Site Officiel du Comité Suisse-Corée

Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des nouvelles fournies par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

mardi 23 juillet 2024

2024-07-23 KOREA BULLETIN - 2024-23

Pourtalèsstrasse 43 Tel: +41-31 951 6621
3074 Muri/Bern Switzerland Fax: +41-31 951 5704
No 23/24 July 22, 2024
1. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Military Delegation of Russian Federation
2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Message of Condolence to
Central Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam
3. Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from European Regional
4. Press Statement of Vice Department Director of WPK Central
Committee Kim Yo Jong
5. Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Participants in Int'l
Internet Seminar
6. Whether Second Hand of DPRK-U.S. Confrontation Stops or Not
Depends on U.S. Act: KCNA Commentary
7. Normal Troop Dispatch Is Prelude to Reinvasion: KCNA Commentary
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Military Delegation of Russian
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of
Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, received a
military delegation of the Russian Federation led by Vice-Minister of Defence Aleksey
Krivoruchko on July 18.
He had a talk with the vice-minister of Defence of the Russian Federation.
The head of the delegation courteously conveyed the warm greetings of Vladimir
Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, to the DPRK leader.
Kim Jong Un expressed deep thanks for it and asked him to convey his kindly greetings to
the Russian President.
At the talk they shared a common understanding of the importance and necessity of the
military cooperation between the two countries for defending mutual security interests.
Kim Jong Un extended militant greetings to the Russian army and people waging a sacred
war of justice for defending the sovereign rights and security of their state and expressed the
DPRK government’s and people’s invariably strong support for and firm solidarity with them over
the special military operations in Ukraine.
Appreciating once again the great significance of the DPRK-Russia Pyongyang summit held
last June, he stressed the need for the armies of the two countries, linked by long-standing
historical tradition and militant ties, to get united more firmly to dynamically lead the DPRK-
Russia relations in the new era and play an important part in defending regional and global peace
and international justice.
The talk took place at the headquarters building of the Central Committee of the WPK.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Message of Condolence to Central
Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam
Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of
Korea, sent a message of condolence to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Vietnam on July 19.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in the message expressed deep condolences, on behalf
of the Workers' Party of Korea, the government and all the people of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea and on his own behalf, to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Vietnam, the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Vietnamese people and the
bereaved family of the deceased, upon hearing the sad news that Nguyen Phu Trong, general
secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, passed away.
The message said that Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, true to the idea and desire of Comrade
Ho Chi Minh, devotedly struggled for the strengthening and development of the party and state of
Vietnam and the well-being of its people and made great efforts to further develop the friendly and
cooperative relations between the DPRK and Vietnam in conformity with the spirit of the
agreement reached at the Hanoi summit in March 2019.
Although he passed away, his immortal exploits will be etched in the history of the
Vietnamese people’s revolutionary struggle and the history of friendship between the two
countries, the message said.
The message expressed belief that the party, government and people of Vietnam would
overcome the pain of loss and continue to dynamically advance the socialist cause.
Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from European Regional
Pyongyang, July 18 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received a message
from the participants in the European regional seminar "In Memory of Great President
Kim Il Sung" held in Berlin under the co-sponsorship of the European Regional Committee for
Friendship with the Korean People and the German Branch of the Korean Friendship Association
on July 8.
The message paid the highest tribute to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on the occasion
of the 30th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.
The President dedicated his whole life to the Korean revolution and the realization of the
popular masses' independence, it said, adding that he founded the immortal Juche idea, the most
progressive and socialist ideology, and built a socialist state of Juche.
The message praised the President as the great internationalist who not only struggled for the
Korean revolution but also helped the world people in their struggle for independence.
The participants in the seminar are convinced that the Korean people, under the leadership of
Kim Jong Un, will dynamically advance the cause of Juche pioneered by the great leader
Comrade Kim Il Sung, the message said.
Press Statement of Vice Department Director of WPK Central Committee
Kim Yo Jong
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central
Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, released the following press statement at 10:00 on July
Twenty-nine large balloons sent by the scum in the ROK were discovered again on the
southern border and in some deep areas of the DPRK at the dawn and in the morning of July 16.
