had fallen on rescue mission.

Worse still, they are spreading a baseless rumour that the V-day celebrations took place in Pyongyang on the 27th of last month when loss of life occurred in the flood-hit areas.

Because the rumour is in wide circulation in the ROK society that its government is always late in coping with all sorts of accidents that happened there and such is an everyday occurrence in the country, they seem to weave absurd sophistry that slanders and slights us in an attempt to coax their citizens and stir up world public sentiments.

When I visited the helicopter unit that rescued you, I gave full account of the rescue operation, including the crash-landing by one helicopter during the operation, and expressed my gratitude that there had been no casualties in the turmoil.

The enemy even went so far as to say that I reacted personally to the report fabricated by their media because there were heavy casualties and I intended to cover it up.

What is their dogged insistence on making you, safe and sound like this, missing or dead? It is an open and shut case.

This is a smear campaign and a grave provocation against our state as well as an insult to you.

I have reason and feel it necessary to say this about the media of the dirty, rubbish country.

There is no need for us to make separate materials for education. It is because these clear facts are actual and educational materials good enough to clearly bring home to the people how filthy the enemy clan is, what ancient and old-fashioned way they resort to for fabrication and political smear campaign to tarnish the image of our state, what their ulterior motives are and why we call the enemy the enemy and scum.

No country in the world has such media which does nothing but to invent groundless and exaggerated lies.

What we must clearly realize is that the enemy is what we see them now.

Referring to these actual facts, the whole country should have a correct understanding of the enemy and cultivate a correct feeling against them.

Our enemy is an unchangeable enemy.

We should make the current opportunity, which helps us to have a correct understanding of what our enemy is, an opportunity of having a correct stand towards the enemy.

Today, present here are leading officials of Party organizations and government organs of North Phyongan Province, as well as officials of Uiju County.

I would like to take this opportunity to dwell on the tasks of regional Party organizations and government organs for stabilizing the living of flood victims and repairing the damage in the disaster-stricken areas.

The masters of relevant areas should play their proper role in the effort to stabilize the living of the flood victims at the earliest possible date.

As you have witnessed, many flood victims in different areas including North Phyongan and Jagang provinces are living outdoors in the violent heat and sultry weather.

Of course, we built houses for the people without fail in the past, however many of them were destroyed, and now the flood victims in the afflicted areas are living optimistically, placing their trust in our Party.

Even so, local Party organizations and government organs should never make light of the fact that there are people who have been left homeless and are living in tents.

They should ensure that food, non-staple foodstuffs and fuel indispensable for their living are supplied regularly without running short of them, and take strong measures to supply them with daily necessities.

Provinces, cities and counties should promote the flood victims’ living by providing them in a responsible manner with the food and other materials in need with those in reserve and promptly supplying them with relief materials of the state.

They should supply the flood victims with all daily necessities, ranging from bedding, sanitation goods to such small articles as scissors, needles and threads.

They should direct close attention to the supply of drinking water.

Water is one of the basic essentials for people’s living, and drinking water is badly needed in the flood-hit areas where there are scarce sources of it owing to pollution caused by flood damage.

Party organizations and power organs in the relevant areas should do away with a temporary attitude, and take effective steps for supplying enough drinking water to places where the flood victims live.

Public health and epidemic prevention are the most vulnerable sectors in the afflicted areas.

Wherever the flood victims have been evacuated, it is necessary, by taking their number into account, to properly install bathrooms, public toilets, garbage dumps and drain pipes in conformity with hygienic standards and effectively maintain them, so as to eliminate the sources of outbreak of epidemic diseases.

Regional Party organizations and power organs should commit all medical resources available in the areas to taking good care of the victims’ health in a responsible manner, supply them with Koryo and other medicines to the utmost, and conduct an epidemic prevention campaign in an intensive way.

They should be proactive in organizing and conducting the rehabilitation project to restore the production and living order in the flood-hit areas to the normal level.

They should strictly conduct a safety test of the afflicted dwelling houses and public buildings, and on the basis of this, promptly launch the rehabilitation project.

