Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

vendredi 30 août 2024

2024-08-30 KOMMUNIQUE



des Schweizerischen Vorbereitungskomitees für die Feier des 76. Jahrestages der Gründung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea, des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees, der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe und des Juche-Ideologie-Studienzentrums der italienischen Schweiz: DVR Korea ist unabhängigster Staat der Welt und Modell der Unabhängigkeit!


30. August Juche 113 (2024)

Die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), deren Gründung sich am kommenden 9. September zum 76. Mal jährt, ist der unabhängigste Staat der Welt und das Modell der Unabhängigkeit!

Was führte dazu und was ist der Grund? Ihre historische Wurzel hat die unabhängige Politik der DVRK in der Juche-Ideologie, die im Jahre Juche 19 (1930) vom grossen Führer Genossen KIM IL SUNG begründet worden ist.

Die Juche-Ideologie, die während der finsteren Zeit der Kolonialherrschaft des japanischen Imperialismus über Korea (1905-1945) entstand, hatte das Ziel, Korea unabhängig durch die Koreaner selber, ohne sich auf ausländische Mächte zu stützen und von ihnen abhängig zu werden, zu befreien.

So kam es auch. Am 15. August Juche 34 (1945) befreite die vom Generalissimus KIM IL SUNG gegründete und befehligte Koreanische Revolutionäre Volksarmee (KRVA) - lediglich unterstützt, aber nicht geführt von der sowjetischen Armee - Korea von der Kolonialherrschaft des japanischen Imperialismus.

Die Koreaner haben Korea selbstständig und unabhängig befreit.

Drei Jahre später, am 9. September Juche 37 (1948), proklamierte Präsident KIM IL SUNG feierlich die Gründung der DVR Korea als ersten freien, unabhängigen und demokratischen Staat des ganzen koreanischen Volkes.

Nach dem historischen Sieg der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) und des koreanischen Volkes über die USA-Aggressoren im Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg (Korea-Krieg, 1950-1953) wurde in der DVRK der unabhängige, auf der Juche-Ideologie basierende Sozialismus koreanischer Prägung aufgebaut.

Damals, in den späten 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren, gab es mehrere Druckversuche der sowjetischen Führung unter Chruschtschow auf die DVRK, dem Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe (RGW) beizutreten.

Doch die DVRK lehnte dies entschieden ab. Ein Beitritt zu einem von einer Grossmacht geführten Wirtschaftsbündnis hätte die unabhängige Politik der DVRK beendet.

Die DVRK betreibt seit ihrer Gründung vor 76 Jahren eine Politik des selbstständigen und selbstgenügsamen Wirtschaftsaufbaus aus eigener Kraft und hat damit grandiose Erfolge erzielt.

In der vom Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG im Jahre Juche 47 (1958) eingeleiteten Chollima-Bewegung wurden innert kürzester Zeit die vom Korea-Krieg geschlagenen Wunden geheilt und das Land besser, schöner und mächtiger denn je wiederaufgebaut.

Die Industrie und die Landwirtschaft blühten wieder auf, was das Lebensniveau des Volkes im Eilschritt auf ein noch nie gekanntes hohes Niveau des Wohlstandes hob.

Die Chollima-Bewegung wurde zur Generallinie der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) für den sozialistischen Aufbau. Das sozialistische Korea wurde zum Modell der Unabhängigkeit. Es wurde zum Paradies des Volkes.

Viele arme Länder Asiens und Afrikas richteten ihre Blicke bewundernd auf die DVRK.

Dieser sensationalle Aufschwung brauchte keine ausländische "Anleitung" durch den RGW.

Auch auf militärischem Gebiet ist die DVRK vollkommen unabhängig. Sie verteidigt ihre nationale Souveränität selbstständig, ohne fremde "Hilfe".

Die DVRK trat auch dem Warschauer Vertrag nicht bei.