Ten large balloons were found in Cholwon County, eight in Sinphyong County, five in Ichon
County, four in Phangyo County, one in Koksan County and one in Phyonggang County, and
specialized organs are now searching, disposing of and incinerating them.
Reports on founding leaflets have been also received in other various areas.
The specialized organs are busy with their work and people's inconvenience is increasing in
many areas due to the blocking of relevant districts.
It seems that the situation we cannot overlook is coming.
We give the scum a stern warning again.
They should be ready for paying a gruesome and dear price.
If the ROK scum persist in their crude and dirty play, the mode of counteraction of the DPRK
will inevitably be changed.
Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Participants in Int'l
Internet Seminar
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of
Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, received a
message from the participants in the African and Arabian regional internet seminar on July 4.
The message said that the participants in the internet seminar are looking back on the exploits
of President Kim Il Sung, the elder statesman and outstanding leader of the world, with humble
reverence, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his demise.
Noting that President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the struggle for the liberation of
humankind, founded the Juche idea to provide the world people with the ideological and spiritual
weapon for freedom and liberation, the message went on:
He gave the firm political support as well as substantial and ceaseless support and assistance
to the peoples of those countries who embarked on the building of a new society.
Leader Kim Jong Il devoted his all to the building of an independent world free from
domination and subjugation, as desired by President Kim Il Sung.
Thanks to the respected His Excellency Kim Jong Un who is carrying forward the intention
of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the DPRK is steering the international trend of defending
independence, justice and peace by standing in the vanguard of the powers in the world political
arena and fully demonstrating its dignity and might as a world military power with the strongest
national defence capability.
Under his leadership, the DPRK will as ever emerge victorious as an invincible power and
only victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people, the message stressed.
Whether Second Hand of DPRK-U.S. Confrontation Stops or Not Depends
on U.S. Act: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is running high fever in its move to expand the
overall structure of confrontation against the DPRK.
According to the data released on July 21, more than ten FA-18 Super Hornets belonging to
an attack squadron of the U.S. marines, named Fighting Bengals, were recently deployed in the
Suwon Air Force Base in Kyonggi Province of the ROK.
The U.S. Defense Department said that it is aimed at providing the experience in operation in
the Indo-Pacific region, adding that these fighters are training to increase their preparedness and
the power of fatal blow with its ally.
And as if threatening someone, it opened to the public the several FA-18 Super Hornets
taking off.
It is said that these fighters will stay in the ROK in and after August for different joint
It is known to the world that FA-18 Super Hornet is the one for special warfare which has its
mission to hit the major bases and the "war command" of the other party with JDAM and other
precision guided bombs in the way of "high-density strike".
The ROK military side, encouraged by the bluffing of its master, said that "as the powerful air
forces of the U.S. marines are permanently deployed in fact, the effect of increasing the deterrence
against the north is also expected".
This being a hard reality, a few days ago, the U.S. made a spokesperson for the Department of
State, the U.S. ambassador to the ROK and others let loose a spate of rhetoric about dialogue,
saying that the U.S. policy toward the DPRK including dialogue remains unchanged and the door
of negotiations with the DPRK is still opened.
The confrontation maniacs, suffering from the endemic like the "hostility toward the DPRK",
are talking about honeyed dialogue. This is prompted by the ulterior intention to easily realize
their ambition for stifling the DPRK by leading it to mental and psychological slackness.
Dialogue with sinister attempt and such dialogue as an extension of confrontation are needless
to be held from the outset.
Through the decades-long relations with the U.S., the DPRK has keenly and fully felt what
the dialogue brought to it and what it lost.
Watching the whole course of the DPRK-U.S. dialogue, the fair international community has
already come to a conclusion that the U.S. is a perfidious country which does not fulfill its
promises, saying this or that.
The DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework was adopted as a result of the DPRK-U.S. dialogue
during the Clinton administration, but the U.S. had put the brake on its implementation under this
or that pretext and completely scrapped it while entering the Bush administration. This is a typical
It admits of no argument about the reliability as regards the political climate of the U.S. which
"cooks" at random the inter-state agreement solemnly declared before the world in conformity
with the "taste" and "feeling" of the political faction in power whenever the government is
replaced and throws away it like "waste".
