Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

samedi 3 août 2024

2024-08-05 KOREA BULLETIN - 2024-25


Pourtalèsstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621
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No 25/24 Aug 5, 2024

1. Decision of Political Bureau of WPK Central Committee “On Rapidly
Repairing the Flood Damage in North Phyongan and Jagang Provinces”
2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to
Helicopter Unit of KPA Air Force
3. Commissioning Ceremony of Ultimate Weaponry Demonstrating Sure
Victory of Cause of Building Powerful Army
4. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Speech at Ceremony of
Transferring and Receiving New-type Tactical Ballistic Missile System
5. Press Statement of External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry
6. "Tripartite Cooperation" Will Hasten "Tripartite Ruin": KCNA
Decision of Political Bureau of WPK Central Committee “On Rapidly
Repairing the Flood Damage in North Phyongan and Jagang Provinces”

Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’
Party of Korea on July 30 adopted a decision to rehabilitate the island areas and some flooded
areas in the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County in North Phyongan Province, situated on the lower
reaches of the Amnok River, and build modern houses there and rapidly restore the damaged roads,
railways and public buildings in Jagang Province by concentrating nationwide efforts.
The decision reflects the following contents:
The state shall vigorously step up the rehabilitation work by concentrating all its efforts.
To this end, headquarters for rehabilitation of North Phyongan and Jagang provinces shall be
organized separately and necessary staff departments, including those for design, construction and
materials supply, and political departments be set up at the headquarters, involving necessary
officials from the Party Central Committee, the Cabinet, ministries, national agencies, armed
forces, the munitions field and the relevant provinces.
Units of the Korean People’s Army and the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade shall build
more than 4 400 modern houses in the afflicted areas of the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County, and
North Phyongan Province shall undertake the work of building permanent and durable
embankments in the island areas in cooperation with the Korean People’s Army.
Forces of the Korean People’s Army shall be dispatched to the rehabilitation campaign area of
Jagang Province, and all provinces shall organize and send regiments of Party members to the
seriously damaged cities and counties in North Phyongan and Jagang provinces and some of those
forces shall be mobilized in the rehabilitation projects in Ryanggang Province.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Helicopter
Unit of KPA Air Force
Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The people’s Air Force of the Korean People’s Army
perfectly carried out the special order of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of
Korea by rapidly flying to the flooded areas in the northwestern part of North Phyongan Province
and rescuing over 4 200 precious lives. The legendary feats of the courageous red flying corps of
the Workers’ Party of Korea that displayed an indomitable fighting spirit are stirring the whole
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK and president of the State Affairs of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on August 2 paid a congratulatory visit to the helicopter
unit of the Air Force of the KPA that performed a miracle of air rescue operation.
Lining up at the unit’s apron with national flag fluttering were the helicopters which were
dispatched to the flooded areas to save the people.
All the officers and men, waiting for the moment of greeting the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un at their unit, were filled with boundless reverence for the Supreme Commander,
who, with the warmest love for the people and the will to save their lives at any cost, organized
and commanded the rescue operation in a dangerous flooded area and brought about an
unprecedented miracle and bestowed all laurels on them.
When Kim Jong Un arrived, the service personnel of the Air Force burst into cheers of
"Hurrah!" as a token of their highest tribute and glory to the great brilliant commander.
He received a salute from the commander of the KPA Air Force.
He paid tribute to the colours of the KPA Air Force and of the unit.
He was greeted by leading commanding officers of the Air Force and commanding officers of
the unit.
Responding to the enthusiastic cheers, he extended warm greetings to the reliable soldiers
who glorified the name of the people’s Air Force with their brilliant military feats in the
emergency rescue operation for implementing the special order of the WPK Central Military
He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau
of the WPK Central Committee, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK
and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly, Pak Jong Chon,
vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the WPK Central
Committee, Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, and Ri Yong Gil, chief of
the General Staff of the KPA.
There took place a ceremony of awarding order to the helicopter unit that performed
distinguished military feats in the sacred struggle for defending the people.
The national anthem of the DPRK was played.
Kim Jong Un made a rallying speech.
In the speech, he said:
I wanted to proudly boast about the pilots of the helicopter unit who performed matchless
feats in protecting our God-like people without an equal in the world, and out of this desire I have
come to the unit on the way back from the site of repairing the flood damage. Holding a grand
commendation ceremony and making the whole army learn from them and the world know about
them represent the extent of the feats of the pilots and the height of the appreciation of the Party
and the country.
No casualties occurred in the Sinuiju area, which suffered the greatest flood damage caused
by the record heavy rainfall and the rapid increase in water inflow in the basin of the Amnok River.
This fact cannot be expressed otherwise than a miracle. The service personnel of the Air Force
demonstrated matchless combat efficiency in achieving feats by giving full play to their bravery in
the face of the then dangerous weather conditions and to their expertise and perfectness in carrying
out their successive missions.
