Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

vendredi 2 août 2024


Efforts and Achievements in Agriculture and Education

Agricultural Advancements

Nationwide Mobilization: Under the leadership of Comrade KIM JONG UN, there is a concerted national effort to achieve significant grain production goals. This involves mobilizing agricultural workers across the country to engage in collective activities aimed at meeting and surpassing these targets. A key element of this effort is the organization of nationwide campaigns that drive a unified approach to agricultural productivity.

Technological and Political Support: Various political and technical initiatives are in place to enhance agricultural efficiency. This includes providing support for quality management in rice planting and other crucial agricultural practices. Technical assistance is customized to address challenges in farming, ensuring that workers have access to the resources and knowledge needed to optimize production.

Socialist Competition: Socialist competition among farms is actively utilized to boost productivity. This system encourages farms to compete in a manner that enhances overall efficiency and output. By encouraging a competitive spirit, the strategy aims to drive improvements in agricultural practices and achieve higher production levels.

Modernization of Farming Practices: Efforts are being made to modernize agricultural methods through the introduction of advanced technologies and new farming techniques. This modernization includes the adoption of modern machinery and innovative practices designed to increase productivity and address traditional limitations in agriculture.

Educational Initiatives and Achievements

Provision of Modern Educational Facilities: There is a strong emphasis on upgrading educational infrastructure by providing modern tools and equipment to schools. This initiative aims to enhance the learning environment for both students and educators, ensuring that educational facilities are equipped with the latest resources to support effective teaching and learning.

Adoption of New Teaching Methods: New and innovative teaching methods are being implemented to improve educational outcomes. These methods focus on making learning more engaging and effective, incorporating contemporary pedagogical approaches that cater to the evolving needs of students.

Focus on Student Development: Educational initiatives are geared towards preparing students to play a significant role in national development. Schools are focused on developing students’ skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the country’s economic and social growth. This preparation involves equipping students with the necessary tools and opportunities to succeed in their future roles.

Youth Contribution to Economic Development: Young people are encouraged to participate in various economic projects, reflecting a broader strategy to integrate them into national development efforts. This involvement aims to harness the potential and enthusiasm of youth, contributing to the country’s progress and development.

Educational Excellence and Quality Improvement: Continuous efforts are made to enhance the quality of education. This includes focusing on improving educational standards and teacher training to ensure high-quality educational experiences. The goal is to achieve excellence in education through ongoing investment in both resources and training.

These efforts in agriculture and education highlight a commitment to advancing productivity and quality through modernization, innovation, and strategic initiatives. The focus on both sectors aims to achieve national development goals and ensure a sustainable future.