A key factor in this regard is to check such details as whether the buildings, which were submerged, have not undergone structural changes and whether their foundations are firm enough, and thoroughgoing measures should be adopted for preventing second damage due to the collapse of those buildings.

Another important factor is to distinguish what should be newly built from what are in need of repair, introduce a scientific order of priority and plans for the restoration work, and give priority to the construction and repair of houses so that the flood victims can move into them as soon as possible.

In addition, the socio-economic life in the afflicted areas should be put back on a normal track at the earliest possible date by vigorously pushing forward the rehabilitation of the damaged public buildings and industrial facilities including schools, kindergartens, hospitals, factories and enterprises.

The designing and construction of dams in the afflicted areas should be done in a scientific way, based on a comprehensive and detailed survey of the local physiographical conditions and embankments. In particular, it is important in designing the dams to make an accurate estimate of the conditions at the time of the highest level of water, and, wherever necessary, to install flood-blocking structures.

As things stand at the moment, our regions are unilaterally vulnerable to the rising level of water flowing into the Amnok River. This time we should decisively remove this

chronic vulnerability, thus totally eliminating the source of risk of flood wreaking havoc on Uiju County and the city of Sinuiju on the lower reaches of the river.

Regional Party organizations and power organs should adopt prompt measures for restoring the major elements of infrastructure in the afflicted areas, such as roads, railways, communications and power grids.

Ensuring free traffic flow is a pressing task, since it is a prerequisite for the transport of manpower, equipment and materials to the rehabilitation sites and for the residents’ free economic activities. So, it is urgent to open the roads and railways in cooperation with the People’s Army units that have been seconded to the rehabilitation project. Efforts should also be focused on restoring communications and the power grids to meet the needs of the local residents and the rehabilitation project for communication and electricity at the earliest possible date.

Regional Party organizations and power organs should work in a responsible manner to recover damage that has been done to the agricultural sector.

This time not a few hectares of crop fields were inundated; they should not give up or feel disheartened, but make redoubled efforts to prevent the spread of damage.

They should learn a lesson from the fact that the key aspect of damage is the most of the crop fields being submerged. They should identify the weak spots in the dams, river embankments and waterways, and take thoroughgoing steps for repairing and reinforcing them immediately, while adopting scientific and technological measures for improving the growth of crops in the afflicted fields.

Based on a detailed analysis of the pumping stations for drainage, they should double their capacity to keep farmland from being damaged by any possible flood, and provide a firm scientific and technical guarantee for their regular operation at full capacity.

They should focus on the political work aimed at instilling confidence in the junior officials of the farms and other farmers and mobilizing them, giving effective and responsible guidance over the work of repairing the damage done to the crops.

They should also give a strong impetus to restoring the arable land that has been buried or washed away.


We are currently facing a crucial task of disaster prevention, which is no less important and which is much more serious and urgent, than the huge rehabilitation project.

Recently, the extent of damage caused by disastrous weather conditions is increasing worldwide year after year, and in actual fact, no part of our country is absolutely safe, i.e., insusceptible to flooding and typhoon.

This being the case, some officials neglect the disaster prevention work, arguing on their regional characteristics or browsing through meteorological observation records. Such is a very dangerous and unpardonable act which is tantamount to gambling with people’s safety.

Regional Party organizations and power organs should stake their future development on the prevention of recurrence of damage by disastrous weather conditions, putting themselves on tenterhooks and making redoubled efforts to preclude any more disastrous consequences.

For the present, they should set up a prompt and well-knit weather forecasting system and establish the discipline, order and system whereby all the sectors and units in their respective regions respond effectively to any disastrous weather conditions. In this way, they can keep themselves from being affected by the expected heavy rain and typhoon.

Damage caused by the recent flood highlighted how important it is in the prevention of disasters to ensure close contact and cooperation among various sectors and regions.

In case of emergency regions should maintain close contacts, promptly informing one another of what elements are at risk and actively regulating and adjusting their responses. In particular, when heavy rain or flooding is imminent, all the units responsible for maintaining power stations and reservoir dams should absolutely obey the directives from the central organ that is in charge of the unified system for water control.