They left another precious and honourable record that would go down in the history of
distinguished military feats of our heroic army. I extend heartfelt thanks to all the service
personnel of the Air Force, who protected the God-like people and firmly defended the people’s
trust in the Party and the government by piloting their aircraft through rain clouds and heavy rains
at the risk of their lives.
I am also thankful that all the pilots are safe although one helicopter crash-landed in an
operation area on its mission.
I also extend warm thanks to the combatants of the sharpshooter brigade of the Navy,
maritime guard formation of the Border Guards and the General Reconnaissance Bureau who were
involved in the rescue operation.
The pilots of the helicopter unit proved what the soldiers and the well-prepared unit, to be
emulated by the entire army, should be like through its capability for fighting a war at the
battlefield where their lives were at stake, not on a training ground for judging capability.
Seeing the organized, professional and unhesitating combat actions of all the soldiers, who
immediately launched into a rescue campaign in the unfamiliar flood-hit areas in bad weather
conditions at night true to the order of the Party Central Committee, my heart grew warmer as I
felt that I found a genuine model unit.
I would like to speak highly specially of the combat spirit and deep ideological and moral
world of the unit commander, who is able to stand in the vanguard before shouting an order. Our
Party needs such a field commanding officer of abilities and action required by modern warfare. I
was deeply moved to see him carrying out the successive and repeated missions of reconnaissance,
rescue and search without showing any sign of getting tired that day. It is a real miracle to have
saved more than 4 200 people within a few hours with the helicopters, totalling more than 5 000
people when those, rescued by other units which carried out their rescue mission on the water, are
These are undying feats to be described with the words heroic and miraculous as they are a
success greater than shooting down 10, nay, 100 enemy aircraft and feats to be glorified and
handed down in history for the character of the operation as a campaign for defending the people.
Although the wonders done by heaven are constantly changing and no milestone exists in the
vast open sky, our Air Force’s skyway is the only one indicated by the Party and revolution. This
is why the feats performed by our pilots are so honourable. I am of the belief that the pilots and all
other officers and men of this unit will as ever firmly defend the cause of the Party and reliably
safeguard the security of the airspace sovereignty of our state and the well-being of its people with
ardent patriotism and loyalty and heroic fighting spirit.
The service personnel should raise more fiercely the flames of the revolution in training just
as they were brave, skilled and unhesitating in the struggle for defending the people, so as to
annihilate the enemy.
The enemy’s rubbish media are spreading a false rumour that the number of casualties in our
flood-hit areas is expected to be over 1 000 or 1 500 and that several helicopters are believed to
have fallen on the rescue mission. Clear is the sinister purpose of those in Seoul obsessed about
such a smear campaign.
Saying that the enemy remain unchanged, he bitterly censured the inveterate habits and
despicable nature of the ROK scum keen on a vicious smear campaign to disparage the DPRK and
tarnish its image at any cost, and continued:
We will neither give up national defence for disaster relief or for the people's living nor pay
less attention to their living for national defence.
Referring to the future orientation of development of the Air Force, Kim Jong Un affirmed
that the people's Air Force would make a great contribution to ensuring national security and
regional peace and stability, adding:
The people are our God. We should care about the inconvenience of the flood victims who are
at evacuation areas even at this moment when boiling heat still rages. We should speed up the
rehabilitation as much as possible. We should make the whole country brim with the communist
trait of one for all and all for one the harder the times are, and in particular, our army should show
utmost filial devotion to the people as befit their sons and daughters.
Expressing his thanks again to the unit for having performed sacred feats in the campaign for
defending the people, he ardently wished the heroic people's Air Force victory and glory.
When his speech was over, the service personnel of the Air Force burst into thunderous cheers
All the participants expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Supreme Commander, who put
them forward, who had only remained faithful to the mission of the sacred people's Air Force, as a
source of pride of the Party and the state, and renewed their iron will to be always thoroughgoing
and courageous in defending the sovereignty of the country and ensuring the safety and well-being
of the people true to the slogan inscribed in their glorious colours.
Choe Ryong Hae read out the decrees of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s
Assembly of the DPRK on awarding the Order of Freedom and Independence 1st Class to the
helicopter unit of the KPA Air Force and the title of DPRK Hero to its commander who had led
the unit in the campaign for defending the people to achieve brilliant feats.
Kim Jong Un personally conferred the orders.
He affixed the Order of Freedom and Independence 1st Class to the colours of the unit.
He awarded the title of DPRK Hero, Gold Star Medal and Order of National Flag 1st Class to
the commander of the unit.
The citation of the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the DPRK was conferred on
47 pilots and flight engineers.