Einen entscheidenden Schritt in ihrer unabhängigen Aussenpolitik vollzog die DVRK im August Juche 64 (1975) mit ihrem Beitritt zur Bewegung der Blockfeien Staaten.

Seither spielt die DVRK eine aktive Rolle in der Blockfreien-Bewegung. Sie unterstützt und ermutigt die Länder und Völker Asiens, Afrikas und Lateinamerikas beim Aufbau einer neuen Gesellschaft und bei der Entwicklung einer unabhängigen Wirtschaft.

Präsident KIM IL SUNG und der Vorsitzende KIM JONG IL machten die DVRK zum Bollwerk der globalen Unabhängigkeit und Souveränität.

Der hochverehrte Genosse KIM JONG UN führt die unabhängige Politik der DVRK energisch und tatkräftig fort, was zu einem beispiellosen ökonomischen Aufschwung führte. Marschall KIM JONG UN machte die DVRK auch militärisch stark und entwicklete sie zum Atomwaffenstaat. Die DVRK ist heute der stärkste Besitzer von ballistischen Interkontinentalraketen (ICBM), die stärkste ICBM-Macht der Welt!

Dank der unabhängigen Politik der DVRK verbreitet sich die Juche-Ideologie von den 1960er-Jahren an weltweit. Auf allen Kontinenten und in vielen Ländern - darunter auch in der Schweiz (2010) - entstanden regionale und nationale Juche-Ideologie-Studienorganisationen.

Auf internationaler Ebene koordiniert das im Jahre 1978 gegründete Internationale Institut der Juche-Ideologie (IIJI) die weltweiten Aktivitäten der Anhänger der Juche-Ideologie.

Ein Fazit der Geschichte, das die dramatischen Ereignisse der Jahre 1989/90 lehrt, ist die Tatsache, dass - zusammen mit dem Kollaps des Sozialismus in Mittel- und Osteuropa und dem Untergang der Sowjetunion und der Auflösung des RGW und des Warschauer Vertrages - auch die DVRK zusammengebrochen wäre, wenn sie sich dem RGW und dem Warschauer Vertrag angeschlossen und ihre unabhängige und blockfreie Politik aufgegeben hätte.

Wie Präsident KIM IL SUNG lehrte: Das Fehlen von nationaler Souveränität und einer unabhängigen Politik und die Gefolgschaft gegenüber Grossmächten führt zum Untergang und zum Ruin.

Dank der Juche-Ideologie wurde die DVRK zum Modell der Unabhängigkeit. Sie ist der unabhängigste Staat der Welt und koppelt sich von der von den USA gelenkten US$-gestützten Weltwirtschaft ab.

Während in der kapitalistischen Welt Krisen, Unruhen, Instabilität, Armut und Kriege zunehmen und viele Menschen arbeitslos sind, führt das koreanische Volk in der DVRK ein glückliches Leben in einer harmonischen sozialistischen Gesellschaft, in der der solidarische Grundsatz Alle für einen, einer für alle gilt.

Die DVR Korea ist der Leuchtturm der Hoffnung in einer Welt des Chaos und des Niedergangs.

Es lebe die ruhmreiche Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea, der unabhängigste Staat der Welt und das Modell der Unabhängigkeit!

Es lebe die globale Unabhängigkeit!

Für die Blockfreiheit - gegen Paktzugehörigkeit und Abhängigkeit!

Schweizerisches Vorbereitungskomitee für die Feier des 76. Jahrestages der Gründung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

Juche-Ideologie-Studienzentrum der italienischen Schweiz

lundi 26 août 2024

2024-08-27 KOREAN NEWS - 29/24




Pourtalèsstrasse 43                                                                            Tel: +41-31 951 6621

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No 29/24                                                                                                                         Aug 26, 2024



1.  Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Performance Test of Drones

3. Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry

4. White Paper of Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry on NATO's Criminal Colors

5. Statement by Chief of Foreign News Section of Department of Press and Information of DPRK Foreign Ministry


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at various regional-industry factories under construction on August 24 and 25.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jae Ryong, Pak Thae Song, O Su Yong, Ju Chang Il, Kim Chol Sam and Kim Hwa Song, leading officials of the Central Committee of the WPK.