It is important for the state to renew its water control system and create a specialized institution in order to establish an integrated water control system for enforcing, adjusting and implementing a uniform water control policy, which will tackle various tasks facing regions, ranging from the supply of drinking water to responses to flooding, drought and other disasters.

The lesson taught by the recent flood damage has proved that our pressing task is to make the organs in charge of maintaining the dams enhance their role, and to ensure their integrated coordination and put it on a scientific footing quickly.

However, the existing disaster prevention organs are lame-duck entities substituting their assignment for collecting statistics.

This offers a glimpse of our officials’ irresponsible work style, and if they stick to their stereotypical way of thinking and formalistic work methods, such disaster prevention organs, however many, will bring no benefit to the state.

It is advisable to study the issues of setting a flood warning period in the rainy season, ensuring unified and coordinated management of the sectoral and regional units in charge of water control, and putting a flood response system in place.

Along with this, an integrated flood forecast system should be established in a more scientific way.

As I have already stressed, any lax approach of failing to consider the worst conditions in construction will inevitably invite a terrible disaster.

We should build new, excellent houses where geographical safety against disaster is assured and perfect measures have been adopted for disaster prevention, so that they will last for the coming 50 to 100 years.

To this end, appropriate sites of construction should be fixed with their safety assessment as a major criterion; a proper plan for the distribution and layout of houses should be drawn up to provide every convenience for the residents and satisfy their demands; and the durability of houses should be ensured by increasing the amount of building materials needed for each house and encouraging the builders to enhance their sense of responsibility.

What is no less important than to ensure high speed and good quality in the construction of houses is to sustain their modernity commensurate with the increased level of civilization of our people.

The designing and construction of houses should be done in a non-repetitive, diversified and unique style so they can meet the modern tastes and preserve the characteristic features of the given regions and villages.

I want to specially emphasize that there should be no wrong practice of demolishing the existing houses and building new ones on their very sites in a perfunctory manner without an accurate calculation.

It is also important to give the residents regular education on how to cope with disasters.

We should work effectively to heighten their consciousness of coping with disasters; define, on the basis of a detailed survey and confirmation, the spots where the residents are to take shelter in case of disaster, and work out guidelines for their evacuation; and give a

strong impetus to securing essential means of rescue operation to be used in various emergency circumstances.

All the regions should conduct a comprehensive review and investigation of their capabilities to prevent natural calamities, discover the weak points and adopt timely measures for reinforcing them. Also, in anticipation of the worst situation caused by torrential rain, flooding, typhoon and tidal waves, they should identify, eradicate and take precautions against dangerous spots, while paying due attention to ensuring effective afforestation and water conservation.


The enormous undertakings for the repairing of the damage, which constitutes a big step in the course of alleviating the people's pain, providing them with greater welfare and transforming the regions, make a particularly high demand on the officials of the field Party and government organs.

All the officials should display the spirit of sincerely and devotedly assisting the people in the afflicted areas and sharing joy and sorrow with them.

The respect for and devoted service to the people are the inherent duty and obligation of our officials, and when the people suffer hardship, they should especially be faithful to their own duty.

In particular, all the Party officials should go deep among the masses to strengthen ties with them and, in the course of this, get fused into a harmonious whole with them to inspire them to the rehabilitation campaign.

Last, I would like to emphasize the need to prevent any deviation in the assistance to the people in the afflicted areas.

At present, all parts of the country, as well as the Party Central Committee, the Cabinet, ministries and national agencies, are rendering assistance to the flood victims.

Assistance work must be conducted strictly on the principle of voluntariness, never in an organized or forced way.

In the past, when such natural disasters as flooding occurred, institutions, enterprises and working people’s organizations revealed such practices as pointing out the variety and quantity of relief supplies to collect them, while cadres, prompted by the desire for personal fame, subjectively gave assignments for assistance work to gather materials and send them.

We must not get our people to send aid even by imposing burdens on them on the pretext that they do not make any complaints, regarding it as their natural duty to help the residents in the afflicted areas.

Such assistance is worse than not offering at all.