The officers and men of the Air Force broke into enthusiastic cheers, looking up with deep
gratitude to the great brilliant commander who decorated their feats performed on the road of
military service with the gold star while respectfully calling them the army of lifeguards of the
Party Central Committee and the first death-defying corps in defending the revolution and the
The unit commander made an oath-taking speech on behalf of his unit.
The self-sacrificing devotion of the great father, who regards our people as part of his flesh
and blood that can never be lost, constituted an inexhaustible driving force that encouraged us to
brave downpour and strong wind and a key to the fighting efficiency that enabled us to bring about
an unprecedented miracle in air rescue operation, he said, and made the following pledge: The red
hawks of the brave Air Force of the DPRK will as ever fly along the route of loyalty and requital
without even 0.001mm of deviation, cherishing the trust of the Supreme Commander and the Party
Central Committee as their whole life.
The venue of the awards ceremony was filled with the militant enthusiasm of the participants
to fully demonstrate the spiritual qualities and mettle of the people's Air Force in the struggle to
death-defyingly defend the well-being, rights and interests of the state and the people by giving
fuller play to the steadfast revolutionary faith, patriotic spirit and spirit of devoted service with
which they have supported the ideas and cause of the great Party Central Committee in the
There took place a march-past of the guard of honour of the KPA Air Force.
Kim Jong Un posed for a photo with the pilots, who performed distinguished feats in the
operation for defending the people, with the glorious colours at the centre.
He repeatedly said with high appreciation that the steadfast officers and men of the Air Force,
who share the steps of strenuous efforts and mind with the Supreme Commander to serve the
people with absolute commitment, cherishing the outlook on the revolution and life that there is no
greater happiness than the pride of sharing intention, will and practice with him, are a source of
the highest pride of our Party and people, expressing expectation and belief that the pilots will
steadily carry on the present honour with more brilliant feats.
The firm pledge of the air fighters to display the mettle of the WPK's red phoenix braving any
flames and storm, cherishing the great love and trust shown by Kim Jong Un as the mainstay of
their faith, resounded far and wide in the sky of August along with the loud shouts of "Kim Jong
Un" and "Death-defying defence".
That evening Kim Jong Un hosted a reception in congratulation of the unit’s officers and
men who received the orders of honour.
Leading officials of the Party, government and military attended the reception and warmly
congratulated the winners.
The reception was filled with the feelings of kinship and trust between the great brilliant
commander and his bodyguards.
Kim Jong Un's congratulatory visit to the helicopter unit will be brilliantly recorded in the
history of army building as an event filled with warm love and encouragement that put on the
eminence of the times the brilliant tradition and ever-victorious militant spirit of the people's Air
Force, which has always flied along the route of absolute loyalty and heroic military service to
defend the country and the people, and powerfully inspired it to perform continuous
will be run.
Commissioning Ceremony of Ultimate Weaponry Demonstrating Sure
Victory of Cause of Building Powerful Army
Ceremony for Celebrating Transfer and Receiving of New-Type Tactical Ballistic
Missile System Takes Place with Splendour
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party of Korea, which set forth the grand
national defence development strategy for accomplishing the cause of building a rich country with
a strong army at its historic Eighth Congress, has dynamically guided its implementation, thus
firmly defending and vigorously leading the grand all-people advance toward comprehensive
national prosperity by dint of rapid modernization and super-strength of the armed forces of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Thanks to the heroic struggle of the munitions industry workers, who have performed
miracles unconditionally in hearty response to the calls of the Party and the revolution, the ultra-
modern military hardware that provided the Korean People's Army with invincible might in recent
years make the Korean people more strongly feel the pride of living in a powerful country, self-
reliant in national defence, and the dignity of the strong and dramatically boost their courage and
confidence in the rosy future of their country guaranteed by tremendous military strength.
Demonstrating the infinite development of the national defence capability and the great leaps
forward in modernizing the powerful army, which serve as a powerful pillar and driving force for
achieving signal victories eternally in the revolution, a ceremony for transferring 250 new-type
tactical ballistic missile launchers, produced at major munitions enterprises, to the first-line units
on the border of the DPRK took place in the capital city of Pyongyang with splendour.
The workers of major munitions enterprises, mindful of their important mission that the
increased production of military hardware precisely means the safeguarding of the national dignity
and sovereignty, waged an intensive struggle to successfully attain the important munitions
production goals set forth at the Eighth Party Congress and the enlarged meetings of the Central
Military Commission of the Party. Thus, they performed the proud feats of serially producing in a
short span of time the main strike military hardware indispensable for implementing the Party's
military strategic ideas.
A ceremony for celebrating the transfer and receiving of new-type tactical ballistic missile
system took place on August 4.