He was greeted by commanding officers of the military units involved in the construction of industrial factories in the relevant regions.

Watching the plans for layouts of industrial factories and greenery in the regions, he was briefed on the progress made in construction projects by the commanding officers. Then he inspected the construction sties.

It seems as if I pressed the detonator at a groundbreaking ceremony heralding the arrival of a new era of regional development a few days ago, but factories have already taken shape, he said, expressing great satisfaction over the fact that the overall construction project has been carried out at over 80 percent.

Examining carefully whether the construction of factories was done as specified in the production line designs to ensure smooth operation of equipment and maximum labor productivity, their interior walls were insulated to retain heat and exterior tiling was done impeccably, he estimated the quality level of construction.

Saying that builders should never neglect the improvement of quality in construction, a policy requirement, as they may done so, carried away by the single desire to finish the construction of factories earlier, he called for building the regional-industry factories, which the Party promised to the people and the People's Army pledged to present to them as gift, to be impeccable even in the distant future. To this end, it is necessary to make higher demands on the field commanding officers and construction control organs and further enhance their roles, he added.

Watching the soldier-builders' skilled work for a while, he instructed the accompanying officials to provide them with better working and living conditions and further intensify the frontline-style agit-prop activities to give full play to their mental power.

He underlined the need for the provincial, city and county Party organizations and people's committees at different levels to conduct the preparatory work, such as establishment of raw material supply bases and training of skilled workers, in a responsible manner so as to keep the factories in full-capacity operation after the completion of their buildings so that the regional people would benefit from them.

Setting forth a new policy of accelerating the implementation of the historic cause of regional rejuvenation by pushing ahead the building of public health facilities, sci-tech learning spaces and grain management stations, simultaneously with the on-going construction of regional-industry factories, in order to hasten the accomplishment of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy for bringing about a remarkable improvement in the regional economy and people's living standard, he clarified the decision of the Party Central Committee to make crucial measures to carry it out.

Pointing out that the Party made a crucial decision in such a harsh period as now as it is indispensable to bringing earlier a new era of epochal development and comprehensive development to all regions at the same time, he said that it would be most reasonable to complete the sci-tech learning spaces and finish the framework construction of hospitals and grain management stations, occasioned by the deployment of People's Army units in the relevant regions for construction of their industrial factories, and take state-sponsored measures to inaugurate the hospitals and grain management stations later in yearly order.

It is arising as the most essential task to be fulfilled without fail to successfully build large-scale modern hospitals in cities and counties of the regions, where the modernization level of public health faculties are relatively lower than those of the capital city, so as to promote the health of the regional people, he said, giving detailed instructions that in order to carry out the huge task, it is necessary to take measures to give precedence to the construction of their buildings, in parallel with the regional-industry factories' on schedule, and furnish them with necessary equipment, according to future state plans.

Underlining the need to build sci-tech learning centers, he said our purpose of urbanizing the rural villages is to transform as early as possible the regional people on a working-class pattern and make them progressive and well-versed in science and technology, not merely to model the countryside on urban architectural beauty. As a practical way, it is necessary to set up "sci-tech learning centers" in every city and county and disseminate knowledge needed in various fields, he said, adding it is an important affair conforming to the Party policy to build a country developing with science and technology.

Giving an instruction to commonly call various facilities for processing and storing grain "grain management stations", he said that they should be completely rebuilt under the direct control of the state, not merely in a passive attitude of repairing the existing facilities, in order to properly store and manage grain harvested with much effort without waste, and provide the people with well-processed grain, in particular.