It is needed to intensify the grasp and guidance over the whole society in order to make sure that the assistance work for the people in the afflicted areas is done on the principle of voluntariness, strictly in accordance with the will of each person, so that this work becomes a process in which our society’s great traits of sharing pain and sorrow and helping and leading one another forward are truthfully manifested in name and reality.

At the same time, it is necessary to grasp and register aid funds and materials in a unified way and distribute and supply them in a fair and rational way, so that they can be used effectively for the stabilization of the living of the flood victims and the damage recovery, while imposing strict control lest there should appear such undesirable practices as fame seeking, misappropriation and fraud.

At present, many countries and international organizations are expressing their willingness to provide us with humanitarian assistance.

I extend thanks to them.

But what we put forward first in all domains and processes of the state affairs is the way of addressing problems by relying on the firm trust in the people and entirely on our own efforts.

What the Party Central Committee and the government relies on in the current rehabilitation campaign is also the patriotic enthusiasm and valour of our people and the potentials of our state from A to Z.

As we have always done, we will value our confidence in our own strength more than anything else, solve all problems by enlisting the strength and wisdom of the people, and continue to steadily expand and increase our state’s strength in that way to shape our future with our own strength and efforts in the future, too.

As all the national efforts are concentrated on the rehabilitation project and all the planned work is being smoothly pushed forward under the unified and powerful guidance of our government, we will, by and large, remain consistent in this principle.


Nationwide concentration and all-people mobilization–these have given us a good chance of sure victory in the repairing of the disaster.

In order to accomplish the tasks of the times, the historic tasks on which we decided and which we have shouldered by ourselves for our beloved people and our future, the Party and the government will readily brave any challenges and live up to the people’s trust with their faithful service and excellent results.

We will serve the people faithfully. And we will always be with you.

Dear inhabitants of Uiju County and the city of Sinuiju,

Dear inhabitants of the afflicted areas in Jagang and Ryanggang provinces,

Please inform us open-heartedly through the relevant Party organizations at any time if you feel any inconveniences or difficulties.

Please wait for the day when you will lead a new life in your living place which will be changed more splendidly.

And I wish you good health free from illnesses.

Let all of us pool our strength to successfully overcome the present crisis and get up. Long live our great people!


Press Statement of Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea released the following press statement on August 6:

Germany announced on August 2 that it joined the UN Command, a multinational aggression mechanism led by the U.S.

The UN Command is an illegal mechanism for aggressive war that the U.S. faked up by abusing the name of the UN to drag the armed forces of its vassal states into the Korean War ignited by it in 1950.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry strongly denounces Germany's entry into the UN Command, regarding it as an act of wrecking peace and stability on the Koran peninsula and aggravating the situation.

The 30th session of the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution on dissolving the UN Command in accordance with the unanimous will and demand of the UN member states desirous of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.

The U.S. is attempting to revive the function of the UN Command which should have been extinct in the last century. This is aimed at turning the UN Command into the second

NATO of Asian version by dragging its allies and thus militarily deter the DPRK and its neighboring countries.

Germany's improper act is again reminiscent of its inglorious past in which it plunged mankind into the bloodbath of the Second World War and inflicted untold misfortune and pain upon mankind in the last century.

Germany should bear in mind that its military intervention in the Korean peninsula, the biggest hotbed in the world, will act as a vicious factor in keeping up its security and image.

Germany's entry into the UN Command is clearly not helpful to maintaining peace on the Korean peninsula and the rest of the region but an act which has a serious negative effect on the development interests of the DPRK.

The present ever-escalating military confrontation on the Korean peninsula demands the DPRK take more thorough measures for bolstering up its self-defensive capabilities to defend the sovereignty, security and interests of the state.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry notifies in advance that Germany's entry into the UN Command will inevitably aggravate the military and political situation on the Korean peninsula and the rest of the region, and that Germany will be held wholly responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.


"Tripartite Cooperation" Will Hasten "Tripartite Ruin": KCNA


Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is getting frantic in further strengthening the triangular military alliance under the pretext of the "threat" from the DPRK.