The venue of the ceremony, where another defence asset of great military strategic value that
will serve as the pivotal military hardware of the DPRK armed forces, lined up demonstrating the
appearance peculiar to them, was filled with great pride in the enormous dignity of the sacred
country, which will be further strengthened along with the entities of the successful second-stage
revolution in the defence industry being confidently led by the great Party Central Committee.
When Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the
State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, appeared at the venue of the
ceremony, all the participants broke into enthusiastic cheers.
All the participants extended the highest glory and respect to the peerless patriot and great
brilliant commander, who is leading the cause of a patriotic struggle for the eternal prosperity of
the country in the vanguard and ushering in a new era of a Juche-oriented powerful nation where
long-cherished desires in the 5 000-year history of the nation are being fulfilled satisfactorily.
Prior to the ceremony, Kim Jong Un looked round new-type tactical ballistic missile
launchers to be commissioned as a new core striking weapon of the DPRK armed forces.
For a country, economic construction, defence buildup, improvement of the people's living
standards, natural disaster relief, etc. are all its crucial affairs and main functions that can never be
neglected, Kim Jong Un said, adding that holding a ceremony for celebrating the transfer and
receiving of the new-type weapon system, even at a time when the whole country is out in a
campaign for rehabilitating flood damage, is a manifestation of the firm will of the Party to push
ahead with the bolstering of defence capability, the fundamental guarantee for safeguarding the
people and national sovereignty, without letup in any circumstances, and the invariable principled
stand maintained by us in state building.
He paid tribute to the ultra-modern military hardware encapsulating the pure conscience and
noble outlook on life of the munitions industry workers, who accepted as the demand of the
revolution and their inherent duty in life the determination and plan of the Party Central
Committee for strengthening the supremacy of our armed forces to the maximum without a
moment of hesitation and letup, and upheld them with boundless revolutionary enthusiasm,
fighting will and thoroughgoing and perfect creative spirit and mettle.
The ceremony was attended by leading officials of the Party, the government and the military,
officials of the Party Central Committee, defence scientists, officials, technicians and workers in
the munitions industry, and meritorious persons in Pyongyang Municipality.
Also present there were commanders of services, commanders of large combined units and
other service personnel of the KPA.
The national anthem of the DPRK was played.
Jo Chun Ryong, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, reported to Kim Jong Un that his
special order on munitions production was successfully implemented.
The secretary mentioned that officials and workers in the munitions industry sector finished
the production of 250 new-type tactical ballistic missile launchers, true to the strategic plan of the
Party Central Committee, and were ready to transfer them to KPA units.
He said that the tactical ballistic missile system newly developed and produced by munitions
industry workers are a powerful up-to-date tactical strike weapon of our style, whose production
Kim Jong Un personally initiated and energetically led to perfection.
During the days of their death-defying struggle to live up to the great trust bestowed on them
by Kim Jong Un, the fighters in the munitions industry learned the iron truth that there is nothing
impossible for them to do in the world and they can ceaselessly achieve world-startling miraculous
successes if they conduct scientific operations and engage in absolute practice with their hearts
pulsating with his extraordinary revolutionary enthusiasm and far-reaching plan, the secretary
Making a firm pledge, in reflection of the unanimous feelings of all the fighters in the
munitions industry, to remain invariably loyal to their honourable duty as fighters in the WPK's
revolutionary industry shouldering the cause of building a powerful army in the great era of Kim
Jong Un, he courteously reported to Kim Jong Un that they thoroughly implemented his order.
Kim Jong Un made a historic speech.
After declaring with pride that an important item in the practical guidelines for building up the
military capability, which was decided at the Eighth Congress of our Party and the enlarged
meetings of the Central Military Commission of the Party held during the eighth term of the Party
Central Committee, has been brought into fruition, he, in the name of the Party and government,
extended warm thanks to the workers, scientists and officials in the munitions industry, who have
proudly carried out their revolutionary tasks of great strategic significance in steadily developing
the self-reliant national defence capability of the state.
On the basis of a serious analysis of the important political and military significance
highlighted by the magnificent demonstration, the first of its kind ever since the founding of our
country and army, the crucial changes in the military security environment facing our country and
the US and its followers' ever-escalating military confrontation moves, Kim Jong Un clarified the
tasks to be fulfilled in ensuring the steady development of the tremendous strength of our
Republic's armed forces and the self-reliant defence industry that firmly supports it.
Noting that independence, justice and peace are firmly guaranteed only by the absolute and
matchless self-defence capability, and our eternal victory, genuine peace, happiness and wellbeing
are ensured by the ever-developing powerful and limitless strength, he fervently called for waging
an undaunted struggle and making uninterrupted changes and progressive successes for the
independent development of the country and peaceful and prosperous new life of its people.
The participants were greatly excited by his speech as it clarified a clear-cut policy and
fighting guidelines for infinitely developing the military capability for self-defence for most
righteously and creditably defending the present and future of the country and its people in today's
tough world where the confrontation of strength decides life and death.