As the construction of regional-industry factories is proceeding on a full scale across the country and the system of construction force, supply of materials and command have been established in relatively good order, it is the best choice in terms of time and profit to push ahead with the simultaneous construction of modern hospitals, sci-tech learning centers and grain management stations in every city and county on that occasion, he affirmed repeatedly, adding that when the regional development policy becomes a comprehensive one of covering public health, science and education, not confined to the construction of only light industry factories, it can make sincere and tangible contributions to the improvement of the material and cultural life of the regional people and drastically raise the efficiency of regional development.

There would be no remaining manpower as it would be too much to build all the new dwelling houses with the rural construction forces in cities and counties only, but if the vital undertakings are neglected, the efforts for regional development will end in vain, he stressed, adding our Party made a bold decision, reposing its trust in our army, the faithful defender, supporter and implementer of the Party policies, the pioneer of high civilization in the new era and the creator of people's happiness. He set forth detailed orientation for the army units mobilized for the construction of regional-industry factories to properly organize and allocate manpower and meticulously draw up the construction timetable to successfully carry out their new tasks.

He said that leading officials of relevant sectors would deeply study detailed plans and ways for implementing the bigger ten-year goal for regional development before discussing, examining, deciding and adopting them at a plenary meeting to be held in December, and successfully carry out them in yearly order.

The tasks are huge and the conditions are difficult, but if we work harder, we can surely realize our ideal, and it is the spirit peculiar to the Korean revolutionaries to assume heavy duties by themselves in hard times, he said, adding the regions and rural villages will get rid of their centuries-old backwardness literally and undergo complete transformation and the appearance of our state be changed beyond recognition 10 years later when the grandiose goals will be attained. Appealing for finding the worth of doing revolution and tiding over the current ordeals, picturing that day, he expressed his conviction that the grand projects, which will serve as a great stride in hastening the regional rejuvenation and transformation, will come to fruition without fail.

His field guidance at the construction sites of regional-industry factories will be etched in history as an important occasion, in which an important guideline and militant banner for enriching the Party's Regional Development 20×10 Policy and developing it onto a new high stage was brought about, and as another political event of epochal significance in the leadership activities of the WPK remaining boundlessly faithful to the original duty it assumed at the time of its foundation to reflect the people's desire and demands in its policies and fulfill them.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Performance Test of Drones

Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, oversaw a performance test of various drones organized by the Drone Institute of the Academy of Defence Sciences on August 24.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Ri Pyong Chol, Pak Jong Chon and other senior officials of the WPK Central Committee.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un got firsthand information on the drones under development by the Drone Institute.

The drones to be used within different striking ranges are to perform a mission to attack any enemy targets on the ground and in the sea.

The drones of various types correctly identified and destroyed the designated targets after flying along different preset routes.

Developing different types of drones and steadily increasing their combat performance take an important share in preparing for a war in view of the trend of world military science and combat experience on battlefields, Kim Jong Un said, adding that it is necessary to develop and produce more suicide drones of various types to be used in tactical infantry and special operation units, as well as strategic reconnaissance and multi-purpose attack drones.

Calling for constantly developing not only underwater strategic weapon systems like a nuclear torpedo but also various types of unmanned underwater suicide attack craft in conformity with the characteristics of our country as a maritime nation, and opting for proactively introducing artificial intelligence technology into the development of drones, he specified the tasks and ways to this end.

Expressing satisfaction over the tactical and technological specifications and data of the newly-developed drones, he stressed the need to more intensively conduct tests for their combat application and equip the units of the Korean People's Army with them as early as possible.

Officials, scientists and researchers of the Drone Institute under the Academy of Defence Sciences were filled with surging emotion, looking up at him who personally oversaw the test on the spot and indicated the path to be followed by them in enhancing the combat efficiency of drones and developing the drone industry, and hardened their determination to thoroughly carry out the important tasks set forth by him and thus make a positive contribution to bolstering up the country's military capabilities for self-defence.


Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, August 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea released Saturday the following press statement "We will resolutely cope with any type of nuclear threat posed by the U.S.":

Recently, a spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council officially admitted the fact that the U.S. administration revised its "nuclear weapons employment planning guidance" in March last, clarifying the stand that the revision is not aimed at a specified country. However, the spokesperson expressed "concern" over the rapid development of nuclear force of the DPRK, Russia, China and other sovereign countries.

This is nothing but a childish red herring to justify its dangerous nuclear-use strategy aimed at military deterrence and maintenance of geopolitical hegemony against other countries and evade criticism of the international community.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry expresses serious concern over and bitterly denounces and rejects the behavior of the U.S. which is pursuing the unilateral nuclear edge while going against the desire of the international community for global peace, stability and detente by continuously fabricating someone's "nuclear threat".

The coordination of nuclear posture of the U.S., which has kept the world's biggest nuclear arsenal, has a serious negative impact on the global nuclear balance, security environment and nuclear disarmament system.

In June, too, an official concerned of the U.S. National Security Council made clear who is the target of the U.S. administration's "nuclear weapons employment planning guidance", saying that the guidance underscores the need to simultaneously deter the independent sovereign states including the DPRK.

The present U.S. administration put forward a deceptive "policy of no-first use of nuclear weapons" as part of its election commitments. But, in fact, it denied this policy in the "nuclear posture" issued after its emergence, and has spent astronomical amount of money on modernizing the nuclear force every year.

In particular, the U.S. developed the structure of alliance with its satellite countries in the Asia-Pacific region including the ROK and Japan into a nuclear-based military bloc. And it has operated even a group aimed at using nukes against a sovereign state, contrary to the UN Charter and other universal international law principles.

The situation goes to prove that the U.S., which likes to talk about non-existent "nuclear threat" from others, is the most irresponsible actor and rogue state triggering a nuclear arms race and increasing the possibility of nuclear clashes worldwide.

Had the U.S. neither made nor used nuclear weapons, the concept of "nuclear threat" would not have appeared on the earth at all.

The nuclear threat to the international community has come from the U.S. not only in the 20th century but also in the 21st century, and its origin and orientation will remain unchanged in the future, too.

Other sovereign states' efforts for bolstering up their defence capabilities to cope with the ever-increasing nuclear threat from the U.S. can never be a pretext for its nuclear arms buildup for aggression and provocative coordination of nuclear posture.

No matter how desperately the U.S. may exaggerate the "nuclear threat" from other countries, the DPRK will push forward the building of nuclear force sufficient and reliable enough to firmly defend the sovereignty and security interests of the country on its fixed timetable, and this is the most essential and legitimate exercise of the right to self-defence to ensure the regional peace and security and protect itself.

The DPRK will as ever bolster up its strategic strength in every way to control and eliminate all sorts of security challenges that may result from the U.S. dangerous nuclear posture readjustment, and resolutely counter any type of nuclear threat.


White Paper of Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry on NATO's Criminal Colors

Pyongyang, August 24 (KCNA) -- The Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Saturday released a white paper, as regards the 75th anniversary of effectuation of the North Atlantic Treaty, to disclose the atrocious criminal colors of NATO, which has forced wars and sacrifices on innocent sovereign states for over 70 years and still now lays a grave obstacle to the world peace and security environment.

Pointing out that NATO is a war alliance based on the extreme ambition for hegemony, the white paper said:

It is known to everyone that NATO is a military bloc established on the U.S. initiative allegedly to cope with the "Soviet Union's threat" and "communist aggression" after the Second World War.

It will be hard to explain why NATO, cooked up under the pretext of "regional collective defense" with a geographical concept of the North Atlantic Ocean artificially termed, is now stretching its tentacle of aggression to different parts of the world.

The 75-year history of NATO, stained with merciless massacre and war records, goes to prove that it is a criminal group of heinous hegemonic forces obsessed with the ambition for domination over the whole.

It is well evidenced by the "strategic concepts" raised by NATO after the end of the Cold War.

The dissolution of the Warsaw Treaty Organization on March 31, 1991, which had existed for 36 years, meant collapse of the East-West cold war structure. After all, NATO came to lose the justification for its existence to "defend the free world from communist threat".