All facts go to prove that the U.S. is a "backward country and rogue state in politics" which
makes no scruple of turning over the inter-state treaty and agreement in a moment.
Amid the full-dress presidential election race in the U.S., Trump, who has been officially
confirmed as a candidate for the Republican Party, said in his speech of acceptance for candidate
that "I got along with them and it is nice to get along with someone who has a lot of nuclear
weapons and otherwise", thus buoying a lingering desire for the prospects of the DPRK-U.S.
relations. Even if any administration takes office in the U.S., the political climate, which is
confused by the infighting of the two parties, does not change and, accordingly, we do not care
about this.
It is true that Trump, when he was president, tried to reflect the special personal relations
between the heads of states in the relations between states, but he did not bring about any
substantial positive change.
He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person. The foreign policy of a state and
personal feelings must be strictly distinguished.
For nearly 80 years since the founding of the DPRK, the U.S. has pursued the most vicious
and persistent hostile policy toward it.
The DPRK has bolstered up its self-defensive capabilities to safeguard its ideology, social
system, dignity and life and is fully ready for all-out confrontation with the U.S.
Due to the serious strategic mistakes of the successive administrations, the era has come when
the U.S. should really worry about its security.
No matter what rhetoric like dialogue and negotiations it may let loose while frequently
staging frantic war rehearsals for aggression foreseeing the nuclear operation by dispatching
nuclear strategic assets regardless of the time and reinforcing the ultra-modern weapons and
equipment, can we believe it?
The U.S. had better make a proper choice in the matter of how to deal with the DPRK in the
future, while sincerely agonizing the gains and losses in the DPRK-U.S. confrontation.
Whether the second hand of the DPRK-U.S. confrontation stops or not entirely depends on
the U.S. act.
Normal Troop Dispatch Is Prelude to Reinvasion: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- Japan is zealously trying to realize its wild ambition for
overseas aggression one by one.
Shortly ago, the Japanese reactionaries concluded a "reciprocal access agreement" with the
Philippines, the keynote of which is to allow the deployment of armed forces in each other's
This is aimed at further expanding the scope of overseas advance of Japan's "Self-Defence
Forces" under the signboard of "peace" and "prosperity" so as to realize the old dream of the
"Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" at any cost.
As recognized by the public at home and abroad, the present constitution of Japan strictly
banning military activities abroad has already become a mere scrap of paper.
In order to recover from its defeat in the past war of aggression, Japan has persistently
resorted to the scheme for realizing its military deployment overseas after adopting it as an
indispensable element and a national policy while being engrossed in the revanchist reinvasion
It has already laid such legal grounds as "law on military dispatch overseas", "law to deal with
contingencies in surrounding areas", "law on special measures against terrorism" and "security
legislation" for legitimating the SDF's participation in military actions overseas accompanied by
the use of armed forces.
The SDF opened up the way to overseas advance gradually and tactfully under the pretext of
"peace-keeping" and "anti-terrorism". Now, it has gone the lengths of creating conditions for
openly extending its tentacles of aggression to different parts of the world.
What merits a serious attention is that the descendants of samurais are perpetrating the
dispatch of troops to overseas in close combination with the dangerous joint military drills which
can lead to a war of aggression any moment.
This year alone, the SDF has been hell bent on mastering war capabilities while staging a
series of military drills with the U.S., Australia and other countries in waters around China,
Hawaii and other parts of the world.
As regards the conclusion of the recent "agreement", Japan is scheming to make the SDF join
on a full scale the joint military exercises between the U.S. and the Philippines which are being
conducted every year around the Philippines.
It is the crafty intention of Japan to paralyze the international community's vigilance and
concern over the militarists and create "immunity" by putting the dispatch of troops to overseas on
a normal and regular footing through frequent overseas advance of the SDF and overseas military
drills under various pretexts and then launch reinvasion at any cost.
Now, whether the SDF with full war-conducting capabilities opts for overseas aggression or
not is never a matter of possibility. It remains only a matter of time and place.
The international community should further heighten vigilance against the Japanese
reactionaries' reinvasion moves as they inflicted huge damage on mankind in the last century