They raised loud cheers of "Hurrah!" as a reflection of their firm resolve to bolster up the war
deterrent and the capability for fighting a war to be so overwhelming that the hostile forces dare
not use their military muscle against their country by equipping themselves fully with the steel-
strong faith and revolutionary will of the great WPK and cementing the super-strength in the
country's possession to be more absolute and irreversible.
Kim Jong Un gave written orders in the name of the chairman of the Central Military
Commission of the WPK on equipping the first-line units of the KPA on the frontier with the new-
type tactical ballistic missiles to the chief of the KPA General Staff and commanders of the large
combined frontline units.
He personally awarded the colours and certificates of the colours of the new missile units to
the commanders, political commissars and chiefs of staff of relevant units.
Stormy cheers rocked the venue of the ceremony, where a great event to be specially recorded
in the history of building a powerful and modern Juche-oriented army was witnessed.
There was a ceremony of the combined military band.
Members of the band and the guard of honour added joy and militant enthusiasm to the great
auspicious event by making various formation changes and showing smart rifle-handling skills to
the dynamic tune of revolutionary military music.
There took place a demonstration march of the frontline missile artillerymen's units that
received new weapons.
The tactical ballistic missile launchers preceded by the glorious colours moved forward, being
reviewed by Kim Jong Un.
Kim Jong Un gave a militant salute to the ultimate weapons that vividly reflect the patriotic
souls of the red workers of the munitions industry, dedicated to the sacred cause of historic
significance of the nation to firmly bolster up the world's greatest self-defensive military capability,
and symbolize an epoch-making improvement of the military supremacy of the armed forces of
the DPRK.
At the end of the ceremony, cheers of "Hurrah!" filled with loyalty and patriotic zeal of the
participants, resounded far and wide through the nocturnal sky.
Looking round the new-type weapons again together with leading officials of the Party, the
government and the military, and commanding officers of the large combined units, Kim Jong Un
expressed belief that the latest, elite weapons, another firm stepping stone for injecting tremendous
vitality into the name and flag of the DPRK and remarkably enhancing its prestige, would
demonstrate their might as a powerful treasured sword in defending the sovereignty of the country
and peace.
The commissioning ceremony of new-type tactical ballistic missile launchers, held in the
presence of Kim Jong Un, will be recorded in history as a historic event which further
strengthened the iron faith of the army and people, advancing under the ever-victorious leadership
of the great Party Central Committee, in the validity and invincibility of their cause and their
conviction in the future of the country that will endlessly become powerful and prosperous.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Speech at Ceremony of
Transferring and Receiving New-type Tactical Ballistic Missile System
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- On August 4 Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the
Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, attended the ceremony of transferring and receiving new-type tactical ballistic missile
system and made a speech.
He said:
Today we have gathered for this characteristic ceremony to celebrate the transferring of new-
type tactical weapons to our army.
We are now witnessing a moment of the course of our state's defence capability increasing
day by day.
Representatives of defence scientists and munitions industry workers, who have worked with
devotion in the struggle to produce these tactical weapons of great military significance, which
would fill up the major gaps in our state's defence capability and form a main force in our military
Officers and soldiers of the frontline missile artillerymen’s units, who will soon receive the
new weapons,
Dear comrades,
As you see, we are now facing 250 new-type tactical ballistic missile launchers, which our
munitions industry workers have produced by their own efforts and technology.
Those weapons, lining up in columns in front of us, will be transferred to our army now and
will play an important military role in the border areas of the Democratic People's Republic of
This of course means no more than attaining our first-stage goal of building missile forces in
the first-line units on the front.
Every year we will show the whole world without filtering the procedure of the change of
generations of our military hardware with new ones.
It is because this has enough special effect on deterring war.
The world is witnessing the course of development of our armed forces.
We have become able to take the operational initiative with the overwhelming attack forces
and striking means superior to the enemy on all fronts, achieve the multifaceted nature of the
spaces of firepower tasks and improve the practical effectiveness of the special physical strength,
tactical nuke.
I am very pleased to make public that an important item in the practical guidelines for
building up the military capability, which was decided on at the Eighth Congress of our Party and
the enlarged meetings of the Central Military Commission of the Party held during the eighth term
of the Party Central Committee, has been brought to fruition.
Greeting this moment that declares a great change in our armed forces and their prospective
development, I, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and the
government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, extend warm thanks to the workers,
scientists and officials in the munitions industry, who have proudly carried out their revolutionary
tasks of great strategic significance in steadily developing our state's self-reliant national defence
Thanks to the firepower of this weapon system, presenting a threatening appearance for the
first time since the founding of our country and army, we have become able to possess a sure and
overwhelming strength with which to contain the enemy's reckless provocative moves against us.