Under such situation, NATO got hell-bent on laying a legal foundation to hold hegemony in the international military and political arena by expanding the mission and duty of the organization, which had been confined to the "regional collective defence", to "ensuring world security".

The bloody footprints of NATO's aggression, marked in East Europe, Asia and Africa in succession after the disappearance of the East-West confrontation structure in ideology with the end of the Cold War, were by no means attributable to their ideological difference.

The present Ukrainian crisis is the latest instance eloquently proving the unchangeable sinister intention of NATO to dominate the world and hold global supremacy.

After the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, NATO made its commitment to the world never to seek the expansion of alliance targeting Russia

But it discarded its promise to the international community and has doubled its body by accepting 16 countries on seven occasions since 1999.

Despite repeated concerns and warnings of Russia, NATO pushed ahead with its continuous advance toward the East while seriously violating security interests of the sovereign state and, moreover, tried to draw even Ukraine bordering Russia into the sphere of its influence. Such reckless moves for expanding its sphere are the main factor that brought the present security situation to Europe

Now, NATO is inciting the hirelings of the Kiev authorities to attack the territory of Russia with arms offered by the U.S. and the West, out of its sinister plan to spread the flames of the Ukrainian battlefield to the Russian mainland at any cost. Recently, it is feigning ignorance of such dangerous military acts as an attack on nuclear power plants.

More than 900 days of the Ukrainian crisis, which has been going on for years accompanied by the unprecedented risk of a nuclear war outbreak, can be called a long-length drama of history that has clearly shown once again to the world people the sinister intention of NATO which does not hesitate to gamble any terror only for its geopolitical interests.

NATO is the world's biggest war alliance in view of its scale and duration of existence or its anti-peace evil deeds recorded in history.

The white paper disclosed the fact that NATO is making desperate efforts to bring a new war cloud to the Asia-Pacific region.

In June 2022, NATO adopted a new "strategic conception" specifying the future strategic direction, with the Madrid summit in Spain as an occasion. In the "conception", it defined China as a "systematic challenge" and Russia as "the most grave and direct threat".

In the past, NATO tried to expand its jurisdiction to such world issues as WMD proliferation, terrorism, cyber attack and climate change through revision of the "strategic conception". But it had never formulated specific countries as strategic foes.

Considering that NATO's "strategic conception", published for about ten cyclic years, is a major document second in importance after its treaty as it is intended to regulate the organization's long-term action guidelines, the adoption of new "strategic conception" suggests that NATO has definitely turned its course to the Asia-Pacific region.

In particular, politicians of the U.S., little short of the chief of NATO, are now openly making an ill-bodying assertion that the treaty should interpreted on an extension basis or revised so that the application scope of the alliance's collective defense can be expanded to the U.S. territory in the Pacific including Hawaii.

Besides, NATO is amplifying the "theory of threat from Russia and China" under the pretext of the Ukrainian situation and the situation of the Straits of Taiwan on different occasions, including the Vilnius Summit in 2023 and the Washington Summit in 2024. It is also trying to "justify" its advance into the Asia-Pacific region, claiming "the Atlantic and the Pacific are inseparable in terms of security".

It is the truth proved by history and reality that if NATO, which has been branded as a war machine by world people, enters any region, there is nothing good from A to Z.

NATO, which has been stretching out its feet to the Asia-Pacific region, is now mobilizing various strategic assets for the U.S.-led joint military drills in the region, including the RIMPAC joint military maneuvers and Balikatan. This is why the war machinery called NATO is running all the year round in the Asia-Pacific region, which should have been the hub of global peace and prosperity.

What should not be overlooked is that NATO has often slandered the DPRK's legitimate measures for bolstering up its capabilities for self-defence and intensified military infiltration into the Korean peninsula and its vicinity under that pretext.