On July 28, the military bosses of the U.S., Japan and ROK held a confab in Tokyo to make a memorandum on institutionalizing the framework for tripartite cooperation in security.

In the so-called "standard document", the hostile forces clarified that they would boost cooperation for effective operation of the real-time missile warning data sharing mechanism targeting the DPRK, conduct the tripartite joint military exercises regularly and systematically in the future and, in particular, routinely stage Freedom Edge, the

multi-domain joint military exercises between the three parties.

The dangerousness of this confab of war chiefs is being highlighted as it is a cornerstone for realizing the criminal attempt to turn the triangular military alliance into a nuclear alliance in the Asia-Pacific region in the near future.

The U.S., together with the ROK puppets, announced the Washington Declaration, and even fabricated the U.S.-ROK Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Operations on the Korean Peninsula after commencing the operation of the Nuclear Consultative Group. On this basis, it is hell-bent on preparing a nuclear war targeting the DPRK while accelerating the integration of its nuclear armed forces with the conventional armed forces of the ROK.

After the confab, the U.S., together with the Japanese stooges, held a ministerial conference on "extended deterrence" to "defend" Japan with all military forces including the U.S. nuclear weapons, and committed to "sharing nuclear weapons" with the war criminal state in fact.

It is the invariable sinister intention of the U.S. to bind the two stooges more tightly in its nuclear chain and realize its military domination over the region under the pretext of "providing extended deterrence".

The U.S., Japan and the ROK puppets staged anti-DPRK joint military exercises from January to April twice as many as those in the same period last year. It clearly shows the military ties between the master and the stooges getting unprecedentedly stronger.

It is as clear as noonday that if Freedom Edge, the multi-domain joint military exercises between the three parties targeting the independent and sovereign states in the region including the DPRK, is put on a regular footing, the security environment on the Korean peninsula and in the region will be driven into the worst "catastrophe".

The question is why the warmongers, who have so far staged various kinds of confabs and war rehearsals frequently to get hell-bent on military cooperation, are hyping the "institutionalization of tripartite security cooperation" and accelerating the tightening of military nexus at present?

As known, U.S. President Biden gave up his run for the presidency after caving into the ever-mounting pressure put on him to withdraw his candidacy.

The two servants, too, are in a pitiful position of breathing their last breath at the worst ruling crisis.

"Divorcement from Kishida" has been witnessed in the class supporting the Liberal Democratic Party and the support rate for the Cabinet has dropped continuously since the

birth of the Kishida regime. The number of people petitioning for proposing a bill on impeachment of puppet Yoon Suk Yeol has exceeded one million and hundreds of thousands, and the impeachment becomes the main current.

It is the real aim of the confab and the common desperate efforts of those on death-bed to maintain the military edge of the tripartite nuclear alliance in the region by specifying in a document that the "security cooperation" would be further intensified no matter the regimes change in the three countries.

This is well evidenced by the remarks of the defense minister of the puppet ROK that "the U.S., Japan and ROK security cooperation continues whether the regime is replaced or the Democratic Party stays in power in the U.S.

It is the fixed will of the DPRK to thoroughly contain and frustrate the ever-increasing reckless and provocative hostile acts of the U.S. and its servants with overwhelming and powerful self-defence capability, no matter what attempt and choice the enemies make, in order to defend peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

Historically, the more desperately the U.S. and its vassal forces escalate their moves to stifle the DPRK, the surer the military strength of the DPRK has become. It is none other than the provocateurs who are faced with the miserable fate to really worry about their security.

The "new era of tripartite cooperation" that the U.S., Japan and the ROK praise will only bring earlier the "tripartite ruin".


New Technology Developed

Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Scientists of the State Academy of Sciences in the DPRK jointly developed a 200 /h pressure fine coal gasification technology of Korean style.

According to its intermediate examination, it has been proven that the new technology makes it possible to gasify anthracite and other coals with high ash content and ensure the gasification efficiency at a high level.

Thus, another technological foundation was provided to radically develop the metal and chemical industries of the country.

The State Academy of Sciences is now stepping up the work to introduce the new technology into production.