The fact that these military hardware of a new generation have been produced in less than one
year in the circumstances, in which the hostile forces' challenges and moves of blockade persisted
on an unprecedentedly extreme degree, adequately demonstrates the potential and might of our
self-reliant defence industry.
By waging a heroic production struggle and presenting the products encapsulating their pure
conscience and ennobling outlook on life, our munitions industry workers fully demonstrated the
faith and revolutionary nature inherent in them.
What I am most pleased with today is that I have confirmed once again the ennobling spiritual
world of the munitions industry workers, who clearly remember their lineage and origin and are
faithful and dignified in remaining true to their honourable original name of successors to the
Kunjari spirit.
The strength of our defence industry is not merely the might of our defence science. Rather, it
is a strength of the absolute loyalty these workers are displaying in unconditionally and perfectly
carrying out the Party's decisions and plans from the standpoint that doing so is their ennobling
Absolute, unconditional and perfect implementation is our munitions industry workers'
invariable raison d'etre, lifeline and unique quality.
True to the orders of the Party Central Military Commission, the workers, scientists and
officials in the munitions industry have made strenuous efforts to manufacture hundreds of
cutting-edge military hardware, thereby fulfilling the strategic plan for developing our state's war
deterrent to the highest level possible. By doing so, they have instilled an overwhelming sense of
dignity and honour in all the patriotic people of this country, and inspired them with renewed
confidence in final victory. I highly appreciate them and offer positive encouragement to them in
their efforts for more proud successes.
As the relationship of the U.S.-led alliance is, in terms of its nature and character, evolving
into a nuclear-based military bloc, the military security environment surrounding the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea is facing drastic changes, both strategically and structurally.
This highlights the fact that our state has no reason to rest content with its current level of war
To look back on the past five years, we can see that the concept of nuclear has been associated
with every military action targeting the DPRK taken by the United States, and now its vassal states
have grown reckless enough to share its nukes.
This situation demands that we keep accelerating the development of our Republic's armed
forces for maintaining their supremacy, and also of the self-reliant defence industry that provides
solid support to this end.
Genuine peace can be guaranteed only by the build-up of immense strength.
Negotiations and confrontation are among our options, but we must be more thoroughly
prepared to cope with the latter--this is the review and conclusion we have derived from the 30-
odd years of dealing with the United States, and it is the keynote of our consistent policy towards
the United States.
The fact that the United States and the groups of its top-class stooges are overstepping the
mark in their outrageous military manoeuvres provides evidence for the justice of our cause, and
this compels us to bolster up our self-defensive military capability more perfectly and rapidly.
This will inevitably hasten the failure, shame and destruction on the part of the enemy.
The United States we are now confronting is by no means an administration that remains in
power for a tenure of some years, but a hostile state that our descendants, too, will have to counter
generation after generation. This fact testifies to the inevitability of the steady improvement of our
defence capability.
We should possess the capability to cope on our own initiative with new, potential dangers to
our security, as well as the various imminent threats by the United States. This is a crucial task for
providing a long-term guarantee for defending the sovereignty, security, interests and territorial
integrity of our state.
At present, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has built up its national system of
nuclear forces, with which to promptly counter any type of threatening actions by the nuclear-
armed enemy states, and we have made steady efforts to make the nuclear forces fully ready for
However, witnessing the rapidly-changing global security environment and the reckless
expansion of the U.S.-led military bloc system, we have come to a conclusion that the nuclear
forces of our state and its nuclear posture should be more thoroughgoing and perfect, and we feel
its necessity every day and every minute.
Our mightiness is not what it is now, but it lies in our relentless pursuit of mightiness.
Stagnation in military supremacy is just the beginning of inferiority in defence capability.
We must never forget that if we rest content with the present level of supremacy that has
taken so much cost for us to reach, we should pay more later.
Clear is our standpoint in coping with the U.S. moves to aggravate the situation.
If it continues attempting to jeopardize the security of the region in disregard of our repeated
warnings, we will make the United States acutely aware that there will be fatal consequences for
its own security.
I make it clear once again: Whether engaged in negotiations or confrontation, possessing a
great military strength is an obligation and right a sovereign state must never neglect or budge on
at any moment.
Unless an end is put to the nuclear threat against us, and as long as there exist the imperialist
forces that resort to nukes as a means of their tyranny, there will never be a moment’s halt or a
breathing space on our journey for the consolidation of our nuclear war deterrent.
Our strength will continue to evolve, and our military supremacy will deny its limits forever.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea will resolutely face both imminent and potential
challenges by attaining a more refined and improved posture of its nuclear forces as soon as
possible to contain any nuclear threats and defend itself from them.