All the circumstances go to prove that the plan for the "expansion of NATO into the rest of the world", worked out by the U.S. to realize its ambition for world domination after the termination of the Cold War, is being pushed forward with through the "expansion of NATO into Asia-Pacific region", and that the main course of the "aggressor fleet" called NATO has been turned towards the Korean peninsula.

If NATO, the world's largest group sharing nukes, continues its "crusade" towards the hot spot with nuclear weapons states as the main targets, the whole world will move a step and a step nearer to the threshold of a nuclear war.

Not content with driving the security environment of the whole of Europe to an extreme phase, NATO is running amuck to bring new dark clouds of war to the Asia-Pacific region. It is, indeed, the worst group of confrontation in history.

The white paper stressed that the DPRK will redouble its responsible efforts to ensure balance of forces in the region, deter the outbreak of a new war and contribute to global peace and security in coping with the present military and political environment that is getting serious in its vicinity and the prospective security challenge.


Statement by Chief of Foreign News Section of Department of Press and Information of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- The chief of the Foreign News Section of the Department of Press and Information of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on Thursday issued a press statement "To definitely keep military balance is prerequisite for peace and stability", which said:

Amid the ongoing large-scale U.S.-ROK military exercises, Ulji Freedom Shield, the U.S. Department of State approved the sale of 36 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters and components to the ROK.

Claiming that the sale would improve the ROK's military capability, the U.S. military clarified a contradictory stand that it would not change the fundamental military balance in the region.

Media and experts are focusing on the future impact on the security situation in the Korean peninsula, estimating that if the sale is fulfilled, attack helicopters will be newly deployed in the ROK and the performance of Apache helicopters, purchased from the U.S. and deployed for operation in 2017, will be improved.

We strongly oppose and reject the U.S. and its vassal forces' arms buildup posing a grave danger to the regional security environment and escalating the military tension and warn them seriously of the consequences to be entailed by it.

One side's arms buildup against the other side, whether its scale is large or small, may affect military and political situation in the region.

Amid the ever-escalating political and military tension in the Korean peninsula due to the U.S.-ROK large-scale joint military drills, the U.S. announced the sale of offensive weapons to the ROK. This is a reckless provocative act of deliberately increasing the security instability in the region.

The U.S. is now getting more active in its arms sale to Japan, ROK and other allies in the Asia-Pacific region, and this is a challenge to security in the region that cannot be overlooked.

Last year, too, the U.S. concluded a "security of supply arrangement" with the ROK military aimed at prompt supply of military goods, after deciding to deliver such various kinds of ultra-modern lethal war equipment worth of astronomical amount of money as 25 F-35 stealth fighters, 36 SM-6 fleet-to-air interceptor missiles and 42 AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

It also offered six latest P-8A Poseidon sea-patrol planes to the ROK in June this year and is going to hand over in December the first supplies of 12 new-type MH-60R sea operational helicopters to delivered to the latter.

Besides, it has recently eased its military technology and arms export control on UK and Australia and got more undisguised in the sale of weapons to its allies in the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan and Taiwan.

The security crises in different parts of the world clearly prove that the U.S. offer of lethal weapons is a key factor in escalating military confrontation and contradiction in the region and disturbing the military balance and thus increasing the danger of a new conflict.

The prevailing situation urgently calls for thoroughly ensuring the military balance in the region by increasing the defence capabilities in every way in direct proportion to security challenge and threats that may result from the U.S. arms sale.

To thoroughly reject and strongly counter the imbalance of strength imposed by the U.S. and its followers is a prerequisite for defending the sovereign interests of our country and ensuring the regional peace and stability.

Since the U.S. is keen on the provision of war hardware and lethal equipment to its allies in the region, the DPRK's strategic deterrence will be further strengthened to protect the national security and interests and the regional peace.

The DPRK will steadily conduct the necessary military activities for self-defence to control the military imbalance and instability that may be caused by the military moves and delivery of lethal equipment of the hostile forces getting more reckless with passage of time.