Given the fact that the United States and its vassal forces have been tightening the screw on
the DPRK by resorting to military means, Kim Jong Un said, it has been an indisputable option
for the DPRK to make sustained efforts to increase its defence capability.
He went on:
Building up the nuclear war deterrent and developing it to the highest level possible is the best
option for effectively confronting the nuclear blackmail and multi-faceted isolation schemes by
the United States and for earmarking a larger investment for economic development and
improvement of the people's living standards--this is the principled standpoint we have
consistently maintained over the last ten or so years since we proclaimed the new line of
promoting the country's economic construction and building up its nuclear forces simultaneously,
and its validity and viability have been clearly proved through practice.
We should always bear this in mind, and work hard to achieve the goals of the five-year
strategy for defence development advanced by the eighth-term Central Committee of the Party,
uncompromisingly and faultlessly, thoroughly and completely.
The munitions industry must never compromise on its absolute mission that increased
production of military hardware provides a sure guarantee for safeguarding the country's
sovereignty and enhancing its prestige; it should work hard to achieve greater and prouder
successes in attaining the Party's objectives for modernizing the defence industry and in carrying
out its task of producing weapons of the Juche type.
The army units, to which the new-type weapon system is to be transferred, should master the
new system as early as possible, actively organize and conduct training in a real-war atmosphere
to operate it so effectively as to maximize its efficiency in battle, and maintain a prompt and
proper operational posture. In this way, they can creditably implement their military duties to deter
war and take the initiative.
What our proud new missile units will receive today is not merely the new weapons.
Like all other weapons of ours, these embody our people's firm will to put an end to the
threats of aggression against our Republic, as well as their spirit of self-respect to make theirs an
invincible country that no force will dare to attack and their desire to develop it into a powerful
We will continue to develop and produce more powerful and sophisticated military hardware
of our own style and deploy them for action, thus ensuring that the People's Army keeps gaining in
strength over time.
The Party Central Committee will always accompany and properly lead our munitions
industry workers, both faithful and dependable, on this responsible and important journey.
Let us bear in mind once again that absolute and matchless self-defence capability provides a
sure guarantee for independence, justice and peace.
Ever-developing, inexhaustible strength is fundamental to our eternal victory, genuine peace,
happiness and safety.
Let us all strive undauntedly and achieve constant transformations and innovative successes
for the independent development of our great state and a peaceful and prosperous new life of our
Press Statement of External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry
Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The External Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, released the following press statement "We will respond
to hostile forces' any option with stronger counteraction" on Saturday:
The security environment of the Korean peninsula and the region has been exposed to a
serious threat, due to the reckless nuclear confrontation racket kicked up by the U.S. and the ROK
military gangsters recently.
The war maniacs of the U.S. and the ROK staged from July 30 to August 1 the nuclear
operation drill dubbed Iron Mace simulating a full-scale nuclear war under the pretext of
countering the DPRK's "use of nuclear weapons" at the Phyongthaek U.S. military base in
Kyonggi Province.
This shows that the nuclear war plan of the U.S. and the ROK, which have regularly modified
and examined the nuclear strike plan targeting the DPRK since they formed the "Nuclear
Consultative Group" according to the "Washington Declaration" in April last year, has entered the
phase of actual and detailed execution.
The provocative acts of the U.S., which has plunged the worrisome security environment of
the Korean peninsula into a more dangerous phase to persistently escalate the danger of a nuclear
clash in the region, clearly indicate the very one to be held accountable for the ever-worsening
regional situation.
Today's world has faced the unprecedented danger of a nuclear war, for the U.S. has doggedly
pursued its wild ambition for gaining the nuclear edge in disregard of global peace and stability
and regional security environment.
The acting assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense recently unveiled a design to
deploy more nuclear weapons and develop various nuclear strike means, accusing independent
sovereign countries of posing "threats."
In response to it, conservatives in the U.S. even call for deploying tactical nuclear weapons in
the ROK and expanding the tactical nuclear warhead production capacity of the U.S. They even
make such an extremely risky assertion that the U.S. should exert all its national power on
preparing for a war against independent sovereign countries.
The U.S. has annually and systematically increased expenditure on modernizing its nuclear
forces, stepping up the development of such new strategic nuclear strike means as Columbia-class
strategic nuclear submarine, new-type ICBM LGM-35A Sentinel and the sixth-generation nuclear
strategic bomber B-21 Raider. It gets frantic in the development of new-type nuclear weapons,
conducting high-powered bomb tests and sub-critical nuclear tests.
After cooking up the "nuclear operation guidelines" with the ROK, the U.S. committed itself
to providing Japan with "extended deterrence" including nuclear weapons, inveigling its vassal
countries into the framework of a nuclear alliance.
All facts go to prove that the U.S. nuclear-based scheme to subdue the independent and
sovereign states in the Korean peninsula, the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world is
evolving in an extremely grave direction.
One side's such unilateral escalation of nuclear threat and provocative modification of nuclear
posture stress the need for the other side to bolster up the self-defensive nuclear deterrence and
perfect the preparations for a nuclear war.
The U.S. reckless nuclear confrontation racket makes clearer the DPRK's choice and goal for
defending the security interests of the state and the regional peace and stability.
It is the constitutional duty of the nuclear forces of the DPRK to deter nuclear attacks of any
forms and scales to be schemed or attempted by the hostile states, and to defend the national
sovereignty and territorial integrity from present and future uncertain security environment.
If hostile states opt for making themselves and the world less secure, the DPRK is ready to
take the most necessary measures to ensure its sovereignty and security interests and regional and
global peace and stability.
The U.S. and its followers are bound to bear the whole responsibility for the catastrophic
consequences to be entailed by their reckless option.
"Tripartite Cooperation" Will Hasten "Tripartite Ruin": KCNA
Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is getting frantic in further strengthening the
triangular military alliance under the pretext of the "threat" from the DPRK.
On July 28, the military bosses of the U.S., Japan and ROK held a confab in Tokyo to make a
memorandum on institutionalizing the framework for tripartite cooperation in security.
In the so-called "standard document", the hostile forces clarified that they would boost
cooperation for effective operation of the real-time missile warning data sharing mechanism
targeting the DPRK, conduct the tripartite joint military exercises regularly and systematically in
the future and, in particular, routinely stage Freedom Edge, the multi-domain joint military
exercises between the three parties.
The dangerousness of this confab of war chiefs is being highlighted as it is a cornerstone for
realizing the criminal attempt to turn the triangular military alliance into a nuclear alliance in the
Asia-Pacific region in the near future.
The U.S., together with the ROK puppets, announced the Washington Declaration, and even
fabricated the U.S.-ROK Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Operations on the
Korean Peninsula after commencing the operation of the Nuclear Consultative Group. On this
basis, it is hell-bent on preparing a nuclear war targeting the DPRK while accelerating the
integration of its nuclear armed forces with the conventional armed forces of the ROK.
After the confab, the U.S., together with the Japanese stooges, held a ministerial conference
on "extended deterrence" to "defend" Japan with all military forces including the U.S. nuclear
weapons, and committed to "sharing nuclear weapons" with the war criminal state in fact.
It is the invariable sinister intention of the U.S. to bind the two stooges more tightly in its
nuclear chain and realize its military domination over the region under the pretext of "providing
extended deterrence".
The U.S., Japan and the ROK puppets staged anti-DPRK joint military exercises from January
to April twice as many as those in the same period last year. It clearly shows the military ties
between the master and the stooges getting unprecedentedly stronger.
It is as clear as noonday that if Freedom Edge, the multi-domain joint military exercises
between the three parties targeting the independent and sovereign states in the region including the
DPRK, is put on a regular footing, the security environment on the Korean peninsula and in the
region will be driven into the worst "catastrophe".
The question is why the warmongers, who have so far staged various kinds of confabs and
war rehearsals frequently to get hell-bent on military cooperation, are hyping the
"institutionalization of tripartite security cooperation" and accelerating the tightening of military
nexus at present?
As known, U.S. President Biden gave up his run for the presidency after caving into the ever-
mounting pressure put on him to withdraw his candidacy.
The two servants, too, are in a pitiful position of breathing their last breath at the worst ruling
"Divorcement from Kishida" has been witnessed in the class supporting the Liberal
Democratic Party and the support rate for the Cabinet has dropped continuously since the birth of
the Kishida regime. The number of people petitioning for proposing a bill on impeachment of
puppet Yoon Suk Yeol has exceeded one million and hundreds of thousands, and the impeachment
becomes the main current.
It is the real aim of the confab and the common desperate efforts of those on death-bed to
maintain the military edge of the tripartite nuclear alliance in the region by specifying in a
document that the "security cooperation" would be further intensified no matter the regimes
change in the three countries.
This is well evidenced by the remarks of the defense minister of the puppet ROK that "the
U.S., Japan and ROK security cooperation continues whether the regime is replaced or the
Democratic Party stays in power in the U.S.
It is the fixed will of the DPRK to thoroughly contain and frustrate the ever-increasing
reckless and provocative hostile acts of the U.S. and its servants with overwhelming and powerful
self-defence capability, no matter what attempt and choice the enemies make, in order to defend
peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.
Historically, the more desperately the U.S. and its vassal forces escalate their moves to stifle
the DPRK, the surer the military strength of the DPRK has become. It is none other than the
provocateurs who are faced with the miserable fate to really worry about their security.
The "new era of tripartite cooperation" that the U.S., Japan and the ROK praise will only
bring earlier the "tripartite ruin".